Should developers be held accountable for scamming players or is it ultimately the consumer's responsibility to avoid being taken advantage of?
Should developers be held accountable for scamming players or is it ultimately the consumer's responsibility to avoid...
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That pic makes me want to puke
The free market will hold them accountable more so than any government
Also this.
People should use their better judgement not to fall for this stuff, but sometimes developers need to have their wrists slapped once in a while.
Why do they do this
False advertising is a thing.
Still not entirely sure how he escaped legal action.
It's like me releasing Bloodborne and telling them that it's difficult and you won't platinum it in 10 days, after going in blind and without ever having played a souls game before. It's a lie.
didn't they make a ton of money
I dont know. Ask the developers of Star Citizen.
NMS was never a scam, and they even did add some of the things they said they woud.
Only idiots thought this would be more than an empty shelll of a game.
The government should have nothing to do with how a business operates you commie cuck.
False advertising is developer's fault for misleading the consumer
Consumer tolerating lootboxes and stream baits are their own fault
Except it didn't and they made millions. Free market BTFO.
"Scam" players? If you're dumb enough to trick yourself into thinking that's what happened while you made a poor purchase, the developer holds no accountability whatsoever.
You can't sue someone for making a shit game. How about you just stop getting hyped for shit games.
No where in the OP is government mentioned. Learn to read retard.
Well, maybe if you fucking idiots would stop preordering games we wouldn't have fiascos like NMS. So many fucking morons baited into buying a shitty unfinished game before reviews are out for..what was the preorder bonus? A ship? You idiots deserve to lose your money. Numales dindu nuffin.
This! If idiots didn't preorder the game like the sheep they are, the game would have flopped and the dev wouldn't have made off with millions. We all knew it was shit instantly after release.
they remind me of these guys
"But this time I'm sure it will be a good game! I mean how could this possibly be a scam!"
People will never learn
Their name will be tied to that forever which will indeed affect future endeavors.
A govt would just ask for a cut of the earnings and send them on their way, maybe even publicly absolve them.
If I buy an apple from a street seller and it ends up being rotten, I can just beat up the guy and get my money back. In a civilized society I've agreed to not physically assault people, so in turn there needs to be an entity to arbitrate the matter and get my money back on my behalf.
What country are you in when pre-ordering is some kind of legaly binding contract that says you have to buy the game? Just cancel or return it.
"River fires are fucking rad!"
"Man, black skies are MUCH cooler than blue skies."
"A little rat poison in your food won't kill you, don't be a baby!"
>this entity has to be the govt no matter what end of discussion, and in addition to that the govt is immaculate and flawless and perfect
>being so retarded you buy rotten apples
I hate brainlets.
"Hey buddy I got some dank apples, if you give me your money today I'll give you the apple next month"
It's your fault if you agree to buy an apple without seeing it first and you should shove that rotten apple up your ass for supporting such practices.
>being a huge dick and killing your customers and treating everyone like shit is like... So good for business!
The thing is that it actually is good for business... When the govt is around to construct monopolies for you.
>>this entity has to be the govt no matter what end of discussion, and in addition to that the govt is immaculate and flawless and perfect
Never said any of this.
>being so retarded you buy rotten apples
It looked good on the outside and the seller assured me it was fresh. Pretty similar to the no man sky situation.
Why can't we have both?
should the robber be accountable for shooting you or the consumer of the bullet for avoiding taking it
>gubmint is what makes monopolies
never thought i'd meet the king of brainlets in a Sup Forums thread
You can't return open console games. Anyway if NMS was so shit and preorders can just be cancelled why did this happen
There is literally nothing wrong with this if the seller is held accountable for the quality of their product. Retailers and distributers bulk buy shit all the time in this manner.
>This game looks neat
>Let's have a look at some reviews and gameplay on youtube
>Ouch, nah this game sucks, I'll skip it
Do people not do this? I can't remember the last time I got burned by a bad game.
I think scammers should be held accountable even if I feel no sympathy for the victims of certain scams.
Except that is literally the case in many countries.
>guys look
>guys look how good I am at vidya
>Are you paying attention to me yet?
thanks for giving me names senpai i really appreciate your attempt to argue in good faith
Some people buy into the hype. Some people buy whatever's popular or advertised or prominently placed in a shop. I don't really get that behaviour, but we are all irrational meat machines so it's not unexpected.
If you're opening the game then why does it matter if you pre-order or not?
People lack quality control or don't care about wasting money on a bad game or two, real life isn't like Sup Forums where people know what they're getting into.
I do the same with backpage reviews and xvideo vids when I'm looking for a wife.
If there were laws against separating idiots from their money, then majority of this board will find their hobbies regulated. Fuck off, big government cucks
what the fuck is with nu-males and their love for open mouth selfies
>i didn like end gimme money back plos!
I went in blind and platinuned it in /10 days/ and destroyed its legacy in the process.
This is their office
All they have to do is fix it with patches and blame inexperince
looks pretty chill desu
Bt den i wont git da preordur bonus
I would if people actually learned from it but they don't so ultimately it's the consumers fault. People will think another NMS couldn't happen again but the next Molyneux and Murray is always just around the corner. You should never be pessimistic from past atrocities but caution and common sense should always be applied to games that run on nothing but pure hype.
I personally don't care about other people's money and what they do with it, but it pisses me off that devs get rewarded for their bad behavior and it encourages it. NMS should have bankrupt their studio Sean shoukd have killed himself. Instead they made millions off of idiots.
>free market fag
Are you like stupid or something?
There are laws againsr scamming people you know... the entertainent industry just gets away with it.
Consumers fault.
