Is it good?
Is it good?
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it has foundational issues and Anet has some of the worst business practices with the cash shop in the industry and the people at Anet have no strong vision but what's there is enjoyable with friends all the same
Gameplay wise it's also shit, unless it's expansions significantly changed how things work.
Not anymore.
It's okay time waster. Haven't tried the new expansion though.
It aight
Wait, did they fuck the cash shop since I last played? I know you could always buy gold, but otherwise it seemed like it was just for cosmetics and shit.
>Anet has some of the worst business practices with the cash shop in the industry
I agree with the second part wholeheartedly, but their cash shop is no where near as bad as most F2P MMOs. It's entirely cosmetic and quality of life upgrades like bag slots and bank tabs. Not to mention you can get all of that with gold, though granted it would take a lifetime to farm that up properly for the gems.
It was never good.
It's an amazement that people on Sup Forums can have such shit tastes.
>Worst some of the worst writing in videogames, which is bad for game built around "story focus"
>combat is all the worst mixes of EQ/WoW tab targetting and le action combat
>Make content then remove it from the game and wouldn't bring it back despite bitching; when they did they pay-walled it
>Exists in the GW universe but ultimately gutted EVERYTHING from it to make an almost completely new universe so their fat lesbian dyke writer could insert plant people.
>Lied about dynamic content.
>Two of the devs became TRANNIES after working for Anet
It's disgusting, an abomination of games.
It's still like that but their approach has been getting lazier and lazier
Instead of putting in armor sets, they put in whole outfits that can't have their parts swapped out for other ones. It's a fundamental misunderstanding of Fashion Endgame, but it's easier to shit out because you don't need to segment the assets and test each piece individually.
They put the majority of new weapon skins behind RNG, but at least you can sell those on the trading post.
The new Mount skins (the mounts only had one color dye spot) are also locked behind a $5 RNG crate and you cannot sell or trade them for the ones you want.
Their Cash Shop people must be from NCSoft because it doesnt match up with their policy on the base-game or expansions. I wager they have their own business people who regularly argue and have to compromise with the ones sent in by NCSoft:
The expansions dont have that many armor or weapon sets to make sure people want to buy the Gem Shop ones.
I suppose but the way Anet's done things since NCSoft has been pretty shitty.
You used to be able to buy 3 minis for $2.50
Now it's $5 for just one. I don't like minis but it's a useful example.
It used to be that I just wished they had better and more offerings, the cost was fine.
I basically exclusively pick up Expansions, that's the only time I gave them money
the only remarkable aspect of the game is wvw and spvp to some extent but the balance is shit
Glad I walked away when I did. The whole outfits thing was just starting at that point and it sounds like its all gone to hell since.
>skills tied to the weapon you're using
>no dual classing
>Guild Wars
I'm not gonna buy shit in a game where loot doesn't matter and all xp is the same and the game basically just tries to rush to get you off the server as fast as possible so they don't have to pay for cloud computing
Well the expansions did add healers and tanks.
>to get you off the server as fast as possible so they don't have to pay for cloud computing
It's ok but could use some more instanced content
Healers already existed before, they were just useless.
Skills are tied to the weapon you're using in every games. Most game don't even let you use more than 1 weapon so maybe you never noticed that
It's time.
having a robe wearing class to be the tank has to be one of weirdest and stupidest things i've seen in a mmo
go back to your general,animal fucker
What general?
Nope. Shit tier MMO.
It's not like Mesmers are the tank because they're the best at tanking, it's just because they can get away with not dpsing the most out of everyone because they're a buffslut.
Dont listen to this faggot.
They give us armor sets through crafting and achievements and outfits are just a cash shop only thing
GW never had tanking.
Right now tanking consist of using evasion skills and blocks.
You cannot just stand still and take damage like an idiot.
I mean, it's not like he's wrong though. As it stands right now, we only get new full sets of armor and in-game weapon sets with the release of new expansions. Living Story episodes have recently tended to have individual armor pieces as achievement mastery rewards, which is nice, but in terms of weapons you have to wait for whenever the next black lion set comes out, and they pump outfits into the gem store every 3-4 weeks.
pls no
the improved the game heavily with the 2 expansions since launch, pvp is good, probably one of the best mmo pvp you can have (spvp dont require you to do any pve at all, you can get everything there in the pvp lobby)
they introduced raids and fractals for the pve guys (even thought they are still worse than raids/mythic+ compared to wow)
there is a cash shop, but you only get cosmetics or qol items there (more bank slots, kits that dont break etc.) so its not p2w at all, even though many people bitch about the rescent mount skins only avaible trough lootboxes (i dont really care about them since each of this skins look ugly)
also dont get memed about the "gameplay is shit" part, the gameplay is probably the best part of the game, fluid combat with dodging makes it skillfull and enjoyable
its probably the best mmo you can play if you want a f2p mmo that focuses more on pvp/exploring and less on themepark gearmill
also ignore the story writing, its the weakest part of the game
The game has had its four roles filled the whole time, what they added was far more focused roles in the form of elite specs
I'm having a bunch of fun with it, just started a week ago. I just bought both the xpacks today in the bundle. Thief is flashy as hell and quick to level so i'm really enjoying it.
