>halloween sale happens
>30 bucks
>holy shit this is great
>kicking zombies into spikes
>nail bats
>wrench swords
>electrified pipe weapons
>bladed pinwheel table legs
>motherfuck yes side quests for hours
>random events side tracking me for more hours
>5 minutes of main quest
>80 hours later
>QTE final boss
>whatever, not sure what I expected from a one armed man
>make a new game because I yearned for the days of pipe and wrench weapons because 1400+ damage swords got old quick
>spending forever night mode from the prolog mission and the day after
Is online mode fun? I remember dead island having shitty scaling and people going all the fuck over the place doing their own thing and bitching when they die to a horde/night spawn
Dying Light thread I guess
Other urls found in this thread:
Be careful with online mode. Im not lying when I say the first online interaction I had with someone they gave me a hacked gun that had infinite ammo. The temptation was too strong not to keep using it.
Well.. if its all hacks and shit probably best off staying offline
it's in my backlog
Get the Following dlc, its great.
Really underrated game in my opinion. One of the best zombie games ever. Great graphics, combat and gore.
the gameplay is great and the missions serve their purpose well enough for the most part, the main exception being the story ones
online mode apparently has lots of hackers
the expansion is pretty bad, it just replaces parkour with a boring car
Seriously underrated. The first part of the story mode was great but man shit escalated quickly when I first discovered night mode.
thanks for reminding me that the game isnt sold in germany.
fuck that censorship
My system should be able to run this well, but, no matter what I do, mouse movement feels really weird. Does anyone else have this problem?
At least you don't have to feel guilty for pirating it.
man this game is so fucking boring
one of my most favorite single player games in recent history. Also a contender for the best zombie game made. Pure fun through and through.
Online can be fun, but there are hackers abound, seems about 25% hackers, 33% exploiters and the rest are legit players.
It's better to just get some friends together for some night.. hunting.
This. I bought it on sale for 10 bucks thinking maybe a slightly better dead island. Nope. Its everything that dead island should have been and more. A very good game.
>the expansion is pretty bad, it just replaces parkour with a boring car
this guy knows. the buggy was kind of fun, but all they did was make the map huge and boring to traverse back and forth. They practically dropped the parkour action altogether which was by far one of the biggest highlights of the game.
the fuck is this garbage shit?
>we did nothing but make the game easy as piss
It's just a really solid game. Doesn't really bring anything new to the table, and is dangerously close to an Ubisoft game but actually has more polish than them and also has some weird charm to it.
I love Dying Light but it barely gets any discussion. That moment when you reach the city, really wasn't expecting the game to have a second map.
I bought it, but I have nobody to co-op with and anyone on this fucking board is a shitcunt
Bought this game for $20 at cuckstop on ps4. Still playing it. Upped the difficulty to hard after beating it on normal and it's much more fun, but holy shit night is scary.
Sucks to hear the DLC is shitty.
I wouldn't say it's downright shitty, it's just less about parkour, it still have parkour, but there are further between towns and they're obviously smaller since you'll be driving around a lot.
Story's pretty great though.
Dont like the fact that it takes forever to kill normal zombies in the beginning of the game. But after that hurdle its pretty dope
Any tips for new players?
The DLC is ok. Yeah it dumps the city/rooftop to rooftop for a wide open farmland. The buggy is kinda fun that you can upgrade, repair and ride around in. Best part of the DLC are the Volatile enemy lairs. Sneak into them during the night, hope you get it done before daybreak and blow them up. And whew that story once you get it going. Imagine a cult x deliverance movie got together and had a baby
Also Night becomes more or less not scary when you are able to make Kurt's Bombs. They are a distraction + 4 stacks of bleed and the explosion damage. most of them die quickly from the bleed. shit can still go wrong really fast in tight areas like the bridge
Night Hunter would be so much fucking better if it was just a simple invasion, basically a single special player-controlled zombie attacking.
Instead they made some dumb as fuck minigame that got so boring after doing it for 99th time I disabled invasions.
Seriously, that "protect the nest" or "destroy the nest" was so fucking terrible it made playing as either side feel like a chore, it would be so much better if it was just a simple "kill everyone and don't get killed".
Thats because of quick level scaling. Even a purple/blue Night Stick or Wrench Kiss if you hold onto it for too long can fuck you in the ass. Dont get attached to your weapons and upgrade whenever possible. I believe enemy levels go up based on either your survival rank, or a mix of them all I dont remember
upgrade often
aim for the head
do your best to lockpick police vehicles for guns/ammo
Bleed is the best status effect because a burning/toxic/electrified zombie can hurt you in combat or looting.
Bladed weapons are for quick kills, blunt weapons are for stunning which is neat when you get the 1hko attack vs stunned enemies.
Get Zombie Camo and the Camo Takedown. makes shit so much easier in some areas of the game. Even reapplying camo in a herd wont draw attention.
go out of your way to farm herbs and take the potion perks. speed drink makes drops/events/going across the map so much easier
ignore the thrown weapons and shield perks
this game is pretty boring until you level up athletics to let you climb faster, and get grappling hook
If that was the way forward the Hunter would have to be too strong for a single player to take on.
>grappling hook
Now you have my attention. I though this was as boring as Dead Island.
