What's you favorite play model,
Buy to Play - Comes with cosmetic cash shop, no monthly subscription, future content may or may not be free depending on the publisher.
Pay to Play - Comes with cosmetic cash shop, monthly subscription, future content will cost a fee
Free to Play - Comes with cosmetic cash shop, subscriptions are a "pay for convenience" that grants stuff like easy traveling from one point to another, extra experience points earned in dungeons, no PlayerShop fees, consumable items that may or may not be useful, and a few other things. Future content will ALWAYS be free.
>WoW Classic
>Lost Ark Online
For westernfags
>Black Desert
>Ashes of Creation
>Dark and Light
For weebs
>Literally nothing, they don't play MMOs, they just argue with each other as if this is a dick measuring contest.
And when they DO play they're literal cancer. Sissies that can't control their fucking sex drive. Just think for a second; these are fat smell men playing as cute girls. You like fat smelly men user!
For the rest of us
>Blade & Soul
>Closer Online
>Soul Worker Online
>Tree of Savior
>Moonlight Blade
>Monster Hunter Online
>Mu Legends
>Phantasy Star Online 2
>Legend of the Ancient Sword
>Project Z
>Ascent Infinite Relm
>Astellia Online
>Peria Chronicles
>Kingdom Under Fire II
>Forever 7th Capital
>Lord of Vermillion
>Revelation Online
>Icarus Onlone