>You play as a good guy fighting for freedom
When will games let me play as the bad guy destroying stuff?
You play as a good guy fighting for freedom
Your brain is all fucked up with all the anime stuff you are consuming. Fuck off with your power fantasies and grow up, manchild.
Half Life 2
Are they ever going to make me sympathetic to marley?
Infamous series, go through bad choices
Prototype games
>good guy
>fighting for freedom
uh no sweety a good guy accepts the world as it is and let it prosper
Victoria II as Germany
Play Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
Play Nier.
Why is he still here? Just to suffer?
Destroy all humans!
Every single one of them.
Why should they?
how can you not sympathize with AoT's version of the jews.
If you're not at least sympathetic to Falco and the Warrior recruits, as well as the Eldians in the ghetto who are shit outta luck no matter what happens, I don't know what to tell you
You mean el eldians?
Endgame right here brothers.
There already is plenty of games like that though
We can all agree that Reiner is best boy, right?
What are some games with upcoming grim reminders?
Is there an open world game/rpg where you go through the game slaughtering groups of heroes?
The point is that Eren could easily stand in for Marley when it comes to "kill all titans lol"
Is AoT worth going through?
I watched the first season years ago and played a bit of the PS4 game last year, but it didn't seem that great.
Shit, post what the characters look right now, I'm curious.
Read the manga right now before the third season comes out so you can spoil everyone.
I also consider it entertaining as fuck. The beginning is kinda shitty though.
Eren is the only one of the main cast that we've seen so far, we'll likely see more of them next chapter
The show really starts to kick off in the second season. It gets beyond the simple titan battles and gets into the serious mysteries of the world. If you invest in these mysteries you won't be disappointed.
>yellow eyes
So what do you guys' think the warhammer titan looks like?
Is he going to have hammer heads instead of hands or something?
Soul Nomad.
Where do you think we are?
WHO Sup Forums HERE?
Ace combat 0
He's still alive only because the mangaka has a boner for him.
Sup Forums has better Sup Forums threads than Sup Forums
If you want a good AoT game go play the Unity fangame.
>gets into the serious mysteries of the world
but that's the worst part of the show
People don't come to AoT looking for "mystery" or "lore" they come to see titans fucking up each other and humans bringing them down
Why is PIECK so cute?
>the show
That's your mistake. The manga gets into all sorts of interesting things after the Female Titan shows up.
doesn't mean they are good
>Manga edgy as fuck
>God awful art means you can't take any of it seriously
Call of Duty: World at War
Annie is the greatest.
No other character even comes close.
No other character is as well written or deep.
If you disagree, you're objectively wrong.
Every arc without her has been shitty and lacking.
I'm tired of following around the flat and boring characters.
She is the most human character and by far the most interesting.
Legitimately, the plot and entire manga is suffering without her.
Other characters like Eren or Historia just can not bring anything to the table.
Vilify her all you want, but she is able to sacrifice for the greater good.
Eren and friends? A bunch of boring faggots. Ymir? A shit.
Annie brings great characterization and literary merit. She makes the whole manga.
Nobody has shown even an ounce of the depth she can bring.
Not Levi, not Eren, nor Historia.
In one short monologue, Annie blew all the other characters out of the water.
Eren and Mikasa are fucking shits.
Isayama needs to step up his fucking game and drop the fujobait brigade.
Seriously, why isn't Annie the main character?
Luckily, she will wake up soon and make this manga interesting again.
I will wait for her.
Everything I do, I do it for her.
>this has not been posted yet
Wtf neo /v?
Also nocturne tde ending
I was very disappointed that X-Com 2 didn't focus more on performing terrorist acts against the alien government in place.