Which type of armor do you usually choose, and why?

Which type of armor do you usually choose, and why?

the one that makes you post futa

Dress (Male)

The best balance of defense and any bonuses, otherwise just highest defense.

Platemail usually. Unless there's some kind of huge speed reduction

Composite rifle plates in a Kevlar carrier

robe or dress

Platemail if my character is tanky, if not then chainmail or leather

Chainmail, if it looks cool.

Normally people never make good looking chainmail armor and it's also some generic level 5 warrior starting armor that doesn't look good and everything else they wear is always plate.

bikini armor (male)

Armor would only hold me back


this really grinds my gears

always dress

What is wrong with you?

school girl uniform with thighhighs

>tfw I unironically look like this
I’m not gonna make it am I?

In RPGs it usually doesn't fucking matter so whatever has highest stats

In DnD/Pathfinder highly depends on the class since stealth or weight penalties actually mean something

plate or leather.

Platemail usually is pretty good because artists love making sexy plate. Leather because artists can't fuck it up.

Combination of plate and robes. Kinda got that fetish from morrowind and since then replicate it in every game if i need plate. Otherwise just bumwear lvl 1 char

Loincloth only.