Love too get murderous rage over a break room
wake the fuck up wannabe adam smith. free market can't do shit. it's 2017.
you shit people's plates and they pay fuckload.
it's all down to what shit flavor "game" you will feed onto them.
they pay for f2p korean mmo gimmicks in FUCKING FULL $60 DOLLAR GAME. HOLY SHIT!
>not liking unrestricted unregulated freedom.
Come be my slave then faggot.
Isnt false advertising illegal?
If im selling deodorant and telling the world you will smell like roses only to end up smelling like actual shit, arent the buyers in their right to sue me?
False advertising is a very real and punishable offence. People who lie about the content of their product should be held accountable.
On the other hand if its some bullshit like early access then you only got yourself to blame if you fall into their trap.
no! gubbermend bad!!!!!
LOL look at this commie
Go back to one of your failure countries where people can't even afford bread.
Someone needs to do some research on the prevelence of nu-male open mouth selfies.
When did it begin, and why do they do it? What expression is it supposed to convey?
Didn't they lie about features though, like multiplayer?
Sure it obviously sounded like it wasn't going to be anywhere as good as they made it sound but that still doesn't excuse them.
some kike lawyer will assert that roses are fertilized and people use shit for fertilizer, and that it was smelling as intended
the problem with this sort of thing is that it almost always falls into a 'whatever' gray area unless pure legalspeak has been used from moment one.
>muh commies
Do Americans not realize they live in a planned economy?
a fool and his money will soon be separated.
though aiming at children is just wrong, the parents are the idiots with the money anyway.
Can someone post that nu-male/whore/normal guy taking picture of an object comparison image you know the one
At some point you have to let a product release and fail. Some of you idiots are basically suggesting that someone should be the arbiter of which games are allowed to be released. Presumably that someone would be you.
it was more effort to post this than it would have to do an internet search yourself
Yeah fucking world is beyond redemption just kill me please
it was more effort to post this than it would have to do an internet search and post the image yourself
looks like a kindergarten
>Go back to one of your countries where the US interferes with their elections and undermines their economies if you love government so much!
i'm not some passcuck like you, posting is actually an immense pain in the ass
Yep. Planned to create and protect monopolies and bailout failing rich people.
Libertarians as well as Socialist know full well the way America works now is fucked.
>tfw I never fall for forced meme indie shit
Repetition is not evidence brothers. I need hard EVIDENCE that a game is good before I buy it, it is not enough for a game to be (((trending))) for me to assume that it is good.
People under 13 should not trade. Also teams of company owned anti scammers should be introduced to get rid of these vile creatures
would you advocate for no punishment for someone who robs a store/someone else? what the fuck
EA and Ubisoft and companies like them have been scamming people for literally decades and it hasn't hurt them. Shit they've only gotten better at ripping people off.
>real life isn't like Sup Forums where people know what they're getting into.
Exactly this.
The vast majority of gamers don't frequent this shithole, and I bet NMS made that money purely on pre-order promises.
People were lied to, than coudn't even return the game once the truth has been exposed.
Being able to research a product isn't exclusive to people from Sup Forums, it's not like we have some forbidden knowledge that gives us a more informed opinion than other people.
Even then, Sup Forums isn't some bastion of information where everyone is vigilantly trying to point out bad games. There comes a few games a year that are a massive shitstorm, but there's plenty of games that are complete shit that aren't even mentioned here
Anyone who is so interested in the game as to preorder it has the know-how to search for more information on it
A degree of the responsibility could be placed on the consumer but the ultimate blame still lies with the developers/publishers for misrepresenting their product, be it intentionally or accidentally, and misleading the consumers. No Man's Sky is an especially egregious case where the blame falls squarely with the developers as Sean Murray couldn't keep his fucking mouth shut. Consumers could have seen through his bullshit well before the game was even released if they paid close attention to the fact that each presentation of the gameplay was identical and showed none of the features Murray spoke about but some of those features even went as far as appearing in trailers (like the grand space battles). Ultimately, while consumers could have been suspicious, it's not enough to put the blame completely on them for falling for it because there was no actual hard proof that Murray's claims were lies. It was still his responsibility to accurately represent his game and to be factual about what the game would launch with. Even if his claims of base building eventually DID make it into the game, he at no point made it clear that the feature would not be in the game at launch, render its addition moot as it could even be argued that the feature only actually made it in as a response to backlash. Not to mention, many of Sean's advertised features still do not exist in the game. To be honest, it really baffles me how the entire thing just kind of... blew over and was forgotten about and that Sean actually got away with it. There were a few threats of class action suits against Hello Games but none of them seem to have gone anywhere. Then again, the game itself and Murray's team appear to have faded into nigh obscurity so maybe that was enough and the studio will just quietly close eventually. I was just expecting their downfall to come with a lot more fanfare considering what an absolute shitshow of boldfaced lies it all was.
autism reservation
Yeah Hello Games got fucked by the free market when they made those millions of dollars off their shit game.
I can smell the nu-male off this pic
Sure, that would be OK if the devs provided accurate information.
How are you suppose to research a product beforehand if all you're being fed with is lies?
this is what a REAL game studio looks like
Damnnn! BTFO
Fuck off
Free market assumes the consumers are morally just and know whats best for them.
This is false, the "black friday" holiday proves this, and since black friday is considered the concentration of american culture into one point, I think its fair to say it
Thanks user senpai
They are though because no one would buy another hello game's product again after they scammed people with NMS
10/10 made me wheeze
There's no "or".
Developers should be held accountable when scamming.
It is ultimately the consumers responsibility to not let themselves be scammed.
No matter what laws and other things are used to hold people accountable, there will always be scams.
>No privacy
Fuck that.