God-tier OST

>God-tier OST
>Amazing characters and good dialogue
>Interesting themes that are barely ever seen in this medium
>hot dickgirl

Why haven't you played/watched this yet, user?

This is a game where if it weren't for Sup Forums I never would have touch it with a 10 feet pole. The moment someone said that this was a spin-off from a completely unrelated game it got me hooked. I even bothered to get my Xbox from storage just to play this

Damn near everyone on Sup Forums played Nier.




Could you please die?

Hey man, we both know the gameplay is kinda meh so we can't expect everyone to play it.
As long as they experience it somehow, i'm happy.

But I got the platinum trophy for it and it's one of my favourite games. It's a shame because I think it's better than Automata but no one cares about this one.


what if I watched it first and then play it?


Where do you think you are?

Story and OST are definitely better than Automata, if they remastered it with better gameplay it'd be a contender for being the best game of all time imo.

>Route B starts at Part 2 from the get go
>i still had unfinished quests in Part 1
>can't go back without restarting the whole game

I like this one better just because it 'matters' more just because we're talking about the fate of humanity and not some dumb robots having existential crises and sappy love story

>the gameplay is kinda meh

It's better than most games coming out these days.

Awful gameplay.

>clunky design meant for a game from the ps2 era
>god awful voice acting
>generic and forgettable soundtrack
>only the most hardcore of weebs can be attached to these poorly written characters

Gee, I don't know.

People only play Taro games for story and characters though so that is what puts it above Automata for me. If I wanted a better action game I would just play Ninja Gaiden or another Platinum title

>that fishing mechanic

Yoko Taro has never made a good game.

Don't bully him he's suffered enough!!

>Butchered english release.
lol eops

>Implying the androids are any less human than the replicants.
>Implying theres no sappy love story in all Taro games


It's not butchered though

>Generic and forgettable soundtrack

I'll play it when they release the version where the mc isn't ugly in english.

The fishing game was great, I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Out of all the issues you could have with this game but a character being ugly is what puts you off? His face is covered for majority of the game anyway

>its a "we from Sup Forums dont watch LPs because we're TRUE GAMERS" episode

oh there's definitely a love story in the first game but it's a familial one. In fact it's love that drove Nier's characters into pulling some crazy shit. I just prefer the first one's premise

Because no PC port.

The should have got Boredoms to do the soundtrack, I feel like that's kinda what they were aping anyway.

I played through it several times and watched a LP of it. In that order. Fite me 1v1.