What do you think of Poison?
What do you think of Poison?
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I just want her featured in another game, ANY game so more dojins get made.
I have no actual plans on buying anything Capcom again.
I wish she was a real girl
I would suck out her poison, if you know what I mean.
i'd lick his clit
Next paycheck, I think I'm gonna buy a figure of her. I'm really tempted. Talk me out of it Sup Forums.
Its one thing for a girl to have a bigger dick than me, but its just too emasculating for a girl to have more toned abs than me.
I want to suck her off then fuck her ass 'til she can't walk straight for a week
Don't do it, there's no good ones.
I've seen one with a good face but she's STICC and not THICC like she should be. The other one she is THICC but has a fucked up face. There's just no winning.
Do it, no regrets.
And make sure to hot glue over that shit
She is the real girl. Even designer confirmed this.
The whole "trans" thing was a lie so feminists in the West would fuck off.
It's hotter if she has a penis desu famalampai
I want to take her downtown and intensively inspect her suspicious package
That was disprove multiple times over. Fucking the original concept drawings even have her as a newhalf. Problem is that its such hot button topic today so the devs just say whatever they think is the least sensational at that given moment since the last thing you want to do is give ammo to a western """journalist""" to do a hit piece on you. I'm sure they're tired of the questions.
Hot glue it and post video and I'll masturbate to it.
I'm straight, but I'd love to make love to her.
head too big
This. I bet her dick is small and cute.
actually her canon dick is 11.4 inches long
It's at least 8 inches (20 cm)
What the fuck is wrong with her skin
I main her in Ultra and played her for the short period I owned SFxT. I actually enjoy her playstyle a lot. One of the few non-grapplers I main in the genre. I don't play SFV but I'd like her to be playable in it one day since I'll eventually get a "Complete" edition of it. Maining Poison and Abigail and basically being a Mad Gear player seems fun.
Also I want various Street Fighter/Fighting Game females, but mostly Chun and Menat, to either dom Poison or be dommed by Poison who in either scenario has a dick/balls that are easy to conceal most of the time but because incredibly large when she's horny.
Came here to post this.
I bet it's 4 inches hard.
I want her to use my ass as a cum sock
Why can't we have traps/futa in real life that are as cute/hot as Poison?
Because that's now how genetics works unfortunately, we just don't have the technology yet
Would give reach-around.
I wan Poison to give D.Va the mating press
i want poison to give me the mating press
I want to give poison the mating press.
That's a good commission idea
Is a mfm mating press gay?
I think she has a nice cock
Do you really wanna be the guy who has a sexy figurine if a trans vg character?
The only genuine futa I've ever known in real life was a chick with rotten testis where her ovaries were supposed to be. Only instance of a legit hermaphrodite- if I can even call it that- I've ever known.
Specifically Officer D.Va.
How else am I suppose to build a shrine in my cosset. I recognize the irony of it being in the cosset.
What's behind that black shit?
I own this and it's one of the best bishoujo.
A snake
Of course
A delicious banana split
I love ice cream, but it's so messy. It always ends up all over my lips and chin.
>not wanting poison to have a big fat futa cock
The only degenerate here is you.
Only if full package futa, if not..
So long as there isn't a vagina hiding behind her balls.
>ywn _be_ poison
why is life so unfair?
If only rl trannies were as cute as her.
>those panty lines
muh fucking dick
Poison is full of surprises.
gfycat com/VelvetyCautiousAmbushbug
Anyone have that fic saved
Here you go
This aint Poison. This is just some thot cosplaying as her.
Thanks broski
>That was disprove
bad grammar -> discarded post
No problem dood
...that was saucy~
archiveofourown org/works/11054994
Does anyone remember the trap that posted in one of the Poison threads that wanted male anons to sit on her face?
shes 10 times hotter knowing she has a dick
What about them
Her super combos in Street fighter 4 and x Tekken get me rock hard. The voice is icing on the cake.
I went to a dominatrix a few weeks ago. It was worth every penny and I feel like a new man
If only they had the balls to make it cast-off.
I would give my left testicle for a chance to fondle her balls
wish someone as sexy as poison would give me a hug
Did you ask her to dress up as Poison
fuck off faggots poison is a well endowed woman
>poison is a well endowed woman
Agreed, she has a big dick.
The word youre looking for is intercrural
An user taught me that one
And people say you won't learn anything coming to Sup Forums.
Is her hat made of jello
I want to sug her benis until she ahegaos
That's pretty lewd.
I want to rub my face over her bulge in a non homosexual way.
>touching a woman's genitals
wew lad
But it's a penis.
But it's a female.
A feminine penis.
I want to suck her fat futa cock and have her insult me throughout the process, and then beat me until I have a black eye and blood on my face for doing such a poor job.
Seek help user.
someone should make a poison and roxy version of whiiirrr
you should play futadom binding sim
Why would you want to be beat up
some people love being treated like shit user
I want to frot cocks with her, like in that one doujin.
>western art
I want to be Poison's bride (male)!
I wanna lick her abs.
>you will never double team Roxy with Poison