Hot, We got 2 armor sets. For $50, along with the rest of the half-complete maps, we got 2 armor sets and 3 weapon sets.
That's pretty pitiful if you consider how much we got in paying for the base game. I'd be happy if we even got half the number of armor and weapon sets as we got in the vanilla game
enjoy getting to 80, because daredevil elite specc with staff is the most fun agility based melee class ive ever played in any game
cant even go back to using d/d or s/d anymore because of how fun staff is (even though i still love d/p for pvp)
staff revenant is also pretty fun
mhm, and we got 5 armors- one of which is basically just an advanced version of one of the others- and 5 weapon sets, two of which are advanced versions of other sets as well. so 4 armors and 3 weapons essentially.
There was bladed, leystone, guild, mistward(which is only heavy)
Weapon set swere
Reclaimed, Auric, Chak, Plated, Machined, Shimmering, Tenebrous
They put lootboxes in recently.
it has a big world with shit to do and is rather easy. drop in drop out in nearly everything you do. Combat can get interesting in group content but is rather boring most of the time leveling/exploring. YOu can experiment with builds since there is a huge variety. I think the reason why i play it is thatthere is so much shit to do
You mean like 2012? GW2 has had lootboxes for a long time now. These are just the shittiest cause you can't trade them.
It begins!
play the original
Ah, forgot about those.
Still low but better than what I said.
I think PoF has been better, if only because it's cheaper so it's a bit more acceptable.
My issue is that it feels like NCSoft is really setting a lot of bars and standards for how new content is made and the only thing ANet themselves put the foot down on is Expansions and how they're designed.
seriously, your kind is the fucking reason why we dont have a gw2 general anymore, so please just fuck off and kill yourself you motherfucking furry
i swear to god man, furrys are far more worse than african gangsters
i hope you are proud making the game worse for everyone
don't respond
Of course.
I mean, it is legitimately a great F2P right now.
Story turns to shit at Claw Island (around level 30)
World is pretty nice to look at
Gameplay is rather boring as you'll have your main abilities by level 20 or so and you'll keep using those 4 for the rest of the game
Music is great
All in all it's worth it, even if you just play it once as a single player game (how it's kinda meant to be played, since forming parties is not required and you just do your thing) and enjoy it for 40-50 hours.
claw island is at around 50-60
10 is character option 1
20 is character option 2
30 is race depending
40 is Order Initation
50 is claw island
60-80 are Orr/Zhaitan offense
Oh. I misremembered. Apologies, thanks for pointing that out.
You don't get all your skills until lv 30
And don't unlock your 3rd specialization before lv 70
Every classes have access to 15 skills in combat.
This guy gets it.
They're (you) fishing.
WvW is pretty much hate it or love it.
PvE is trash
>PvE is trash
I disagree, in fact, I believe the exact opposite. WvW fucking sucks.
i love fhds in this game
Yes. It's the only combat system I've ever been able to enjoy in an mmorpg. Actually having to dodge gives it a leg up over most of the other games.
Exploration of a lot of fun and the fashion endgame if in point.
However, if you are the kind of person who is always looking for the next power boost, you will be disappointed. There is basically no gear treadmill
Oh, and the mounts are better than any other MMO by a mile.
femcharr a besto
Oh fuck off. They implement 2-3 weapon skins per expansion into the game that look like absolute garbage while the actual good skins are all locked behind lootboxes.
there's no variation to how you earn xp to level up, each section is a designated amount of time each player should take to complete it. You're bascially just pressing play on a movie until you reach the end, there's no challenge or variation
PoF armors are better but only because they aren't "grind this meta event multiple times to afford one piece of armor/weapon"
The auric weapon collection was suffering.
The content you can get in F2P isn't bad at all compared to what I've tried, except very gated, but here's some handy info about the game if you want to try.. Guides/guilds really.
that said it's a good game to play with friends if you can rope them into it, there's no subscription, the base game is free, and it's very QOL friendly so its easy to drop in and play story mode with friends
>it's fun with friends
So it's garbage. Thank you.
