Mom said it's my turn to play!

Mom said it's my turn to play!

the fuck is on his lip?

>no problem son
>gives him other joycon and continue playing mario odyssey

I'll go play with mom, then

Either cheeto dust or Kool aid.

Wtf is his problem!?

After all these years this fucking shit still comes by



I have never been more glad to have been an only child

Did mom buy this?
Okay fuck off.

D-did...Ronnie draw this?

w-wew lad

I'd rather have the eternal nagging of a younger sibling than having the Laotians down the road steal shit from me on the bus.

this was supposed to be a brother/brother situation you big dingus

>tfw always played peacefully with my sister

Letting literal manlets steal anything from you use your weight against them you fat pacifist fuck.

Just post the incest doujins


This is Hillary Duff? Damn


I was a spooky skeleton as a child, faggot.

Time to DIE you little shit!

Shit, that's hot though

Is this the elder sister/mommy thread?

he licked his lip until it become orange and irritated

Of course it is, sweetie

Just open the oven and tell him to get in. Works every time. Until he tells.

>no wife that’s 10 years older than me

Infinitely easier to find than a wife the same age or younger.

>grew up in a household thats prio fairness and logic
>mom gives me 10min to find a savepoint, and gives sibling a time to when to switch. have a set time from mother and father aswell
>go to friends house
>those silbings rather break the game and pull punches within seconds, thier father comes stomping up the stairs and screaming and swear at the older brother when its the smaller one that started it.

>>grew up in a household thats prio fairness and logic


i hope you accidentally dip your steak fry into aids blood

No girl wants a dude that is younger than her.
She would be the laughingstock among other girls.

damn fucking right you should tip him he puts your parents to shame

The ocean?

>unironically browsing /r9k/ and reposting threads
at least try to be original

No 'girl' wants that, no.
A Woman does though.

[raging fedora intensifies]

The fuck you on about? Cougars love their young boy toys, keep coping ugly manlet

That's literally what all middle aged women want. Are you not aware of the massive Desperate Housewives/Housewives of [insert city]/Cougartown/Unfaithful crowd?

My mom met my dad when she was 35 and he was 27.

don't forget...

These threads existed before /r9k/ did, newfag

>deletes your save

>accidentally delete my own save
At least it got me to finally stop playing FFTA

Tell me where this is a thing. All women want younger men unless they're like 18-20

thats pretty hot. reminds me of that square head dude's mom in fosters home for imaginary friends

>playing vidya taking turns with my sister
>sister tries to distract me by shoving her feet in my face (sometimes with socks, sometimes without)
>develop a foot fetish
>sister still teases me with her feet

Same filename, posted 1,5 hours after the /r9k/ thread hmmm really makes me think.
I know you've been browsing since this spring and fashion yourself an oldfag, no need to get your panties in a bunch and look like a retard.

>I never had younger siblings until I was already too old and living somewhere else
>whenever i go see my dad and my brothers, they argue about which of them gets to play
>just listening to one of them go "DAD SAID IT WAS MY TURN" gives me ptsd

I narrowly dodged a bullet.

>not buying separate consoles/PCs for your kids
If you do this, you're a shitty parent.


>no problem son

not all girls have daddy issues user


why do they keep drawing titts like sausages

Oh another thread dedicated to man children who have to reminisce about being children again.

>No girl wants a dude that is younger than her

>they dont want wealthy old fucks
sure kiddo



>Irritating "That kid/sibling" meme thread turns into a mommy thread.

Best timeline.

>He didn't constantly fight with his older sister for control of the ps2
It only really ended when I got bigger than her.

Not enough /ss/

I had to deal with an autistic/asperger nephew for a summer. I can't imagine what it's like for guys who grew up with a little brother.


i instantly recognize those tattoos. its the deviantart selfie posting attention whore.

I don't browse /r9k/ you retard

but we did, just a bit of friendly wrestling with lots of tickling and groping

Ok but seriously without the fetish pretense, why do girls think it's okay to do this shit?
>be in freshman year highschool study hall
>just chilling, talking to friends since we use that time to fuck around
>group of annoying girls behind us
>always put their feet up on our chairs sometimes without their shoes on too
>this time my friend markers her feet with a sharpie, the other squirts her with that energy drink stuff you put in water
>she goes off on us saying she's gonna tell the teacher
>bitch wtf this isn't middle school no one cares maybe you shouldn't have put your feet on us
>friend says go ahead
>gaggle of thots go up to teacher and tells them we were saying shit about them and trying to draw on them
>teacher sends us down to office
>get speech about sexual harrassment and some other dumb shit

Well I am talking about young girls soo.. Try 14-25 however
Im 24 and nowhere near being old. But the age of the girls I "attract" are mostly 16-21. The oldest I know is 21 the rest is below 19.
I could definitely see them wanting guys over the age of 30 (they probably already do)
I'd never want to have something with an older woman however. That just creeps me out. Im not ready for mommy related things. And didnt fall yet for the mommy memes.

it's a video about a mom who askes his kid if he drank all the kool aid or something and he lies and says he didn't, but you can clearly see he did

The most successful relationships I've ever encountered usually have the men as the younger of the two.

Because they get away with it every time.

This is only true up until she reaches about 30. 40 y/o women, for example, would kill to have a young stud. And their friends would be jealous af.

Not much of a story. I was real young and it was in a rural home so I basically just had to be around him 24/7. He always threw fits when you played with any of his toys. One day I got so pissed I grabbed a heavy football sized die-cast race car and spiked it at his head. He started screaming real loud and my grandma rushed to the room screaming whats wrong and I just told her that he was throwing a fit because I played with his toy. I think I did this about 3 times before my grandma caught on. Looking back I was a fucking psychopath as a child.

>wealthy old fucks want cougars and not women in their 20s
wew lad

milky mommies where

>older women creep me out
>I'm attracted to 16 year olds

>Not making your mily mommies with mods

nah, he checks out. Move along


Not everyone lives in Burgerland, where 21 year olds are still considered children...

>cougars don't exist

>this will never be you

Lad I even had a 14 year old ask me for fug.

Evaded that shit like matrix though

>you will never seduce young virile horny boys to fill you up to the brim with their cum of youth
Why even live?

who the fuck are you?

this is gud puss

Are they Chinese or Japanese.

16 is legal in many state in the USA

I do but /ss/ is better in 2D and my fantasies


>tfw i was this little brother
At least until i figured out the concept of respecting people's ownership of things.
And got my own games.

>tfw accidentally dated a 13yo as a 27yo

>no pubes

haha cuck

Just the thought of dealing with a teenage girl is giving me a headache.

How exactly was it accidental?
Was this over an online game?

Tell me more.

Fuck of kid, your mom's a whore.