What's the longest amount of time you've spent playing a game in one sitting?
What's the longest amount of time you've spent playing a game in one sitting?
Probably 3 hours. But I work like crazy so I fucking deserve some time to myself.
Without getting up to pee or eat? 14 hours.
Continuous gaming session with small intervals to grab food and use the bathroom? 36 hours. I have insomnia and without meds I only sleep 6 hours every two days.
36 hours
More like you need to stop playing fucking games all night
I never managed to do long sittings.
The longest ones are probably at night which are 6 hours or so.
5 years
Nogga you'll be dead in 5 years if you continue like this
never counted. between sprints to the bathroom and answering the door when the pizza guy shows up, probably not as long as someone else.
I need to take a smoke break every 2hrs.
24 hours, Gran turismo 3, did the grand valley 24 hours race in a-spec.
wasn't worth it.
Probably about 5 or so hours if you exclude bathroom breaks. Otherwise around 8 or 9 hours.
When Assassin's Creed 2 came out. I bought it on Friday evening and played it until like 7am. slept for a couple of hours and then spent all day Saturday playing it and most of Sunday. Over the Fri-Sun period I literally only played AC2, Slept very little and Ate hardly anything. I was only 19 back then. Couldn't ever do something like that now.
Probably like 7 hours, that is if you mean with bathroom breaks and such, without getting up probably only like 3
~28h of witcher 3
Dodging became a bit difficult at the end
24 hours playing apb
You spend 3-4 in 8 hours in the bathroom?
All day
I dunno, maybe 3-4 hours? Minus the toilet breaks and to get a cuppa tea.
Ya'll fuckers need exercise.
Outside of using the bathroom and grabbing something to eat from the kitchen I played WoW Cataclysm for 40 hours straight to get to max level when it originally came out.
It was one of my favorite WoW experiences but I will never do something like that again.
>4 hours on the shitter
Eat some fucking fibre, jesus christ you fat piece of shit.
i played smash 4 for 7 hours when it came out
that's it i think
Fuck off I have gland problems fucking cunt
I played Trove for around 30 hours straight. Closer to 50 if you don't count small bathroom breaks and grabbing food to eat while playing.
I have aspergers.
>"gland problems"
>not code for being a fucking fatass in denial
>Fuck off I have gland problems fucking cunt
>American education
I said excluding bathroom breaks. If you're playing a game for 3 hours and then get up for the bathroom, you're no longer playing the game so the time resets to 0. Including breaks means 8-9 hours of gaming with maybe 1-2 5minute toilet breaks. Use your head fuckbois
You said 8 hours, and 5 IF YOU EXCLUDE BATHROOM BREAKS. Holy fuck, you're retarded.
When I was in college me and one of my friends did a run of Diablo 2 from Act 1 Normal to Act 5 Hell in one sitting without being rushed. So probably like 16 hours.
idk, I might've played Minecraft or Ark for 4-5 hours in one sitting. I used to play 6-8 hours a day (not in one sitting though) during high school years but in university I'm lucking to get 2-3 hours a day
Warframe on amphetamines for nearly 16 hours straight after 8 hours of eye
amphetamines are shit and so is warframe
Over 24 hours with my friends on Mario kart 7.
many hours of maplestory I'm not sure how much
I used to do entire 2x weekends in one sitting, aside from bathroom and snack runs.
Couple years
I once played starbound for 24 hours straight.
I was erping. Fattest nut ever tho
around 24 hours
Never longer than a few hours. Always remember to get up and stretch your legs.
I binged on Rome Total war when it came out, played for like 32 hours straight with breaks for bathroom use as well as food. In the end my mom hard reset the computer while I was in the bathroom to make me stop.
42 hours, the witcher 3
and stay hydrated
and eat enough between sessions
and being once a day on fresh air
and taking breaks of around 15-30 minutes per hour
who /cyborg/ here as soon as it becomes available? Shit and tired of that human skin
I played Splatoon 2 with my friend for almost 11 hours straight once, was fuckin dope
10 hours on project reality
>tfw born too early to be able to upload your memories/brain into a robot body
Fuck this gay earth
next cycle brother
87 continuous hours broken only by using the bathroom. It was a bet between me and my friend to see who could stay awake the longest and I played vidya constantly to keep myself awake. I have almost no memory of the last 40 hours but was banned from at least 7 different games/servers and at the 87th hour passed out, slammed my head into my monitor and broke it, then fell off my chair onto the floor and remained there asleep for 28 hours. My other friend who was making sure that I wasn't cheating rolled me onto my back and, seeing that I was definitely still breathing, wandered off. My immune system was definitely weakened because I got the flu like 2 days later, ended up in the hospital for a week and almost died.
