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? what?
sony won

▲ ▲

F, the art is lost.

These threads are fucking stupid.


>managed to sell millions of systems
>attachment rate to exclusives are barely 10%
>losing exclusives to PC and Switch


▲ ▲

Still winning. Also PS4 Monster Hunter will sell millions.

Pretty much since the new xbox came out.

>fastest selling console of all time
>sony had their most profitable year in the company history


Xbox is dead. Bury it.



but that is on PC too


>faggots like giant bomb and dsp still clinging to it

it really shows you who you should avoid in the games industry

>pc sold infinite amount of units
>attachment rate below 1% for each game
wow dude


But not on Switch. :(

It was a good run with my PS4. F


>fastest sellig console of all time
Literally wrong.

>>losing exclusives to PC and Switch
Never ever.

Curious how it sells so much with such a lackluster library. Bloodborne and Let it Die? Seem like the only games I'd want to play on it that are exclusives. I should look into PS4 exclusives.

>Also PS4 Monster Hunter will sell millions and flop like a fish outside of japan

PCfats can enjoy broken Nioh, I have a new love now. Also, PS4 isn't gonna stop selling because you say so, sweetie.

January can't come fast enough.

I agree. I can't wait to see the Capcom shills on full damage control duty. Shits gonna be so cash.

When will the XboneX be arrested for murder?

rip in peace

Literally a fact.

>the game will score in 90s
>PS4 will sell 500k units in japan that week
>it will sell 4 million in a month
>tons of discussion/memes all over the internet
>massive community
>Sup Forums will be making 3 second webms of out of context or glitches from 150 hour gameplay insisting the game failed and will be shitpost central

When Bloodborne 2 comes out Sup Forums won't be laughing anymore.

normies with toasters play multiplats on the ps4

Lmao the worst version

meant for this



The Xbox One X only highlighted how shitty sony consoles actually are but the normie morons will keep buying them

What on earth makes you think this niche game will sell 4 million units? Not even Bloodborne or HZD have those types of numbers yet.

I betting 1M in Japan in a day.

For not having exclusives sure, they always were third-party.



1.5M PS4
500K on Steam
100-150K on Xbox One
0 on Switch

Despite its niche, BB sold 3 million,
HZD passed 4 million months ago, keep up.

>Switch is on track to selling 25 million units before the end of the next fiscal quarter
>"see? This is proof that Nintendo always wins. How can millions of people possibly be wrong?"

>Ps4 is on the verge of selling 70 million
>"millions of people eat shit and are wrong"

Sasuga Sup Forums.

Hrm. I personally like the asymmetric sticks and feel of the Xbone controller, but I can see why people might prefer the PS4. Not a big fan of the giant middle button though, the one time I played with it both myself and my friend who played a game of madden hit it a few times each, Burning time-outs.

If PS4 had managed to keep Ace Combat 7 as an exclusive, they would've made me buy their console. Glad that didn't happen.

>0 on Switch

The same amount of SMTV omn PS4(?)

>Plays multiplats better than Xbone
>Cheaper than an equivalently speced PC
>Price is hitting $200 this holiday

A lot of people don't care about performance and just want to play some multiplats and that's basically who it's aimed at. It's also a bluray/dvd player and essentially a roku so it's not too surprising why it's still doing so well.
If you like Japanese games then those don't come to Xbone, and not all of them hit PC either so that expands the library quite a bit.

I too am a shareholder at Sony.

Calm down consolefags

And no where near the 2 million+ P5 did on PS4,

>one has been out for 4 years
>the other has been out for 8 months
>dood look ps4 sold more XD

Both of those consoles are selling well this is a good thing I fail to see anything wrong with this. And you cant take anything here at face value anymore. Flaseflaggers are a legitimate plague here.

Yeah, fair enough. The only people I know who own a PS4 play Madden and CoD all day, and then one friend for Bloodborne and P5. Still wish it had more actual killer apps to justify buying one. With any luck one will come in with a broken disc drive, get abandoned, and I can walk away with a 50$~ PS4.

Plus look how well the new Xbox holds up against a powerful PC. You can't even notice the difference.


SMT will never demand the popularity of Persona. That's why the last game sold sub 1M on a 69M strong handheld.

>time determines a product's worth
>meanwhile PubG has sold more units in a smaller timeframe than any console exclusive while being on a "dead platform", yet Sup Forums calls it a bad game

the saddest shit in the world for me was buying a ps4 to play bb and looking at the trophy rates
>papa guacomole- 65%
>yom the spider fag-under 20%
>everything past nightmare shit between 5-15%
well over half the people bought the game cause it looked cool and quit the game

Not him but units sold wont change the fact that its a buggy unfinished mess.

