so the switch is great and all but I still don't fucking get this dpad
So the switch is great and all but I still don't fucking get this dpad
Do you think you're funny?
A thread died for this
He probably thought no one else made the joke, even though people made it within the first 5 minutes of the console reveal
its meant for kids
Remember when Sup Forums criticized PS4 for the share button and no select button? Remember when they were extremely quiet when switch was revealed to have this?
thats a home button
good thing the switch has a select button, then
almost like the situations are... different or something
>Nintenbro gets bum bum blushered over someone having a legit issue with the Nindoodoo Wii Shitch and replies with an anime pic from his favourite new Nintenbro Wii Switch title
it's not a dpad
it's an upvote button
Plus and Minus are the Start and Select equivalent on Switch
>legit issue
The only one who has legit issues is you.
just using any excuse to post this like anyone gives a fuck. end yourself nigger
Damn its like im in 2016 all over again
It was designed to the US president's specifications.
unlike you he is
>replying to reddit tier posts
>anime reaction image
why i am not surprised
>stick in the middle of the right joy-con
I don't reply to anime avatars
>pissing off Sup Forums to kill a thread
It's sad to think that the majority userbase of Nintendo is those that grew up with them. Kids now just play mobile games or xbox
Baby gonna cry?
Odd how Sup Forums said options was inexcusable for ps4. Almost like pathetic bias.
Nobody plays Xbox.
You must be 18 or older to post on this site.
Autism as always.
That's what I'm playing right now though. Gotta pick on Nintendo because there is too much heat in the 1x threads? Pathetic lol
Imagine being this much of a sourpuss that you can't take a joke
I will be playing Xbox as soon as I get home from work
Does anyone find hands like this attractive? I don't like them at all. I don't know why but I like hands that are a bit rough around the edges.
It's not even a good joke, though. I would rather be a sour puss than be so easily amused.
>this ESL student is still posting
damn, blast from the past
Shut the fuck up redditard.
It's a plus sign for mafths!
>ESL student
What else do you know about this fucking leaf?
quit bitchin and see me in ultra street fighter 2 i'll kick your ass with ryu using that dpad bitch
That's a reason why I'm waiting for a revision
nobody said the home buttons on either xbox 360 or ps3 or wii were bad additions. they may have disliked the concept of a "home" in the first place but since it was there it was a nice addition
Don't you dare compare Quebecois animals to Canadians
But it's a known fact he is a leaf.
that specific joke was old about a half an hour from the reveal, and the general 'inflammatory moron but on purpose' joke, if you want to call it one, was old even before that.
>fat americuck can't use dpad
Nintendo is a japanese country. Switch is made by japs for japs. Japs are smol people with little fingers. Stop being an americuck and learn about other countries