What doe she think of Forces?
What doe she think of Forces?
Well if he's in love I suppose Sonic would be a good husband
But the werehog is kinda ____fun____
Maybe we'll get an Escape from LA style Sanic movie?
Me too
>starts out as a great game
Never again.
honestly, if it wasn't for Sonic Unleashed. people would have given up on Sonic after 06.
the same can't be said for Forces.
Literally who?
what a retard, also literally who?
Underage please fr*ck off
Sonic is the greatest horror series known to man. Nothing else captures the experience of subtle, creeping dread as well as Sonic.
Sonic Unleashed is a good game.
truly the last Sonic game, with passion put into it. (Generations was decent for a 100% run) Carpenter has good fucking taste, i would play the fuck out of a Escape From New York game.
Mania has passion put into it
XD ebin
Don't reply to Unleashedfag
Sonic Colors my man
Sonic Unleashed is not a good game.
He should be director for the Sonic movie!
Well is he the dude who made it or something? I don't get why this guy is relevant
I'm canadian
>he loves the lofi music that instantly puts you in the 90s
>he's the king of lofi music that instantly puts you in the 80s
This actually kind of makes sense.
yes he's the dev and thinks his game is cool
I've thought this for a while. Even Colours and Generations, despite being good, didn't feel inspired like Unleashed was.
underage please go
good to see another celebrity that has good taste
go away underage redditor
Sonic Unleashed (360) was a pretty good game. Carpenter has good taste.
Is there a reason why we should give a shit what this dude has to say on Sonic?
>John Carpenter played Sonic Mania
Based as fuck
He's tweeted about video games regularly throughout the years. Last I heard he loved Prey. Why is this news?
Damn. Playing some sanic with a carpenter soundtrack would probably work.
Oh, any of you never watched:
>The Thing
>Escape from New York
>Big Trouble in Little China
>They Live
>Dark Star
>In the Mouth of Madness
>The Fog
Don't reply to bait.
>implying anyone above 97 knows who the fuck is Carpenter
Thank you for that list of grandpas vhs collection
>John Carpenter will never make a Dead Space game
my post was actually ironic dude
Truly. It's a great game.
Literally every film on that list that doesn't star Kurt Russel would have benefited from starring Kurt Russel
Seen any of John Carpenter's recent films? The man has been shit since the mid-90s. Escape from LA was his last decent film and even that's highly debatable.
Not even debatable. I loved it but it was a pile of wank. His last truly great film was Big Trouble in Little China. His last OK film was In the Mouth of Madness.
I watched some of his scary movies on Cinemax...when I was a toddler.
the fuck
>"I even like the one where he turns into a werewolf"
Get him to direct and write the Sonic movie.
Colours was okay. Unfortunately the Colours team is the main team at Sonic Team since the Unleashed/Generations people were relocated to other SEGA projects, meaning from now on we're getting average stuff like Colours from them.
>nobodies and some fuckface from Lost World making the new game
th-thanks, Sonic Team...
I have to think they'll switch it up since the last two projects from Colors team are duds, at least bring in another director.
I wound unironically have liked for him to direct the Sonic movie.
Unleashed wasn't that bad of a game.
Truth. All the hate stems from the werehog, and medals.
But really the werehog stages weren't awful. Just bland. And the medals weren't a huge hassle. So you might have run into a road block. Maybe if you didn't avoid the medals the first time through a stage, then you wouldn't have to go back and get them. They gave the game the length it needed, as Unleashed is very short without replays.
Sine this is an Unleashed thread, I've been playing the Wii version of Unleashed for the first time and just read that they are different on other consoles. How different are we talking here?
This explains why he hasn't made a good movie since 1996
>Ghosts of Mars
>tfw I played the Wii Wagglin version of Unleashed
>tfw I still think it's a good Sonic game
>“Oh hell yeah,” he says. “It took a while, these things are hard to beat.” Now he’s ready for a sequel. “I just keep wanting to play Sonic games — because they’re fun. I hope they keep making them.
his soundtrack work isn't lofi what the fuck
Fake news.