>well over half the people bought the game cause it looked cool and quit the game

I was one of those people. I really wanted to like it but the bad frame rate, lackluster mechanics and boring levels made me stop playing it. I look at the game case at times and get a hankering to play it, but that feeling quickly fades.

>time determines a products worth
what the fuck are you even trying to say here? How does this make comparing a 4 year sales window to 8 months less retarded?
If we wanted to be fair we could compare the switch sales to the first 8 months of ps4 sales but i already know they didn't even clear 20mil in the first year

>units sold only matter when "I" say so

In the same time frame, PS4 sold 14 million :)

The game is an unfinished buggy mess im sorry but i cant consider that a good game.

So you're saying popularity shouldn't be an indicator of quality. why don't yu start practicing what you preach?

>2 million on a 50+ console sold

I think the real problems come in the mid to late game. I always think about replaying it and remember the broken hunter fights and just pop in a different game.
None of the bosses are even hard, its those shitty hunters with infinite poise, 20 vivals+ worth of health put together into a single bar, also like the entire area before the 3 lotr looking fuckers is just an exercise in mental endurance its so fucking tedious and that feel continues from there to the end of the game

Sony always wins bb!

Infinitely more than SMT IV.


I don't buy games based on how popular they are i not sure what i said game you that impression.
I buy games based on how much enjoyment I think I can get from them.
And I don't think dealing with a buggy mess of a game that cant even run on some half decent rigs dosn't sound like fun to me.

Of course, it is impossible to have high numbers on systems over 20+ sold units.

That's retarded.

those really aren't bad sales figures for an smt/persona game though...
what other games let you call your hot teacher mommy?

>600K on a 50M+ handheld

>2 million in 4 years on 3 different platforms.

Yet if I said I don't enjoy games like Zelda that run at 30 FPS and have season passes, you'd scream at me like I was a sonybro. Again, why don't you practice what you preach?

Iv'e never touched a Zelda game in my life. Never touched a Metroid game in my life for that matter come to think of it. So I once again don't know what you are talking about.
Both of them dont appeal to me.



It's the most common sentiment amongst Sup Forumsintendogaf and Sup Forumseogaf. You not being a part of it would be a minority.

>Sup Forumsintendogaf and Sup Forumseogaf

I want off this ride. Also, should it be Sup Forumsintendolife instead of Sup Forumsintedogaf?

>Sup Forumsintendogaf and Sup Forumseogaf
What the fuck does this even mean. Nintendo seems to get more shit thrown at them then any other company here. Hell even EA.


This shit happens on every fucking game, the amount of people who got to ending B of Automata is hilariously low, let alone ending D or E or below.

Sony being neogaf was always a thing here and they're trying to pretend that neogaf wasn't the biggest Sony shills since the drama happened.

What's the problem there? Corporations are disgusting scumbags and deserve every bit of criticism they get. If anything, we need to up the amount of hate they get, and make sure sony and MS get the same level of treatment.

What are you eating for dinner?

I'm well aware of that but recently it seems like this board thinks Nintendo is some big bogeyman or something.
Kinda like the shit with the new Monster Hunter game. You cant seem to criticize anything about it without one moron claiming that your just a butthurt Nintendofag or something.

>Kinda like the shit with the new Monster Hunter game. You cant seem to criticize anything about it without one moron claiming that your just a butthurt Nintendofag or something.
Kinda like how you couldn't criticize Monster Hunter on the WiiU or Switch without being called a sonybro? This kind of comes back to haunt the board, but they never learn.


>nintendo fags actually believe they are being marginalized
>on fucking Sup Forums

>You cant seem to criticize anything about it without one moron claiming that your just a butthurt Nintendofag or something.
Yeah just like how you can't criticize anything about the Switch without being called a butthurt sonyfag.
You console war shitters made your bed, now you get to lie in it.

I never participated in that shit flinging. I just wanna talk about video games.

Get off the board.

Ape Escape was never good

you can play that on PS3 or via PS3 emulation

...it's not an exclusive

But that doesn't count when it's a Sony game!!!!!

And you can play BOTW on Wii U or PC emulation.

the fuck

>attachment rate to exclusives are barely 10%
PC must be real shit then because attachement rate to exclusives are barely 1-5%
>losing exclusives to PC and Switch
Like what? Only one this year I can think of is Nioh, which is already confirmed garbage port that tanked on PC.
Have some

>Made by ATLUS
>Sony game.

I always found retarded that, Sony really doesn't have a single clue.

They can't get exclusives right.

So SMT IV is not Switch exclusive. Got it.

>They can't get exclusives right.
That doesn't even make sense. Are you saying because it's not first party it's not exclusive? What about games like Bayonetta 2 and Octopath Travelever?

A new xbox came out but they still don't have any good games to play