I'm giving seerious thoughts to buy this game. should I go for it?
I'm giving seerious thoughts to buy this game. should I go for it?
Sure. It's a pretty competent FPS. Kinda disappointing in some areas, surprisingly good in other areas. It's certainly not the worst game you could play, but definitely wait for a large sale. If you can get the game and season pass for at or under $30 USD I'd say it's pretty good.
the goty is on 40 on amazon mx
Please no. People saying "the gunplay is gud guys!" are lying sacks of shit. It's an improvement on 3 but still trash compared to even the most mediocre of FPSs. Everything else is trash except for maybe the crafting which is adequat. Pirate it for the love of god, don't let Todd sway you!
That seems reasonable to me.
It's not amazing. But it is fun. I'd recommend it.
Fucking pirate it, don't give bethesda any of your money, those greedy fucks invented paid mods.
You should buy the GOTY edition. And then gift another to a friend.
No. Buy any other half-decent FPS/RPG hybrid and you'll have a better time. Try Deus Ex: HR instead.
why should I care about mods? I'm a console gamer. And I had fun with Fallout 3 and NV
>Fallout on consoles
Because you don't want to support this type of company that will gladly fuck its customers in the ass.
If you had fun in NV, you'll be disappointed by how limited your options are, how retarded the dialogue wheel is. The only thing that was improved is the gunplay and the graphics.
If you're ok with a 4/10 action rpg, sure.
>playing any Bethesda game on consoles
what if I want to get fucked in the ass you don't know me
am I missing something? It worked fine for me.
Did you like the other Bethesda Fallout and newer Elder Scrolls games? If so, then you'll enjoy this one. I enjoy some aspects more than 3 and NV, while others not as much, but enough to get almost 700 hours out of it.
If you have a ssd, it's pretty good... ish?
The story sucks and something about the gameplay feels odd.
I played new vegas on PS3 and that shit was unplayable after the save reach certain size, also the fucking game had a shit ton of bugs, I coudnt even finish vault 11.
Is the same with FO4 on ps4?
Yes, great game.
Ignore the edge lords....
Most fps games don't have half the additional elements FO4 has.
It's not meant to be COD.
Gun play is infinitely better than 3 or NV.
It's easily the worst fallout game.
At first it's kinda entertaining because they had that one level designer guy that put some effort into it, putting in nice details that can tell small stories.
Than you get to the actual game and dread every buck you spent on it.
It was just as buggy on PC. Obsidian blew their chance to make a real AAA game.
Better gun play
More customisation
Biggest map
Best graphics
Settlement building
Biggest and best DLC in series
3 is worse
but the gunplay is better than your average FPS. weapon design might b shit but they sound good are are mostly satisfying to use
also firing weapons outdoors creates a sonic boom which is something most FPS games lack so it's already better than your average milsim no matter how hard you try to shit on it
NV > 2 > 1 > 4 > 3
no it's boring dog shit
I want to like fallout 4 but the engine and frame rate are so offensively bad for a modern game.
Get a better PC, my framerate is perpetually 60 on max with mods.
Game is fucking trash
Don't. No one I know who bought this game, myself included, didn't regret it.
if you're really going to buy it pirate the DLC
that's what I did
>Better gun play
Didn't feel any better than any other 3d fallout - and it isn't like you don't use VATS all the time anyway
>More customisation
It was so superficial, it didn't make any difference. They should just have scrapped the wpn custom to add a few more original weapons
>Biggest map
Also emptiest map
>Best graphics
Without mods it doesn't look much better than any other 3d FO - with mods it just looks as good.
>Settlement building
Or I could just install minecraft if my autism acts up
>Biggest and best DLC in series
Did they fix the frame drops in the city?
Isnt this shit dirt cheap on g2a
It's better with the dlc, the vanilla building stuff is shit. It's not as bad as Sup Forums says.
Mate where I'' from you can get the game for £6, I don't think anyone could argue there isn't £6 worth of gameplay in it
I fell for the meme and bought it with all dlc for 30 bucks, it gets boring very quickly . The armor design is the worst offender, they look horrible
I'm currently playing new Vegas again and having more fun than I did with this shit
You're objectively wrong
it was fun so ya go for it
Jesus Christ this delusion.
>Fallout 4's gunplay isn't better than 3 or NV
4 doesn't fucking lock up order of inputs because you jumped two seconds ago. It doesn't decide you can't aim down sights because you took a melee hit and didn't holster then unholster your weapon
>Also emptiest map
Go play Fallout 3 which has literally around twenty side quests.
>Without mods it doesn't look much better than any other 3d FO - with mods it just looks as good.
What an absolute crock of shit. NV and 3 are running on the Oblivion version of Gamebryo, everybody is a potato faced retard in those games and the textures are PS2 tier.
>Biggest and best DLC in series
Far Harbor is the best damn DLC this series has seen from the 3D instalments.
No it runs fine on PS4 forever. The BoS kind of makes it lag with all their fucking vertibirds and explosions and shit but it's not bad.
>This delusion
>Far harbor is best DLC
That title still belongs to Brotherhood of Steel. NOTHING in the Fallout series has come close to as bad as Brotherhood of Steel.
it has much more content than 99% of games available. Yes.
Bad advice. I loved 3, NV and Skyrim and hated 4. It's not that much like those games.
It is, and it proves had Emil not touched Fallout 4 it would have had a much stronger story.
What, you gonna tell me absolute garbage like Dead Money or Lonesome Road were good sets of DLC?
The armor design is good
pirate it
http: // fitgirl-repacks. site/fallout-4-v1-9-4-0-6-dlc-creation-kit/
It's not bad honestly the way they designed power armor to actually be a powered walking tank suit is great and feels like what I always thought power armor should've been
This can't be real
I'm sorry but you're full of it. Honestly it's one of the best "action rpg" fps ever made, when it comes to mechanics.
Everything else is shit though.
It's Raider armor, they're all doped up on chems and think big and spiky = tough.
Sure if it's relatively cheap, it's a decent game. The engine is pretty awful but it's interesting enough to plow hours into, just don't have your expectations too high.
Also if you enjoy waifus it's not the game for you, the whole system is crap and clearly had almost no thought put into it.
The idiot isn't wearing any clothes underneath, the underwear isn't part of the armor
The waifus are same shit as bioware basically except no sex cutscene
>the gunplay is better than your average FPS
I guess if you're going to lie, best to go big.
you can't even mouse over items to see their weight / value like you can in Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Skyrim.
this means every time you pick something up, you have to slowly trudge through menus to see what it weighs and what it costs. then you have to memorize that if you don't want the same item to make you trudge through the slow menus once again next time.
Morrowind is my GOAT and I can't get more than an hour into this game every time I try because Fallout 4 the most tedious of all the games based on Morrowind. Mostly because of this one tiny fuck up. And somehow there's no mod to fix it.
>It's a pretty competent FPS
It is a pretty bad FPS, just compare it to any other actual shooter that came out around its release and since.
It is just a revelation to people who wanted more of a shooter and less of an RPG when playing F3.
>fallout 4 is bad