Hard 10+ hour shift

> Hard 10+ hour shift
> come home to enjoy relaxing exploring internet
> Steam signs you in
> *steam message sound*
> Friend: "Game"

What do you do Sup Forums. Keep in mind you have already showed yourself online

why wouldnt you play with your friend?

delete you’re comouter

Playing video games isn't relaxing now a days

I would try not being a black man pretending to be a tranny.

I set this whole community stuff to offline by default, only sign in when I'm in the mood.
Which is never.

The one steam friend and I that would bother inviting each other would just say we don't feel like it if one invited and the other didn't want to play.

I have it sign me in offline to friends, that way I can TF2 and Rimworld in peace

You say "No" unless you do wanna play with him.

He asks why? just say "Shitty day at work" and be done with it. Don't be a sperg, it's only a chat window, not fucking videoconferencing through skype.

You realize the consequences of declining is much bigger than you think in the grand scheme of things

>play game
>continue to ignore messages during session
>ignore for an hour or a week
>"Sup dude, the fuck you up to?"

It does not matter,whether you reply or not, this friendship/dialog is superficial at best and completely irrelevant to my daily RL time. I could give two shits if you said hey or ignored me. Because as far as I'm concerned, you're only there to entertain me when I'm bored.

just say "nah not today, maybe some other day when i have more free time"


>do this
>friends stalk your profile page and see you have been playing games while hidden

lol what do you mean dude we work together I know for a fact you're free because your at home

i mean im fucking tired man i just wanna relax

Ignore and set status to offline.

It's weird to notify everyone that I'm playing a single player game.

keeps things simple, you don't have to think about the relationship because there isn't one.

>sorry buddy, not feeling it tonight. I'll catch you next time though!

Too difficult to imagine myself in this situation.

What consequences? is someone you met online not gonna play with you anymore you big baby?

If someone is gonna drop you just cause you don't play the game with them every chance they want you to they're not your friend to begin with.

Only real time you should really honestly care about an online fag you play games with is when you guys have gone beyond the online barrier and know each other in real life. You guys knew each other beforehand (School friend/co-worker) or you went ahead and decided to meet like it's online dating.

>tfw only one friend on Steam who plays much, much less than you
>effectively, no one judges what and when you play
>except yourself
>wish I could unfriend myself

Oh stop being so fucking dramatic. When I don't feel like playing with my irl friends (since I never ever add randoms to my friends list, because they are not my friends) I tell them so.

>Set status to offline
>tfw they can still find out

>motivate yourself all week to go out to a show and talk to people about music
>weekend comes
>sleep and Sup Forums

Completely blame myself for this, gotta figure out how to go from thought to action. Shit is like a brick wall with random justification for inaction. That or I'm just fucking scared of everything I know I gotta do to get that kinda shit in my life.

Ignore him, stop being scared of people.

If this is a consistent problem, change your settings so you're not signed in on start up.

You're a faggot.

Just tell your friend not today. If your friend is actually made that you don't wanna play vidya for 1 day then he probably isn't a very good friend to begin with.

>stirner posters on Sup Forums

>log on our vent
>friend: "want to play game?"
>tell him no i'm just going to get drunk and watch clickspring videos or some shit
>he would then proceed to play game while i watch videos and we would bullshit while both doing our own thing
it's nice not being retarded

It's me. I'm that friend.

>"No thanks"

Wow that was hard

Absolutely nothing wrong with rational egotism! I'm not killing or hurting anyone physically or mentally with communication. Any butt hurt can be solely attributed to the faggot that asked me to be a 'friend'. Get fucking perspective.

I'm not friends with retarded autists, user

I thought pressuring myself was the problem
I think it's part of it. One other part is some twisted sense of guilt for being unproductive

>twisted sense of guilt for being unproductive

That's real, cause it's deprecating and only exists as thought to appease established habits and destructive rewards that you've become accustomed to. It's a literal fucking irrelevant thought, wasted god damn energy.
>"oh, why am I so tired?"
>answers right in your face.

>nah, not today

If your actually friends with someone, no, they are no consequences to declining unless you've previously promised to play.


If anyone wants to play rocket league then add me.

only if you'll message me the second i get on everyday until i block you with "rl?"

I just want to blob like a faggot as France in Victoria 2 to calm my nerves, give me a break user.

>Tfw EvW is dead and will never be released

Depends on if the friend is a real life friend not some internet person. If real friend then I would wake up from my dream. If other option I would ignore like I do every day

>tfw no internet friends
It's a special kind of suffering.

theyre more a pain than anything unless you're lucky enough to have ones with taste who don't play AAA trash and early access shit.

On one hand, you're right. On the other hand, I'm lonely as shit and desperate enough to play basically anything.

>I'm lonely as shit and desperate enough to play basically anything.
you say that, but try playing Rust. It's the most boring shit ever. Meanwhile they go on about playing it for 20 hours.

Is anything truly boring when you have good friends playing it with you?

>when you have good friends playing it with you?
Yes, you'll wish you were doing something else.

But i guess, greener grass and all that.

I say no

and thats it

Yeah, you're right. I used to have internet friends a while ago but I slowly stopped being a part of those groups because they started to get on my nerves. I 100% regret doing so now, though, and I have no idea where to make new ones.

"no thanks, tired, just checking stuff on my PC then going to bed"


>and I have no idea where to make new ones.
/tg/ stuff is probably a decent start, seeing as you're less likely to run into literal kids.

>Because as far as I'm concerned, you're only there to entertain me when I'm bored.

Don't be surprised when you end up with no friends.

Acquaintances are sufficient. If I wanted a friend, I'd treat someone differently. But you don't need a lot of those, you just need to 'know' people most times to get what you want.

Good point. There's nothing worse than playing on a TF2 server whose voice chat is full of underage memelords. I've never really made friends on /tg/ (on any board for that matter), though. IMO it's harder to do so when everyone's anonymous, though I've heard stories of people finding gfs and bfs through Sup Forums.