Blurry doom plays pretty good.
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Blurry doom plays pretty good
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it's too blurry even beyond just memeing, like it's genuinely hard at times to see what's what unless it's right in front of you
Why bother when you can get it for consoles that make it look objectively better? The game is beautiful don't gimp yourself it just because your a nintenkiddie. Just buy your Mario and your Zeldas on the Switch leave everything else to the Xbone and PS4 and PC
>can get it for consoles that make it look objectively bette
You buy it because it's portable ya dingus.
It's not even that blurry. Stop.
It's not that blurry, but for every version, it is the most blurry making it blurry doom.
and to not be too biased, here's about as good as it can look
dynamic resolution clearly, never reaches even 720p tho
god that is AWFUL. you can literally hurt your eyes by looking at this for too long
>fxaa : on
I have it on PC for 144fps doom
Pretty cool for the switch to run it tho.
Dose it play better docked? I have only played handheld
actually TSSAA but yeah it's one of the more extreme post process AA approaches
Why not just play good portable exclusives?
Because I work 7 days a week and spend about an hour in the parking lot waiting for my shift, and I like to be able to play actual console games.
This combined with a 30fps in a game like Doom just sounds like an awful experience. FoV is higher than i expected though.
>Pretty cool for the switch to run it tho.
Pretty expected when it looks this bad. I remember Bethesda bragging about some new cheap APU being able to run DOOM around the same time it was coming out, so it's not surprising the switch can run it blurry as fuck at 30 fps.
fov looks around 60 to me
>the nintendo bonus isn't rea-
honestly should've gone with really simple graphics and higher fps and resolution instead
though that would not sell as well and would cause even more controversy
more that the tolerances with these journalists are so loose that 7-8.5 is practically the same score
>Doom got a 7.1 initially with IGN
Should be angrier at that then the switch port getting a 8.5
Not to mention a 1-10 scoring system is retarded and too wide of a gap that a 1-5 is much better. To make it worse they add decimal places to it, what the fuck is the difference between a 7.3 game and a 7.7 game?
It was a lot faster than I expected. Got my ass kicked in MP last night. Gonna play through campaign at work today.
Holy fuck last gen games haven't aged well at all.
It's much less noticeable when playing.
golly gee why does this 720p picture look blurry on my 1200p monitor
i wonder how good this 720p image would look on a 720p screen
dunno, at least they weren't that blurry
For real though, it'll drop down in a few months.
lmao that shit looks blurry even on the tiny ass switch screen
it's ''''''''''''''''''''''720p'''''''''''''''''''' aka really like 480p max being upscaled and blurred with some post process AA shit
literally view it at 1:1 instead of stretching it to full screen you fucking retard
this reminds me when wii had multiplat ports
don't lie they all were very blurry especially on ps3 with shitty fxaa
I couldn't stand playing on the base ps4 because of the loading times. I can't imagine playing on this.
Lets be honest here lads; the port is amazing in terms of it was ported in the first place. The fact that we can play Doom on the go is pretty sweet. Now of course, the Switch is not a powerful system so obviously we can't even get 720p @ 60fps on HIGH settings. Therefore, if you have a good PC, just play it on the PC. If you got a Switch and want to play doom while its blurry and runs at 30 fps, go for it.
All in all, it should be played at 60fps on PC.
Loading times aren't actually that bad.
>golly gee why does this 720p picture look blurry on my 1200p monitor
you are literally retarded, don't fullscreen it you fucking retard
>Why bother when you can get it for consoles that make it look objectively better? The game is beautiful
Not on consoles it's not.
loading times are faster because switch has faster transfer speeds as well as the game has way lower resolution textures
>Supposed to care what some random niggers thinks on Twitter
>spend about an hour in the parking lot waiting for my shift,
Why can't black people even write correctly?
Yeah i didn't say it was high i just said higher than expected, i thought it was going to be 50 max.
>Looks like shit.
>No gyro aiming, just waggle for glory-kills.
The benefits of portability only extend so far. The only reason to buy this port is if you only have a Switch and will never own any other gaming platform.
Gonna gaemstream pc doom to my vita now. Sit on my couch and chillax, playin doom on muh vita with ssd load times, streaming, on muh vita. With all graphics options maxed out.... On muh vita.
>60fps on PC
Try 120fps
Stop screencapping random niggers from Twitter you fucking retard.
Because I commute about 70 miles from my house and I never know what traffic will be like. I would rather be an hour early instead of late.
>People saying a game looks shit based off of screen shots
lol every time
Video footage always looks infinitely better.
Framerate aside, it's very close to the Xbone version.
