Does any of you started feeling like you're wasting your time playing video games?
I've been playing video games my entire life, Morrowind, World of Warcraft, Civ IV, Baldur's Gate, lots of them. But after I graduated college and started working something changed, I can no longer enjoy my free time (especially gaming) because I always have that feeling
>it's such a waste of time, I should probably learn something useful
Does any of you started feeling like you're wasting your time playing video games?
gaming in its state now is cancer, focus on your career until you dont have to work as much anymore so you can maybe come back to an old friend
>gaming in its state now is cancer
I usually play older titles anyway
well then you're fucked mate
Sometimes I wonder if it was ever really that way for me. Video games didn't really bring me joy as a kid so much as they were a refuge away from the rest of my life. That's carried over to my adulthood where most games don't really excite me but they are a good way to deal with other anxieties. Bloodborne and Breath of the Wild were genuinely enjoyable for me, but most games just fill time. Mediocre RPGs with turn based combat like Pokemon are great for me since they're just time sinks. Mario Odyssey occasionally delighted but those moments were few and far between.
same here
I used to play a lot when my parents were screaming at each other
>Just turned 24
>Still unsure about my major
>Depression and anxiety took me out of college for the past year and made me a NEET.
>Terrible work anxiety keeps me from trying for jobs
>Hair starting to thin due to stress and genes
>Had to start anti-depressants
>video games are much less fun
Only thing keeping me going is the hope that I will turn things around
It could be worse user. Use this time for the other things in your life and come back to them sometime in the future
Who cares. Don't like it? Too tedious? Move on, go read a book or something.
Try to enjoy your life while you have it.
I'm older than you and have no education, job, friends, anything
I've spent all day refreshing this stupid website, too scared to kill myself
Keep trying while you have opportunities or you're going to end up being a useless idiot with nothing like me, sat in a room all day feeling lonely and horrible
>Does any of you started feeling like you're wasting your time playing video games?
No because i only play video games once i finish my daily routine like everyone should do
I did it instead of focusing on a career and got a shitty gpa for my ba in a foreign language. No i work a blue collar job, am almost 30, and seem to be doomed to a poor ass life. Dont be me kids.
I also get the great provipege of being the only one among my coworkers with a college degree and they are all super smug about me working the same shit uneducated position as them while drowning in debt
Hey user who responded to me, I don't think you should give up.
If you have nothing else to lose then maybe delve into meditation or something.
what do you do?
I feel like that while doing anything.
You could always become a twitch streamer
Receiving at a lumber yard.
only 1% makes a living outta it
fuck the rat race man
yeah me too sjws ruined all the fun aspects of both gaming, comics and movies.
even real life seems shit to me now even through I now have actual friends to do stuff with and even some lady action.
I don´t know maybe I´m just incredible depressed by life just doesn´t seem worth living if you have nothing to look forward too anymore.
>I've spent all day refreshing this stupid website
This is the worst. It's not even entertainment, I'm just reading retarded opinions while posting my own retarded opinions because I'm too fucking lazy to do anything worthwhile. Sup Forums is the absolute worst thing you can spend your free time on desu, and yet I keep doing it.
I feel exactly the same, I just keep on living dont even know why
Oh thank fucking christ, another one of these threads.
Literally the third most common thread type behind
>What's a game where I can do [insert political topic here]
>Am I the only one who doesn't like [insert generally praised game here]?
If you feel like you're wasting time playing video games, you are.
The people in these threads fall under two catagories
>Video games were an escape, and a childhood substitute, which no longer works as you become an adult and are increasingly pressured to face your own problems, as opposed to when you were a child, when you could distract yourself until they went away
>You have horrible self-loathing issues, and use video games as a means of validating your own self-worth, meaning you put more value on how difficult the game is, which over time is directly associated with NOT having fun and enjoying yourself. Games literally become work, and you work harder at them to make up for the lack of self-actuation they give in return.
Here's what you do.
Stop playing games.
Find a fucking hobby.
Get a fucking job.
>Buh-buh-but normies!
No, fuck off with that bullshit. You don't even know what that means. Stop villifying things you think you can't have or can't do, and go out and do them.
You think they give awards for the world's most comfortable person? Fuck no. Grow some balls and find something you enjoy.
And if you truely think there's nothing for you, then just go ahead and off yourself, or seek professional help.
I have a job and a girlfriend and a fucking car
still feel like a piece of shit
It's too late for me I gave up years ago, the only person I have left I'm pretty sure is either sick of the times I get like this or more likely just can't deal with it. I feel like I've fucked up that friendship and now I'm completely alone
I wish I'd spent less time trying and failing to socialise and more time playing video games.
Video games are better than sex, friends and having a job.
>Good Video games are better than sex, friends and having a job.
fixed that for you, too bad that there hardly are any good video games left
Fuck off OP and all of you other degenerates. I say this as a "fellow" degenerate.