That's not a huge improvement, it's just "Hey these role-less dungeons are just a spam fest, guess we'll follow the classic concept"
The newer fractals and raids are much better in design than the dungeons but it's still shitty that they didn't even improve them and just dropped dungeons forever.
The story writing is worse than blizzards, that's an achievement.
>Gameplay is the best with muh dodging.
Dodging in GW2 was a replacement for interrupts and nothing more. Unless you mean to say the combat philosophy of enemies changed to TERA's which emulates more of an action games philosophy of AI rather than the more generic MMO AI system they were using.
>World is nice to look at.
It's boring, the only nice screenshots you ever see come from instances.
>there's no challenge
There are definitely things that could be improved upon in combat but I find it more interesting than Tera or BNS or BDO.
We could use casting bars in PvP so that interrupt builds have some information to work with.
The other BIG thing that I rag on GW2 with my friends about is that the team doesn't have a cohesive gameplay philosophy for each class.
The interesting thing I always feel but never fully get with GW2 is the idea of every class having a specific gameplay feel/method but it's channeled into any one of the four roles (Burst, Sustain, CC/Tank, Support)
If they can figure out the core gameplay style of each class to give them a foundation of design to build everything else on, I'd be happier with the game.
The only class that feels properly realized like this is Warrior for me
you have obviously never played games, especially not guild wars
What game let you slash and pierce with a sledge hammer?
Or shoot your sword at a distance.
>play gw
>be elementalist
>wear staff or sword or wand or whatever shit you want to wear
>can still equip and cast all the spells of your choice
What's your fucking point user?
please kys
Why should you be able to do sword attack with a wand?
>Necro will never be viable for high-end PVE content ever
>Every single buff they receive must also be met with a nerf
>Developers are completely fucking out of touch with what "Support" means
>Necro will never be viable for high-end PVE content ever
Isn't scourge very viable?
>mfw when using wild blow with a sword
It was good condition DPS for raids, then it got bug fixed. The problem was Sand Shades were overlapping with their attacks, when they're specifically designed not to.
In a recent balance patch meant to bring power back to Scourge's kit, the damage dealt by Desert Shroud was increased by 25%, and the torment duration was increased from 2s to 4s. That's it.
I should also note that Reaper got a bunch of damage buffs to their shroud skills, but the decay was increased from 3% to 5% :^)
>no monks
what's the point of playing?
They are viable.
They're just not part of the speed run meta.
>speed run meta
I swear that cancer infests every fucking MMO
Thief with the Daredevil spec, there you have it
I don't mind it.
What I find ridiculous is how some people think it's the only way to play the game and then pretend their class cannot do anything, without even trying to do it, only because a guild have some data for the most optimal setting to do the content in record speed.
Gw2 is the only game where devs can release expansion without content and players love it.
These are the same balance devs that continually nerfed tempest "because it's support" until it did less dps than an actual support spec on small hitbox targets.
Despite the only "support" tempest bought was healing and auras (lol).
Good luck to scourge ever getting competitive damage.
>and players love it.
The players have been giving them a bunch of shit (rightfully so) over it in the forums since less than a week after release when people realised there was no replayability.
The worst part is out of three necromancer variants - core, reaper, scourge - none of them are appealing for group play. Five fucking years, people.
Less damage, no support. Why would anybody want this?
Honestly I would expect after 2 years of development for expansion to have at least 5 new fractals. I mean they have about 400 employees what the fuck are they even doing? Everyone is just making maps?
making mount skins to sell for 400 gems each at random but if you spend ~12,000 gems you can get them all!
I'd take fractals, but really I would love dungeons. It was my biggest gripe with HoT too.
Releasing an expansion with a whole new zone and no 5 player dungeons to explore with your friends and farm some skin sets from both highly limits replayability and even the world-building.
Dungeons add so much to an MMO, to just abandon them is because you want to be a contrarian dev team is retarded.
You love getting DP'd
IMO they waste way too much on story and voice acting.
Eh i played it since early 2014
Endgame's getting somewhat stale especially now that i got the last griffon mastery, i should prolly try getting into fractals and raids soon
Every now and then they add in some cool new stuff too, the expansion was a pleasant surprise for example (literally less than 2 months between announcement and release)
I loved the Reaper's concept but the game just never got to stuck with me. Played beta/first few weeks and left... then again with the first exp for a month and left.
For NPCs to have voice acting is fine, but to have 10 different people deliver the same lines is stupid. Worst of all some of the voice actors are terrible and to hear your character deliver lines horribly is immersion breaking.