Later when my friend did it he only managed 70 hours so I won 800 dollars and a used Ford Escort off of him.
>24 hours of ERP
That's impressive.
A little bit less than 24 hours on diablo 3 launch with a buddy.
That was exhausting and not so worth it.
no matter what you convince yourself of, you should seriously be getting at LEAST 5 hours of sleep EVERY night. for your own sake user
like 45 hours of new vegas when i was snowed in
longest was probably back when I was addicted to counterstrike. Would play up to 10 games back to back on a normal saturday or sunday which equates to roughly 8+ hours
but did you win?
24 hours of Warcraft 3 Dota. I hardly remember it other then all the pizza we ate all day. Good times.
7 Day Survivor for Dead Rising
> Later when my friend did it he only managed 70 hours so I won 800 dollars and a used Ford Escort off of him.
how the actual fuck do you miss the final and spaced line of the post
I remember beating Max Payne 2 in one sitting last year. But then again that game is only like 6 hours long if o remember correctly.
Probably 8-9 hours with bathroom and food breaks.
Would be longer if I didn't have to be a responsible adult and pay bills
36 hours of BoTW so I could get 40 spirit orbs for 13 hearts to get the master sword and shred through the divine beasts.
Turns out I didn't really need the master sword for any of them but oh well.
Tales of Vesperia when i first got it 7 hours
20 hours.
what a strange bet, what made you make it
Around 24 hours back when Street Fighter IV was popping. I only took a few bathroom breaks and ate some snacks.
12 hours on GTA: SA when it came out. I feel like a piece of shit if I play for more than 3 hours at a time these days.
Played through sleeping dogs in one sitting took me about 14 hours
16hrs playing through Borderlands and the DLCs with a group of 4 friends at a lan party. We were all in our early teens and it was an absolute blast
a bit over a 24 hour period for return to castle wolfenstein prerelease multiplayer
3-4 hours with no stretching. 6-8 hours without bathroom. 10-12 hours without eating. Around 20 hours without sleeping.
~18 hours Civ V game with my buddy right after BNW came out. Ate nothing but honey mustard pretzels that whole day
It was a bet where the winner would give up their car but his car was such a piece of shit that he threw in the 800 bucks to make up the difference between my car and his and make the bet even.
Niga you old
14 hours to get the 7 day survivor thing in dead rising. no ragrets.
When Mario Maker came out I spent like 10 hours straight completing my perfect sadist level and another 3-4 beating it in one go to upload, only to have it removed from the server within a week (couldn't even share it with friends anymore which was the whole point)
I'm sure as a kid I had longer bouts. I remember beating the gb pokemon games in one sitting and some ridiculous roller coaster tycoon marathons
I went nearly 48 hours once, to the the point the lower part of my Super Nintendo began to discolor from the heat, I'm guessing.
Basically, I had rented Final Fantasy 3 (US version) and knew I only had the weekend for it. Worse yet, because it was a cartridge game, there was a pretty good chance some other dick of a kid would probably erase the saved games on the cartridge once I took it back to the video rental place.
So I rented it right after school, went home and told my parents that I intended to try to beat the game this weekend, which they said okay, and plugged it in about 5:00pm on Friday... and finally gave into sleep about 5:00am Sunday (can't really remember... maybe it was sooner).
Think I had gotten to the second airship in the World of Ruin. Not half bad!
... course a dick of a kid erased it the next weekend and every save had characters with names like "Dick", "Asshole", "Tits", "Farter", "Fucker"... yada yada yada. Kids are assholes.
Oh man... I don't know how long I spent trying to find all the collectibles in that game. Too long.
That's pretty fucking impressive!
Brothers a Tale of Two Sons. Great fucking game.
about 5 hours.
Never follow a woman you don't know.
... just realized that it was only 36 hours. I've been saying 48 hours all my life. Damn it... my life is a lie!
A conservative guess would be 16 hours back when j first started playing WoW.
Just earlier this year though I spent 14 hours playing Yakuza 0
On the launch of NeoTokyo: Source I played for NINE hours straight and fell asleep in my computer chair.
That was back when I was in high-school and the mod released during summer so I had ample time.
probably 20h when i was like 14 playing Counterstrike at a LAN party