what games should I play?
What games should I play?
Other urls found in this thread:
the upgrade game
minesweeper is good
Dark Souls
Minecraft on Medium settings
with that toaster maybe quake 3? Minecraft?
I think the 1050ti is a bit underappreciated, as long as you can get it for a lot cheaper than a 1060 6gb version.
>tfw my 770 is just as good as that shit
Shadow of Mordor when it goes on sale. Upgrade your GPU to the model of your choice once you see a good price for it. Pic unrelated.
Which games should I play?
Okay so a relative of mine is offering to buy me a PC on Black Friday as an early Christmas present. I know its better to order parts individually, but I've built and maintained PCs before so its not like im missing out on the experience. They will only do prebuilt stuff since its easier for them and since my PC is pretty damn old relatively speaking I can't complain. Will this futureproof me for at least 4-5 years if I don't plan to do 4k or streaming?
GTX1070 8GB DDR5
i7 7700k
16GB DDR4 2400mhz
Switch to a ryzen cpu and use the money saved to get a better gpu.
I don't like AMD stuff.
an i7 7700k and a gtx 1070
How fucked is my build?
which games should i play?
You don't like it?
Did the CEO of AMD fuck your mother or something?
i7 with low end graphics for gaming is not really favorable.
ok finally someone who can answer this question
is a 60 hz monitor next to a high refresh a causer of headaches?
>Will this futureproof me for at least 4-5 years if I don't plan to do 4k or streaming?
This processor is already outdated. The new budget i5 are better than last gen i7, cause of 6 cores. pic related.
>2400MHz RAM
Get ~3000MHz. It's just insignificant more expensive.
GPU is fine. They are fuckign expensive right now. Like everything. GPU, RAM, SSD. Everything is expensive as fuck right now. If you can, wait 1 or 2 years with an upgrade.
You could thank me with a nice pair of tits.
I was gonna get the pentium meme cpu but
I got the i7 for only $100 new
You feel the difference immensely. It's just for media though so it doesn't really matter in the end.
dumb brand loyalist
but will it be such an annoyance that i should totally avoid it? im considering rather or not to buy a single higher priced high refresh rate or two lower priced ones
I actually sold my old i7 4790k for 100€.
>the i7
which i7, user?
Did you get ripped off?
Had this for about 5-6 years, only thing i've changed is the gpu about 2-3 years ago. What meme should I play?
I guess that depends on you. I don't mind really because the monitor is an IPS panel and makes up in other areas. It definitely is noticable though.
nothing special
>Using 6 cores for gaming when the 7700 will max out anything out today with 100+ FPS on 1080p or 1440p like the guy asked about
PC gamers are weird. Its the only place where people are debating spending $100 more for 1-2 more FPS when they are already far over any meaningful range of FPS.
It's probably the i7 he posted in his speccy here and 100$ is solid for that one
it was in the US user,im no europoor
It was the i74790k mang
You are not wrong. But the last gen i7 is more expensive AND worse then the new gen 6 core budget i5.
So whats your argument?
>kepler cucks in denial
So what is a cheap build that can do shit like draw and play shit like overwatch?
I'm trying to build my sis a PC and im fucking retarded and Sup Forums laughs at me
max budget?
What shitty games are you playing that require a $900 GPU?
Just waiting for i5 8600k or i7 8700k to be in stock so i can be free of amd fx. And might fall for the 16g ram meme soon since prices don't seem to be dropping anytime soon.
Mind anyone i got the entire thing free from a friend aside from the gpu and monitor.
>its Sup Forums showing off their rig thread
ddr3 or ddr4 ram?
Then it's a good deal. Nothing groundbreaking though
Its out of stock anywhere I look.
agree, it's a racket
well i think you could run tf2 with the n64 mod but you'd have to only play custom servers...I guess get the as low as possible cfg and you'll be fine
I think about 400-500
yeah, that's true, user
Just a little more patience
What i currently have is ddr3 but i'll be gunning for ddr4.
i typically only upgrade once every 5 years or so so usually when i upgrade its a pretty huge leap
Am i ok?
You have no other chocie anyways with the new platform. That's why it was a stupid question in the first place
It's enough for shitposting here
You can pretty much play 99% of all the worthwhile games with that PC
Get an Pentium G4600 which should cost around 60-80€. Or watch out for a used i5/i7.
Pair it with a 1050Ti which goes for ~150€.
With that + Mainboard + RAM + Case, you should be in your budget. Also get an SSD
>worthwhile games
which games?
You'll want 16gbs. I idle at 6gbs of ram with my browser open but I never go past 16 when playing games. Even when I play Ark, I only go to 12gbs.
yea now is just the right time to stock up on ram
prices are good :^)
you fucking shill
The ones that aren't modern AAA shit
Purple knight all day erry day
What games should i play?
dorf fort on lowest settings
How? I idle with a browser with only 2.6, unless you have a million tabs open.
run a chainlink node. free money.