>licensed games are terri-
Licensed games are terri-
Other urls found in this thread:
> sodium chloride
What did he mean by this?
i love 2 twonk
This was actually a pretty fucking cool game, lots of neat levels and exploration, combat was fun, good music.
>licensed games are terri-
>so sodium chloridey about people not liking your franchise you make a shitpost thread on Sup Forums about it
>sodium chloride
That's what he said. Sodium chloride
Fuck off Jimmy.
another exception
itt villains who did nothing wrong
>employed underage children and underpaid them
Peter Jackson's King Kong Game was fucking great
not just "good for a licensed game". it's one of the best games on the gba.
Hulk Ultimate Destruction was really fun
I feel like you have to pick out of a list of acceptable "thread opener" posts in order to get a decent amount of replies in this board
Attack of the Twonkies
Breaking Da Rules
Battle for Bikini Battle
The Triforce of Licensed cartoon games
>Children receiving minimum wage
They should be glad it's not below that
Most of the times they are miss, but sometimes there appear some real gems that are truly enjoyable.
first game I got for my Xbox 360 along with Lego Indiana Jones. It's still fun as fuck to this day and the multiplayer is great too.
the best part of the current generation is the death of licensed garbage.
>Not starting this off with the greatest licensed game of the greatest anime
The New Game+ of this thing should be an example for today's videogames.
mos def
>movie games are tra-
Havn't played it but what does it change?
1 & 2 are fun, 3 is just repetitive trash.
I played those fucking PC games. It was quite surreal.
>It's okay I got enough magazines
>It's okay I got enough magazines
>It's okay I got enough magazines
>It's okay I got enough magazines
>It's okay I got enough magazines
Completely forgot about this but reading it like repressed memories it all came flooding back to me
It still creeps me out to this day.
I loved this game when I was younger
When I was a lad I went to EB games to buy a game with my birthday money and I REFUSED to walk out of there without something good.
My dumb ass bought this game for $50. To this day I regret purchasing it and wish I got an actual good game.
It wasn't that bad tho, some cool inventions and the bosses were kind of neat (that ice twonky and those crayon skates). I normally had phenomenal vidya taste as a child and this game was the one exception that haunted me tho. Learned my lesson and don't impulse buy anymore.
better than vice city bh