Compared to N64 era platformers, how well do you think Hat In Time holds up, Sup Forums?

compared to N64 era platformers, how well do you think Hat In Time holds up, Sup Forums?

It's better than the majority of them.
Most people only remember the tiny minority of N64 era platformers though. Most were absolute gabrage.

you cant lump all n64 platformers together. mario 64 is till by far the best one. hat in time is slightly below kazooie

name 5 N64 platformers that were bad

half of every licensed game was a platformer.

I want to fuck her

name 5, you filthy fucking american

aHiT looks like garbage and the overall game is mediocre, so I'd say it fits right in

I replayed Banjo Kazooie recently for a nostalgia trip. And it was fun revisiting the old worlds, but I had a lot more fun with Hat in Time overall.

Jumping around and climbing things in general just feels more responsive and enjoyable. And the worlds feel diverse beyond just changing the colors and music. It's not perfect. There's still some glitches and combat outside of boss fights isn't very exciting. But it feels like it takes me back to the charm of old games, without going out of its way to be bogged down by all the same problems and limitations of the time, like some spiritual successors seem to do when making their name on nostalgia alone.

What N64 era platformers were good?
>Super Mario 64

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Rocket robot
Tonic trouble
Donald Duck
Toy story
Donkey Kong
Chameleon twist

Those are all just 3D N64 platformers. If we count 2D and PSX games, we’ll have way more

why don't you take a seat over there?

Console release fucking when

You haven't played those since you were a kid, have you?

The N64 versions of gex and toy story 2 were shit

Gex 2's port was shit.
Toy Story's was heavily mediocre.
Donkey Kong 64 is really off and on and really needed that "no character specific balloons" mod.
Tooie is Proto-Yooka Laylee.

super mario 64

>Rocket robot
>Tonic trouble
>Donkey Kong

>Donald Duck
>Toy story
>Chameleon twist
Can't say I've played these.

Nobody remembers the shit games, you OBSESSED shitskin.

Conker just bases itself more on quests and unusual platforming, it's not bad at all

Toy story 2 is worth a play on the PS1, it's like the BFBB of the 5th gen