I'm literally in the third best pharmacy school in the nation and in 2 years will be graduating with a cushy 180k a year job. And the only time I can truly unwind and have fun is when I have time to play video games.
Nothing beats it, friends are boring, going outside is boring. Playing vidya is god tier for me at least. I never felt I wasted my time playing them, because I was still successful and have fun.
Arbitrarily deciding that you are too old for video games is pointless honestly. I love it so I will continue doing it. Can't wait for monster hunter.
Not even kidding. If anything stops being fun for you, take a fucking break from it.
At least a week.
There isn't anything useful that I can do in my free time due to agoraphobia, social anxiety, avpd, etc so video games are fine for me. Sometimes I'll go through a book phase or movie phase and I won't play them for a couple months but I always go back but it's all just various ways to waste time.
Why not both? You can have multiple hobbies.
>Do something productive! Take steps to improve your quality of life!
What the fuck
What are you suppposed to do to fill the void?
Seek professional help
Really, REALLY seek professional help.
No. Life is shit, but I don't blame that on videogames, I've got bigger problems.
What professional help?
I'd argue that I received a lot of my current interest in literature through RPGs like Morrowind and 4x/sim games like Civ. It's really not a waste of time if it supplements something more productive.
That said, there are plenty of games that I would consider to be complete wastes of time depending on the context. Most MOBAs are wastes of time for me because I don't particularly enjoy the games enough to be competitive and I don't know anyone else who plays them, so that time would be better spent practicing in games that my friends actually play or finishing games from my childhood. The MOBA would probably be a pretty solid use of time if you do have friends who play and it's a shared activity. Depends on the person and what you want out of life.
I don't want to waste their time, professional help is hard to come by in my area. I can't lead a normal life, I've accepted that and as long as i keep in mind life never has to get worse than a tank of helium and a bag I tend not to spiral too much.
>taking anti depressants
What a retard
Not the user you are responding too, meditation changed my situation man, its a bit of a meme but i cant imagine what it was like before it. Give it a shot for a week if you tried everything else
Not the guy you responded to, but I totally understand how an "exit strategy" can feel weirdly comforting sometimes. What helped was to make a list of every skill that I ever wanted to have in my life (even shit in video games, like the repair skill in Fallout) and seeing what I could do every week to practice that.
Just zoning out as a year passes you by doesn't feel as painful if you genuinely spent a little time, every week or every day, working on something that makes you feel like a more competent person in some trivial way. I never would have picked up card games if I didn't force myself to play Magic: the Gathering every day for a few months. Knowing how to play Magic is a pretty useless skill in the grand scheme of things, but it's something that I always wanted to do and it's opened up conversation topics with old friends and family members.
jesus fucking christ you just explained my whole life to me. I finally understand
Guys, just fucking go make that game idea you have. Even my normie friends are sick of the current gen, regular people need to make more fucking games and not idie cash shit
If you care and think you know alot, push it to the limit, i need some good shit and i cant make anything
Videogames make time go by faster so I can go to sleep and get to the next day of doing the same thing again.
>but most games just fill time
Yupppppp. It's just something to do now
older titles have much more lasing appeal
you mean going to work? makes me wanna puke
OP, just take a break! Don't force yourself to enjoy a hobby for old times' sake. I had your issue, by the way. Like, I didn't enjoy my free time much because I felt guilty about not working my ass off.
So, I started experimenting with writing stories outside of the sci-fi genre and picking up digital art. It definitely made me appreciate Nier: Automata and Persona 5 a bit more, as I also took notes on what I liked and disliked about their writing during my playthroughs.
> work in the kitchen of a restaurant for a few months (only real job I've ever had)
> waiters are constantly rushing to get to tables on opposite sides of the restaurant
> realize that I could easily come up with a system where certain waters are responsible for certain sections at certain times of the day, and have idle waiters help out the busier ones in easy ways that avoid confusion
> started planning and typing up a system at home for a few hours
> realize that I definitely won't get paid extra or promoted for this and it might even cost some of the waiters their jobs if they don't look busy enough
> quit and move back with my parents
it's quite normal desu
cant imagine myself playing video games when im 30
You can always study again and do it right this time
yeah, thats bullshit
>Just turned 24
>Still unsure about my major
this makes me feel a lot better about getting my BA at 25.
I have an education and a job and I still feel lonely and horrible
It's not
it is
hes gonna finish it when hes fucking 30
So? Some people start their bachelor's in their 30s, a few even older. Learning only ends upon death
Middle-aged people go back and study nursing all the time, if time is the real issue here. There's no such thing as a "good" plan here if the only alternatives are living out decades of your life in misery or just killing yourself. At least suicide would be decisive instead of sitting around moping.