And it only requires $1500+ of hardware and a dead handheld to achieve this
>controller input
>no gyro
>post video showing switch looks like shit
>nuh uh video compression fuck off
>post screenshot
>i-it looks better in motion
every time
To be fair, this was before everyone knew Doom was good, now it's acceptable to score it like that.
>multiplats during GC/PS2/Xbox gen
>PS2 versions always come out looking worse
>nobody cared, it was popular
>multiplats during the Switch/PS4/Xbone gen
>Switch versions coming out looking worse
>everybody goes ape shit because nintendo shitposting is cool
>xbone and Svich look almost identical
What did they mean by this?
>No gyro aim
When will developers other than Nintendo and JapanStudio start doing this? It has been over a year since gyro has been proven as the best aiming method for consoles. I will not buy a game where a developer ignores something so important.
wew lad
why are you so mad about it? lol
Interesting that the objectively worst version of the game would get better scores.
I think the reality is that IGN is a shitty publication that bases its reviews on whatever is popular. There was initially skepticism around the new DOOM and IGN isn't capable of forming their own opinion so they just gave it a mediocre review. Once the game got acclaim from better publications and players, IGN realized it's a good game.
if it looks like this docked, how bad does it look handheld??
can't wait for digital foundry
heard it looks and runs better handheld, not docked
maybe perceivably due to the small display however no way it looks technically better
DOOM on PS4 and Xbox One had FOV settings allowing a maximum I think of 105 degrees.
Killzone 3 ran at a higher resolution than DOOM on the Switch.
I love the Switch but I'm never gonna buy a multiplatform game on it.
Battlefront 1 was 720p on xbox one
Doomguy confirmed for Smash
well yeah anything below 90 is tunnel vision but 60 is kind of average for a console
True, but it ran at mostly 60fps.
If you wanna talk about bad Xbone games, take a look at Dead Rising 3. 720p with no AA and fps with drops in the low 20s.
Different reviewers.
still higher than Switch fake 720p switch seriously looks like it's using tricks to scale something li
-ike 1/4th of 720p or something crazy low like that
I mean even mario runs at half of 720p but it doesn't look blurry as fuck like this
Simple. It's a better portable game on Switch than it is a console game in PS4
I thought games were rated based on how good they are without any excuses like ''Switch has no games so this is best of the no games bunch''
>mario runs at half of 720p
That video has been out for 3 weeks now and it blows my mind that people still don't understand what was being told to them.
It is being judged as a portable game. Yes.
it's basically interlacing done vertically, aka only half the pixels of a 720p image are rendered from scratch per frame
Absolutely this, had doom had gyro aiming then i would consider getting it myself. I dont see the point otherwise it's a missed opportunity
Again, it blows my mind that you still don't understand what was said in the video.
>I mean even mario runs at half of 720p but it doesn't look blurry as fuck like this
That's a good point, Mario actually looks pretty good in handheld mode despite it being exactly 1/2 720p. This is probably running at a resolution that would fit on the PSP's screen.
I think the Switch's big problem is memory bandwidth. Even the Xbox One, a console noticeably weaker than the PS4, has close to 3x the memory bandwidth of the Switch in docked mode without even including the bandwidth of the Xbox One's eSRAM.
yeah, instead video games should be judged as video games, not any of this bullshit muh portable or muh team of only five shit etc. a game is good or it's not
And here I thought Nintendo games had more color
It IS being judged as a video game user.
What's to understand, it's 640x720 stretched horizontally meaning each frame is half the resolution of 720p.
If you're getting an FPS you might as well get it on PC for kb+m, or switch for gyro controls. Regular control pad controls are shit.
720p on a 720p screen will always look better than 720p on a 1080p+ screen.
I don't play slow shooters with a bad soundtrack
ah now you started this pretending to be retarded backpedaling
bandwidth is the big killer as it can bottleneck both fps and visual fidelity, oh well, Tegra X2 would've supported like 80GB/s (top of my head, jetson tx2) which would've been a huge bump, though might take a lot more juice to power that
you don't have to stretch 720p to fullscreen on a 1080p monitor retard
>All reviews and people who have actually played the game:
"It's a good port. Obviously downgraded a bit, but still looks good, plays good."
>Sup Forums:
Every. Time.
you just started some b-but portable excusing
you're just memeing at this point
We're talking about the docked Switch. The game does not go above 720p.
it's 640x720 being rendered from scratch, then the 640x720 from the previous frame is combined with it in a interlaced pattern vertically, on top of that there's some post process shit going on
but yeah, basically vertical interlacing
ah I thought you meant the screenshots, because you can just view them 1:1 pixel mapped just fine and they still look horrible
the bigger factor is definitely the screen size though, the Switch display is tiny so it hides things well