How did we go from this
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To this?
Console kiddies.
a new generation of people with very short attention spans
stupid quest design
>you aren't a real gamer like me if you don't spend 8 hours playing a game figuring out what to do
Some people have jobs and lives, weirdo
Ubisoft bloated map with pointless shit to collect
yeah, continue pretending to be a fucking imbecile until this board is nothing but actual imbeciles
fucking idiot
>implying what I said isn't 100% fact
I pity you
>a piece of text describing a location
>a marker on the map showing you the location
One of these requires the use of your brain.
One of these is busywork.
>I have a "job" and a "life," therefore I'm too fucking stupid to figure anything challenging out in a game or play a game that actually challenges my intellect.
>play RPG
>don't value role playing elements
Really makes you think.
just maybe
this hobby isn't for you?
and should stick with hobbies that are aimed at you?
like dunno . 22 retards after a ball
>I don't have a job, friends or a girlfriend so I can spend dozens of hours playing my cryptic games
i can't manage my time
>I don't have time for the hobby therefore it should be dumbed down and destroyed for all the people who do have time for the hobby
End your pathetic life
Find another hobby, lol
Casualization of RPGs.
>Morrowind: shit combat, main appeal of the game is exploration
>Witcher: fun combat, main appeal of the game is gameplay and story
There are still exploration-focused games with big worlds, but they're all sandbox games now with RPGs becoming more story-focused. Genres change over time, it has nothing to do with youth getting stupider.
If you're actually defending cryptic ass shit in video games you've never played the original Zelda. So much trial and error bullshit designed just to waste your time. It isn't 1989 anymore.
>Witcher: fun combat
>Witcher: fun combat,
which alternative reality are you posting from? give me a portal faggot
>fun combat
>fun combat
oh no
I hate to be that guy, but
>fun combat
>Morrowind: shit combat, main appeal of the game is e-cred in Sup Forums
Frankly, I feel like riding across the world, scenery scrolling by, objective in the distance, makes me feel more *in* the world, than stopping every few minutes to check the journal to see if I've gone far enough east or west. Reading quest text takes me out of the world, rather than into it.
Games have come far enough that they should be able to show, not tell. But that's just my opinion, and you're entitled to yours.
Witcher has shit combat and shit exploration.
It's basically a glorified VN. I went from being bright eyed and excited about the game, but as I went on I realized that it's really shallow and pretty shitty. The only redeeming factor is the story choices and seeing the outcomes.
>>Witcher: fun combat, main appeal of the game is gameplay and story
Maybe next time CDPR will try developing some gameplay and write a decent story.
You know that you can turn most of this in options?
Main problem is leveling done wrong instead of like it was in Gothic.
I agree that the Witcher senses and "go here" markers are a bit excessive, but I don't see the problem with having map markers.
Getting lost isn't role-playing.
I never understood this mentality you represent, user.
On one hand, people actively demand open world games. Scream for them.
But then want to be constantly hold by hand, so they will never get lost. Why then the open world?
Easily explained.
Everybody who played Gothic 2 and played it without nostalgia goglles would realize how small the map is.
Everything is lteraly close to each other.
Running 3 minutes and you reach one side of the island .
In Witcher 3 you cannot even go in 3 minute from one of the biggest town to another.
I sepnt 120 hours playing Witcher 3 and just thinking about searching the map for a cave or a clue in a world that is 20 or more qm2 is fucking stupid.
Thats it if Gothic was made as big as the Witcher 3 you would have seen the same thing.
Correct. It's immersive and engaging, which are both things that lend themselves to a better overall video game experience provided you're not an ADD-riddled millennial child
I don't really play games for immersion. Not him btw. I've played most of the classic crpgs and I've never roleplayed at all. I just powergame my way through them with a self insert character.
Nah I played Witcher 3 with no markers and it was blast.
Only problem was that often I run into monsters that I could simply not beat(no health indicator) no matter how good I was because I did practically zero damage to them.
I don't clamor for every game to be open world. But in an open world game, sometimes I want to explore, and sometimes I want to focus on a quest. When I want to focus, it's good to not get frustrated with getting lost for hours.
I guess it can be immersive, but whether or not it's engaging is debatable. And it's still not role-playing. Role-playing, to me, is about developing your character and making choices that affect the story.
>a map with cool drawings and shit that make you curious and lead you to adventures
>Those controls
>that combat system
no thanks you can keep your shitty europoor rpg
Morrowind is a boring game that has been absolutely anally fucking gang-banged by the passage of time.
There isn't a single thing Morrowind does better than Oblivion (or even Skyrim for that matter) other than Magic and World Building. Every single thing besides that has been greatly improved upon and streamlined in a good way, and no Sup Forums contrarianism will ever change that.
shit taste filter works as intended
>streamlined in a good way
shit nigger what are you doing
Yeah but can you slowly pan the camera and gawk like a drooling idiot at the vistas in Gothic?
Skyrim is a funner game than Morrowind, the only reason you think otherwise is either nostalgia or contrarianism.
On a mechanical level, Skyrim is an objectively better game than Morrowind.
If you don't care about gameplay then why are you playing video games? Go fuck off and LARP with your other obese yuropoor friends instead.
More like a .22 to the balls lmao
>when you're so redpilled you realize all ES games were garbage and if you wanted to RP that bad in an ugly world with horrible combat and terrible AI you could have had more fun RPing in WoW with other players
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
What did he mean by this?
he meant that you are acting like cringey faggot, sincerely or not
in my abhorrent opinion
Quest markers tell you where to go.
What is your argument?
>Everybody who played Gothic 2 and played it without nostalgia goglles would realize how small the map is.
Nice meme
>other than Magic and World Building.
In a game almost exclusively centered on exploring fictional world, good or bad world-building can literally make or break the title, so even if this was true, it would still make Morrowind VASTLY superior to any other TES game on that one factor alone.
However, it's also not true. Morrowind had better U.I., better art direction, better dialogues and writing, in fact much better story/stories in general, better quest-line progression (namely actual stat requirements for guild/organization progression), dramatically better level scaling and loot progression, generally better dungeons, more systems and options for character building and skill applications, better long-distance travelling systems, more easter eggs and general passion on display, and CONSIDERABLY more unique content relatively speaking worth seeing.
In fact, the only things in which the later TES games were better were graphics (but definitely not visual designs and art direction, making the shinier graphics pretty worthless), combat systems (but they were still kinda shit), some user-friendly and quality of live parameters (such as slightly more balanced movement speed), better tutorials and general game adoption systems (immediate transparency and so such). Oblivion specifically also had a lot of actually funny (if incredibly gimmicky and mechanically still completely shallow) quests scenarios, and Skyrim had some pretty landscaping.
That is it. That is the only things the games improved: graphics, combat system (though a LOT of the changes to the combat systems are sidegrades rather than flat improvements) Oblivion explored more interesting quest scenarios, Skyrim introduced some flashy battles and decent landscaping.
Everything else was a massive step back, most notably on the by far most important aspects: world-building and character building/interactions.
Reminder that over reliance on quest markers actually causes brain damage over time and that people defending them like are literal fucking retards.
>PliƩ simulator has good combat
That is literally NOTHING like what the damn articles and the actual original research say. Fuck me you people are morons, and the media really did a major fucking disservice for even (mis)informing about that particular research to begin with.
>"you should ask around X and Y"
Skyrim is more fun, morrowind is the better game that i'd choose if i could only have one of the two.