>Created in thirteen months
>Made by half the crew as opposed to the Spider-Man team
>Runs at 60FPS
>More polished than the 2016 """remake"""
>More weapons and gadgets
>Space exploration
>Radio stations
>Mini planets
>Actual Clank puzzles
>Time puzzles
>Fan submitted weapon
>Hover boots
>Better story telling
>Giant open world planets
>Dialogue options
Created in thirteen months
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....ok? what exactly is the point of this thread?
That the new R&C is ass.
we already know that
The power of not rushing out a game for a butchered movie remake user
To believe this was the last full lengthed R&C and it's nearing 10 years already
Ratchet was shit since 3.
I want the next R&C game to have at least 2 years of development with the whole team working on it instead of a handful of people like 2016 game had, it'd be guaranteed amazing.
1 was a solid action platformer with TPS elements. 3 was a solid TPS with platforming elements. 2 suffers from an identity crisis and doesn't excel at anything really, not even writing. I'm disgusted that people prefer 2 over 3.
3 is an inferior version of 2. You should be reserving your description of 3 for 2. 2 still maintained a variety of branching paths as well.
its a remake of the first one obv its not gonna be better than a full fledged game
In general motherfucker.
We get the Nicktoons Unite ripoff, then the tower defense game, then half a game for Nexus and its mobile game, then a movie tie in after ACiT.
Were any of the PS3 games worth playing?
A Crack In Time, which is also the best R&C game and the final part the series deserved.
Insomniac died after they got raped by EA with FUSE.
Few and forgettable planets, 3 Vorselon fights, 4 fucking bosses in a row at the end of the game, easy as fuck, worst weapons of the entire series, 90% of the platforming is optional (moons), awful music...
I haven't played the PS4 game but can't believe how people say this is the best one.
ToD's ok but it's just meh due to getting hit with aging as the first PS3 title, ACiT definitely, Nexus is ok for a cheap title, don't get QFB unless it's really cheap since it's only like an hour or 2 and it's just a gaiden game.
Rest don't touch unless you want to.
The future series is okay to good. Crack in Time is the best but ToD is okay. The other two have much shorter run time but i personally found enjoyment in Quest For Bootys puzzle focus... but its essentially a glorfied DLC.
The story gets dimb though, Crack in Time may play the best but some plot elements are just stupid.
2 is the master of none game. It has weaker story, atmosphere, soundtrack and platforming than 1, and weaker gunplay and humour than 3.
Buggiest RnC game by far, though.
Into The Nexus would have been the best ps3 R&C if it wasn't so painfully short.
>90% of the platforming is optional (moons), awful music...
Listening to Pirate Radio with its essentially remixes of rock and roll songs while doing the platforming moons was the most fun I had with the Future series.
ToD, ACiT and ITN are worth playing, for AQfB I'd say just to watch the cutscenes since the actual game is 2 hours at most
ITN also comes with QFB if you buy new, at least the copy I got (which was well into the PS4 life span) came with the code.