I'm pretty sure enemy level scales on a mix of survivor rank and story progression
you hook around the city like you're spiderman or some shit. it's pretty tight but you don't get it for a while into the game
Grappling Hook is later in the game. from I think the third tier survival perk tree, first one. makes shit easier to get around and sometimes easier to escape. you get 2 grapples per cooldown and it takes like 10 seconds to recharge. a speed potion and a grapple allows you to move around the map so fucking quick
The game is Dead Island except with better graphics, better quests, better presentation and more diverse and polished core mechanics.
Don't use hook for climbing it makes game ultra ezmode.
>more diverse and polished core mechanics.
This might be enough to make me consider playing it. I'll watch some videos.
Oh and do not skip out on the runner challenges. you wont be able to do them all right off the bat but they are worth tons of Agility exp
next expansion when
Is it wrong to have fantasies about wanting to take one of those female zombies with her titty almost hanging out into a safe house to fuck it?
asking for a friend
would you get infected if you fucked a zombie?
How do I stop being spooked in this game anons
I basically play the floor is lava with this shit
The developers are also releasing 10 free dlc packs over the next year. The first one came a couple weeks back and gave new weapons, enemies, and missions.
Don't the zombies die when you take them into safe houses? Or is that what you have in mind?
Probably, but you are already infected
UV lights do not harm regular zombies. so unless its a game mechanic that kills them.. no
I love how hard the game is at night. More games should do something like this.
I'm pretty sure they die upon entering safe houses as a game mechanic
be super paranoid and learn to not run all the time
>lockpicking is real time
>running, explosions, killing and weapon attacks that hit a hard surface attracts all types of zombies
>at night..
>volatiles assist regular zombies
>camo does not work on them at a close range
>eye contact will trigger them at a long range with camo on
>firecrackers to stealth/run the fuck away
seriously, if you want to fight you need firecrackers and electrical weapons. night time enemies are weak to electrical weapons
But I think the point of this game was to never feel too safe, which makes it fun.
>How do I stop being spooked in this game anons
it'll when you're not weak anymore
>be super paranoid and learn not to run all the time
That's pretty much what I do but it ends up with me just sitting in a safe house not moving
play the dlc
and do more night runs in nightmare
I dunno what to tell ya man, even on normal mode adventuring out at night always gets that tingly feeling going in my lower abdomen area as I sit and wait inside a regular house waiting for that stalker to go away
>that mission where you have to sneak up on the parkour zombie at night who is surrounded by volatiles
One of the most bullshit missions in the game
Online is fun. It's a given that it's better with friends. But what's really underrated is VS Nighthunter mode. You also get gold weapons from playing it.
This is honestly how it is. Multiplayer is fun but you have to wade through shit to find good people to play with.
speed potion.
mark the nearest safe house
also kurt's bombs if they are unlocked, I dont remember. kurts bombs fuck those night predators hard
>tentacles only
none of yall fuckers know how to make it fun
>not stalking them and spooking the shit out of them when they dont expect it
>find a guy walk into a building
>slip into a window and wait for him in the next room
>he comes in and i beat the shit out of him
This is the first game to ever kick in my fear of heights, which is impressive since I never get that immersed in shit. Climbing the suspension bridge and the radio tower was fucking terrifying, I was sweating like crazy and had butterflies in my stomach.
Yeah because that's how people play.
Sure you run into a newbie once in a while who's in a corner pissing his pants. But most opponents will just rush straight to the nest and lay down a ton of flares and have people watching for you and wreck you on sight - the only way to engage being charged-groundpounds, which is fucking frustrating.
>he comes in and i beat the shit out of him
More like he beats the shit out of you - the Hunter loses straight up fights against survivors - and pretty convincingly too.
I congratulate you on having some fun with newbies, but sadly the gamemode is completely different when you match up against people who has experience with pvp.
Dropped it two or three days ago, it was a mistake to have done so many side missions.
I regret having spent so much time in that first area without moving forward on the main plot, the little I played in the city was fantastic, but I was already burned out of the game.
who here /volatilefarming@Rice'scompound4ezvolatilekills&legacyXP??
shits so cash
they run at you, then they stop. shoot them to make them run back at you, and then they stop to run
Actually this and the nighttime are reasons why Dying Light is better than nearly every other zombie open world games. Because it immerses you in better. Even thought the basic combat (especially in day time) feels loldiablo lolborderlands at times, it's the way the 1st person perspective is used with the parkour and with how it increases the immersion during nighttime chases that really elevates the game above all that shit.
I'm actually pretty terrified of heights in real irl too. It's fine to climb a tower in Assassin's Creed. It's also fine to climb a tower in Far Cry 3. But it's not quite as fine to do it in Dying Light.
One of my favourite games of all time. Great graphics, even better game play and a night time that actually feels scary enough to not want to run around in it. I've sunk over 200 hours into it, by myself and with friends.
It has a ludicrous amount of detail and effort put into it, that's for certain.
Just a darn shame The Following's ending was ... well, what were they thinking?
Diablo or borderlands? Are you fucking shitting me? The combat physics are great. They react depending on where you hit them. You can sweep their legs, break their limbs, cut their limps off and knock them into each other realistically.
Sure, but if your weapon/level/whatever in comparison to what the game assumes you have is shit then what you do doesn't really matter. It can be, and is, jarring at the start of the game but gets better pretty soon.
Yeah, but the zombies still react to hits. If you get surrounded, you can still knock them around if you aim properly. That's what sets it above other games that use a levelling system.
Same here. It wasn't hacked, but it was way above my paygrade. Ruined... everything. Like Alucard's Shield.