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Are we F'ing the franchise or Zero?

F anyway.


In any case, both deserve it.

F Zero


It hurts.

Fucking beautiful.



Here, take your (You) and stop being so salty. I assume you're here because you like the games, as well as me.

Are you retarded? Im sad because there hasnt been an F-Zero game in a decade.

>Ciel knew from the get go Zero was dead
>it said he was alive to everyone just to try be the light of hope to everyone as always
>it goes to somewhere alone just to break up crying

>triple (3) 0 (zero)
>Megaman Zero was released in US on November 9th 2002
>15 years ago
>15 years are three (3) lustrum
I wanted to say megaman zero 5 confirmed, but I have no more hopes not even for a ZX3.

Didnt realize and randomly clicked, now listening to more tracks like esperanto etc.

Oh fuck, sorry man. I sometimes do retarded shit like this. I agree with you on F-Zero though.


No worries user. Its hard to keep in mind that not every post on this website is under three layers of irony.

Dumb akkoposter

Not the same, but its alright.

OP here, didn't even realize how the two things would connect and since I'm a big F-Zero fan too, this hurts too much to carry on anymore. I'm out.

It actually is. That's kinda sad.

Done? Good, now go somewhere else with your shitty waifuwars.

Stay, user. Lets wallow in our sorrow together.

Yep, we can at least be sad together.

member Ape Escape?

No, why does it have to be like this?
I would have NEVER expected megaman to die so suddenly.
Same goes for Castlevania tho.
Why do these great series had to disappear into nothing so suddenly?

I do

Remember Spyro?

playstation consoles had so many iconic game characters
what the fuck happened to them?

member Paper Mario and TTYD?

Well, Spyro was killed to create Skylanders.

I don't have an F big enough for him

This is what happened. PS was awesome.
Well, it is still awesome, it has nice games and all, but I feel the lack of iconic characters, something that Nintendo managed to carry on.

I haven’t played the sequel yet, is it good?

>Megaman is pretty much just a corpse Capcom parades around
>Zero series is over and the ZX series will never get a third game to finish itself off
>F-Zero will probably never get a new game because Nintendo doesn't want to make it
Fuck Capcom and fuck Nintendo.
Also didn't Nintendo or Miyamoto claim that they needed a gimmick to even consider making a new F-Zero game?

We need guys like Spyro or Jak and Daxter back.

Do we really want to hurt ourselves THIS much? I mean, this thread is already killing my soul, but do we REALLY want to go that deep?

>a gimmick
It's a futuristic car race game, what kind of fucking gimmick do they need?

Yeah, but they've been hindered by the retarded touch pad gimmick that would be impossible to factor into a racing game. Since the Switch itself is the new gimmick (in a good way, it being a home AND mobile console), maybe they can just make a straightforward F-Zero now.

Actually Switch is a hope of all those franchises, cause they can now be played almost everywhere or on a couch, however you like. If it's too simple to waste time playing it at home, take it with you outside, I guess?

I actually did both mainstories a few hours ago.

Not really sure what to say - it was decent...but not as good as zero-series or even ZX.

I did prefer the sequel between the two of them though.

Honestly I'm kind of scared that if they made a new F-Zero game it wouldn't be like GX, and instead be closer to Wipeout or Fast Racing Neo where you can't do stupidly insane tricks and shortcuts.


yes, I played the first one, it's worth its cost.
>is it Zero/ZX level of good?
No. Levels aren't GOAT as in Zero and there's isn't as much content as in ZX.