> John Carpenter secretly creates Sonic donut steels on Deviantart.
I have never heard any of those movies.
I'm not even baiting or anything, am I supposed to know who this guy is?
to be fair, rooftop run is a great song, or at least the generations version was
dumb hydeposter
>I'm not even baiting or anything,
everyone has guilty pleasures. Plenty of people like bad films, cartoons or whatever for their own charm.
Clearly he sees something he enjoys.
What are you doing still in this thread? Go watch those movies right now. Every single one. Don't come back to Sup Forums until you've completed that required watching list.
I Googled searched some of the movies that that guy named and all of them are from the 80s and majority of them have a low review score, why should I know who this guy is and why should I watch his movies?
If you don't want to watch good movies, then feel free to avoid watching them. It's just that they're referenced in a lot of stuff. Metal Gear Solid is basically just Escape from New York.
Well the other version has a real hub world, and not a glorified level select. The levels are all different layouts, and sonic gets a single long bar for boosting, rather than second bursts. plus the graphics are far superior, as the other consoles take advantage of the hedgehog engine. The graphic engine that makes Sonic games look beautiful.
I hear the wii version is good, even though I haven't played it myself. But I still look at my 360 version, and think it's superior.
He knows whats up. Sonic Unleashed is easily the best Sonic game and one of the greatest games of all time. No other game has as much as detail as that one.
They both have completely different level layouts. The Wii version is also missing a couple zones if I recall.
Just play the 360 version or the mod for generations. The Wii version was nearly unplayable for me after playing the other version. No idea how it got reviewed so much better back at launch.
>those Sup Forums threads about him talking shit about his former friend and fellow director David Cronenburg because of how pretentious he got whereas John didn't change that much
I really wish John would make another movie but knowing him, he's content sitting back and collecting royalties off of his old movies + remakes of his old movies.
Hes old now man. Hes created a string of fantastic movies. Let the guy retire and enjoy his last few years without a hectic schedule
I hope this is bait.
>it's a real article
Because the good ones are very good. Just forget that Ghosts of Mars was ever a thing, watch The Thing, Escape from New York and Halloween and you should be okay.
He also like new prey.
escape from la was better than escape from new york though
Didn't he work on FEAR 3 as well?
Not that user you replied to but
>The Thing
I know the thing I believe that's his masterpiece
>Escape from New York
Never heard of it
>Big Trouble in Little China
Never watched it
Wait Stephen Kings Christine?
>They Live
Want to watch it
Wait the horror movie, that's my favorite out of what you listed
>Dark Star
Heard of it
>In the Mouth of Madness
Never heard of it
>The Fog
I watched it but forgot it
Has this made anything else noteworthy aside from The Thing?
I watched Big Trouble in Little China the other day and I honestly felt insulted after the film was over.
>there are people ITT who havent watched The Thing
you have an absolutely shit taste my friend
I'm surprised Sonic fans have such patrician taste.
Not all Sonic fans are of the memey autism kind. Some actually live normal lives.
that can be said for anyone that likes anything
I hope the werehog comes back
Not him but I'm nineteen and had no idea who he was. I've heard of some of his films, but only through Metal Gear Solid and memes.
Yeah. Never watched them. That shouldn't be surprising, user.
Well, except They Live. But that was for the meme value, so I'm not sure it counts.
>That shouldn't be surprising
then how do you explain this thread
What do you mean? You mean the thread with lots of people recognising him, and a fair amount of people not recognising him? Doesn't that suggest it's not unusual to not watch his films?
all you people saying you never watched his movies, am I to believe you never saw Halloween, Escape from New York, or Big Trouble in Little China?
how is that even possible?
Seriously now. Should I give another chance to Unleashed? I played the PS2 version almost a decade ago and I remember I liked the Sanic stages but hated the werehog stages and the hub world.
what i mean, is that everyone other than the people who dont know who he is, are pretty surprised that other people don't know who he is. how blunt do i have to be here
Don't you understand that they also shouldn't be surprised? Old people not realising how out of touch they are with young people is a well known phenomenon.
Just because a lot of people do it, doesn't mean they should do it.