If you could change one thing about neo-Sup Forums, what would it be?

If you could change one thing about neo-Sup Forums, what would it be?

Less weaboos, less politics, more VIDEO GAMES.

less meme cancer

ban wojak and pepe posters

Bring back loli love. Too many reddit faggots running around scared of fictional girls.

Make it more like old r9k. The multitude of similar/rip-off threads is astounding and once you've been here awhile it all starts to blend together. Then you find out you're only here to find an interesting game you haven't heard once a week, some fap-bait, or a fun thread that gets deleted by mods when it hits 200 posts.

Ban anyone that posts metacritic scores.

deport Sup Forums, neogaf and reddit

Ban e-celebs

The shill-calling. I'd want it gone.

This guy gets it.

have a permanent banner directing underage persona normies to the general on /vg/

Ban anyone who engages in console war faggotry for at least a week. That includes derail thread posters and using console war terms. Ban e-celeb posting is a close second.

cannot post from phones

Ban games/people/idea discussion I dislike and anyone who doesn't like it will also get permabanned and redirected to Sup Forums

"muh politics" faggots should be thrown in the oven

Remove the Redditors that want to override our culture

Remove the underage.

Perma any Jim Sterling fan, "ironic" or otherwise.

This please

Well this is already in place in some regions due to rangebans which seem to be permanent.

>ban politics
>ban e-celebs
>ban repeat threads

Only one?

Seriously, I've had enough of these retards spouting that meme.
It's almost like people talk about games that they like.
Do you fuckers honestly think that you're worth marketing to? Do you think a company is willing to pay some shitter to put a post up that at most, will be seen by some 200 people?
You're not worth it. You brainless retards are barely worth the emotion I bring up to type this message.

fuck of shill. Stop posting EA/Activision/Ubisoft trash then no one will be calling you like that.

Allow non-videogame related threads


It's not like there's a magical barrier that prevents marketers or even developers from coming here. If they go on the backwater sites that nearly no one goes to, then they'd be insane not to post here as well. The thing is that only Western developers really do it. Indies especially.

make Sup Forums a red board
1 porn dump general is allowed as long as its vidya related lewds

I'd get rid of Sup Forums


This, how am I supposed to get payed if goyim know?

Allow videogame related threads

This but more anime

Remove weaboo and direct japshit discussion to /jp/.

Ban attention whores Which should get rid of politics, ecelebs, frog posters, wojack posters, and animie posters in one sweep.

Agree, to many moralfags around here now

Sup Forums was better when it was barely vidya. I'd rather have everyone acting like retards instead of retards pretending to have discussions.

remove Sup Forums

Fuck you.
What if I enjoy those games?
As I said in You're not worth it.
It's not that there's a barrier that prevents them, retard. It's the fact that they know the metrics and repuation of this site for being salty, cynical, pessimistic and a shithole. You fuckers will hate anything and everything that isn't some barely-clad underage japanese girl.
As I said, and as you are unable to comprehend with your sad, small little mind, you're not worth the money required to pay someone. Maybe an indie developer will post here, maybe a dev will post here, but no one's getting paid for it.
You. Aren't. Worth. It.

kys degenerated pedoshits

no more threads that have words that are encapsulated with asterisks that are used to denote actions


inb4 a million replies from shittershattered weebs

literally this. also links to twitter snapchat and facebook should be grounds for permaban

range ban europe and south america


>literally proving his point

user are you okay?

I would ban normalfag games. Shit like Ass creed, call of duty, wow etc. Back in the day we would just derail these shit threads but now Sup Forums is too big to self moderate

And North America and the EU and the UK except for Scotland

Rangeban all canadians, sw*des and g*rmans

Hahaha thanks for the (You)'s, pussies. Keep crying.

Ban falseflaggers. This would require fucking mind reading and shit, but at leats then you would know if you're actually discussing with a retard or not. Fishing for (You)'s would finally be gone.
