Blacklisted games

>game features famous 'strong female protagonist'
>shows her as an actual human with flaws and gives her PTSD
>show she actually has connections in life by having her listen to her old commanding officer
>gets slammed by critics because of this
>even Morgan Webb of Xplay said 'FUCK YOU' to Nintendo on camera because she was so fucking pissed they insulted her overies
>game is actually pretty decent

What other games got irrational negative reception because of political issues?

I''ve heard that the story of other m is very flawed ever since it came out so i don't believe you
>bringing up politics in video games

It had negative reception because it was a bad game with mediocre story and characterization. You're unable to use your abilities because Adam told you not to even though they'd be insanely useful early on.

I hope you get paid for doing this.

>It had negative reception because it was a bad game with mediocre story and characterization. You're unable to use your abilities because Adam told you not to even though they'd be insanely useful early on.

Whether you can't use abilities because you picked up a random sphere or are told you can use them is like complaining about the menus being blue when you want them to be orange.

The game wouldn't be any different if you picked up items to gain those abilities at those times.I have no idea why so many people are mad this game chose a different skin to distribute this stuff with when it changes nothing.

T. Dobson
This game is so shit. For starters, exploration, the corner stone of metroid games. Feels like an afterthought. The story is mediocre garbage. Samus isn't portrayed as the powerful bounty hunter (who has saved the galaxy multiple times) that she normally is, and instead of having you find your power ups like most metroid games, instead you wait until Adam says "ok now you can use it"
This game is shit from a game design perspective, gameplay perspective, and a story perspective. Fuck this game. Fuck you for posting this shitty bait. And fuck me for replying to it.

and Other M is STILL a better Metroid game than any of the shitty Haloids.

The difference between finding a new ability, and being told "you can now use x ability" is the difference between being handed something and earning something. Games are fun when you feel like you've done something yourself. If I wanted to watch a shitty movie I'd watch a shitty movie. Metroid is a game built on exploration. Removing that from the game makes the game just a really shitty platformer.

enough shitposting

>Adam shoots you in the back so he can do the final level for you
That was the funniest part for me

Other M Samus isn't an "actual human with flaws", she's a drooling retard with zero character traits beyond "wants Daddy Adam's approval". Hell she doesn't even do anything the whole game; the story would've proceeded exactly the same way had she never showed up.

Other M was fun. I liked the game play and I liked that the story was more fleshed out. It has its share of problems like dumb pixel hunts but people are too butthurt that the game ruined their headcanon of Samus. Samus actually had character in this where every other Metroid she's pretty devoid of it like a silent protagonist.

>Adam: "Sector 0 Metroids can't be frozen. Probably, I'm just assuming they would remove the weakness."
>Samus: "You just froze that one"
>Adam: "Uh, well, because it was a baby! Of course!"

Some of the worst 'tell, but don't show' writing. And Samus still has ways around Metroids without Ice Beam - depending on the game.

The game ruins exploration. In a metroid game.
Fuck the samus head canon. How can you defend a metroid game that has NO exploration.

There was still exploration for power ups.

>enough shitposting

Then you immediately post something that says Other M's music is bland... which it is, but in deference of PRIME!?

Speaking of which, those screenshots of other M and Prime to show environments are so cherry picked it's hilarious. Most of Prime is empty caves and small hallways, the screenshots shown here are the set-piece parts when you first enter areas and get the best views.

Also the combat complaint is bullshit. It's the best part of other M. What kind of combat are you comparing it to? Since Prime is mentioned several times here I guess we have to compare it to that. In Prime Samus controls like a tank underwater, and it doesn't help that the whole game is like a very slow and empty feeling halo game. Meanwhile other M actually has quick, super metroid-like combat, good enemy variety and cool boss fights.

Take your memes elsewhere good sir.

>Prime has bad controls


Real talk: Other M is better than Prime 3.

Prime 3 made me love the Wii pointer controls. They were so comfy

>Needing a story
>Not realizing Samus being a girl is just some afterthought of an easter egg, the whole point of the game is for you to fill in the shoes of Samus ala Gordon Freeman and Halo dude
>Let's take one of the only few franchises left that relies on atmospheric story telling with little to no scripted story and change it to a character driven story

I will never touch this game, not with a 10 ft pole

>came out when cunts couldn't make up their mind and kept claiming all attempts to make a strong female were just 'men with tits' and needed to be strong AND have uniquely female problems/points of view.
>Other M was based on maternal allegories/biological clock/PTSD.
>Other M is even a fucking anagram of 'MOTHER'
>Everyone cries that Samus isn't the 'man with tits' they said they didn't want.

It's actually a really good game.

Just how contrarian will this board get?

>Breed ice resistant metroids you can't kill instead of letting them evolve into dinosaurs you can't kill
And Adam was taking a real shot in the dark that none of those Metroids would survive the blast.

Apply yourself

Even the small hallways and empty caves in prime look better than anything in Other M.
Also dont ever shitalk Prime's music again or I'll deck u m8

Friendly reminder that Samus accomplishes next to nothing in Other M.
>doesnt kill Ridley, Queen metroid does it
>doesnt kill the deleter, MB does it
>doesnt destroy Zector 0, Adam does it
>doesnt kill MB, the GF and Madalain Burman or whoever does it
>doesnt destroy the Bottle Ship, the GF does it

Also reminder that on the last escape sequence were the GF is gonna blow the Bottle Ship Samus willingly takes off her suit and escapes on her Zero Suit with only a stun pistol when she's still getting attacked by creatures