>Capcom COO said company's developing Switch titles aimed at release after April next year. The pipeline includes "Ace Attorney" franchise.
Capcom to Bring Increased Support and Ace Attorney to Switch in 2018
Other urls found in this thread:
>19% of Ubisoft sales last quater were from Switch with only M+R and Rayman Legends
>2K "very pleased with performance" of NBA 2K18 on Switch
>Capcom states Monster Hunter XX was a success with "stalwart performance", Ultra SF II a "smash hit"
>Square Enix want to work "aggressively" on Switch titles
>Bamco state all games they have released on Switch have performed well, preparing 3 exclusives for next year
>Koei Tecmo “extremely happy” with all their Switch game sales
>Konami's Super Bomberman R shipped over 500k in April, looking into other franchises on the system
>Many reports of indie games selling more on Switch than on other system
>people will deny that this is viral marketing
>Marvelous are planning to release new and old games for Switch
>EA done making Switch games after FIFA 18
It's not viral marketing. People on Sup Forums are genuinely sad and autistic enough to post it all day long.
All I want is the souls trilogy through.
I don't think you know what viral marketing is.
Protip: reposting news is not.
Surely, they will conclude Kristoph Gavin's story this time. Let's just wait.
>no bumps for 5 minutes
If I was nintendo I'd cut your pay right now
Do you morons even know what viral marketing even means?
I have seen this exact post copy/pasted in at least 3 threads. How much is Nintendo paying you?
>Viral marketing (or viral advertising) is a marketing technique that uses pre-existing social networking services and other technologies to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives
Which is exactly what's happening here.
What's your point exactly?
So either Ace attorney 7 or a spin-off
>tfw Apollo's arc is finally done and we dont have to see his forehead again
I guess everything news related is viral marketing and we cant talk about video game news anymore.
Fuck I guess we will all have to go back to hoping every single game is another Tortanic style disaster.
Do you know what "news" is?
Once you repost it for the millionth time it stops being NEWs
It's literally there in the word
>all this mad
>Classic logo
>Robot Masters in the back
>Image featuring X
Whoever made this should be shot
Do you complain when there is more than 1 thread when a popular new game is announced?
If people are making threads saying "THIS GAME WAS JUST ANNOUNCED GET HYPE" 2 weeks after the announcement, yes.
They need to port this game onto the switch
20 Coins have been deposited into your MyNintendo account.
News is information about current events. The Switch getting 3rd party support is something thats happening right now.
Come on user you know very well thats not what news means.
You're aware that the news in the tweet is from today right?
wanted to get into this game but the save system and timer stressed me out.
The thought that someone actually spends their days sitting behind a computer copypasting this over and over disgusts me
I really hope you're at least getting paid for this
>OP links straight to Kotaku, doesn't use an archive link
>hurr it's not shills
Sup Forums gets worse every day.
>b-but there are no shills on Sup Forums you're just paranoid
So buy a switch or buy the games for phones. I knew this day was coming . . .
I'm glad that all these games are getting DEFINITIVE ports for the Nintendo Switch.
You just can't get this kind of cinematic sub 720p and 30fps experience anywhere else.
Are Twitter and Kotaku the same thing now?
>Sup Forums gets worse every day
I agree. The fact that morons think posting news about a video game console is viral marketing is unbeliveable.
But why?
>i posted it again xD
Are you the user who has the nintendo shill pasta saved?
I really fucking hope Konami ports MGSV to switch. It can definitely run it
The second post that was obviously done by the OP retard.
God please. I'll suck a tiny jap dick for this
The what? I just want to talk about video games but I cant seem to do that anymore.
you posted this didn't you?
You don't even change your shill pasta from one thread to the next so don't get all buttmad when people call out your lazy shilling.
Well, even the ps3 runs that thing so i dont see why not but.
Where's the video game discussion here?
Keep in mind that "x game sold x copies" is not video game discussion.
>EA done making Switch games after FIFA 18
Best timeline
>people don't know what viral marketing is
>we want the worst game in the series
I can tell you're a Nintenbro because you've never played MGS before
>EA done making Switch games after FIFA 18
And nothing of value was lost.
Don't care
A new HD trilogy including Twin Snakes however...
They're the publisher of the No More Heroes series, right? I'd love to have a two-pack of the games in preparation for Travis Strikes Again.
Why would he change it? It's a series of news links, what is there to change?
MGSV isn't as bad as you guys are acting. The only reason it isn't as good as the other games is because it's unfinished, it easily has the best gameplay in the series.
I'm not him. Sorry.
I'd post evidence but you would just say its photoshopped.
Reposting posts makes you faggot no matter what.
What the fuck, who the fuck is buying NBA games on the switch?
Not really, it depends on the content and on the frequency of the reposts.
>Less than 30 results
Who cares
>the MGS with the worst level design has the best gameplay
retard alert
I disagree
>"Mega Man"
>It's Mega Man X placed over some Robot Masters
It factually has the worst level design in the series though
Even MGS4 is better in that department
Wait so is it a Kotaku shill or a Nintendo shill?
Why would someone working at Nintendo want to drive traffic toward Kotaku?
Why would someone working at Kotaku give a shit how many developers are partnering with Nintendo, or post links to other news sites?
The few black weebs that exist.
I disagree. I liked the level design, but I can see why you don't like it.
>buy the games for phones
Might as well, since knowing Capcom it's not getting a physical release.
>nintendo pays sites like kotaku to write articles sucking their dick
>nintendo pays marketers to post these articles everywhere
>nintendo gets to let everyone know how amazing their product is, and kotaku gets views
>both kotaku and nintendo win
not hard to understand
It was first posted on November 8th and has been posted multiple times over one day. Be honest, you're him aren't you?
good. about damn time
Do you think people are on Sup Forums 24/7?
I agree that this guy is going overboard, but if your definition of 'posting news' means posting it once when it comes out and then never again, you're dumb.
why no megaman collection
>level """design"""
Tortanic ruined Sup Forums