how new
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It's the natural meme cycle.
how do you know that if you don't browse reddit?
Hold the phone
"/r/gaming"? Video games have reached Reddit? What do we do
it doesnt matter, toddler the 4 ft marauder deserves the mockery
Kill yourself redditor
Mate, Reddit has been having it for years
when you drive them into the ground and make them so repetitive that any normie can spam it
>This is a meme called Toddposting. The guy in the picture is Todd Howard who lead the development of Skyrim and Fallout 4. The "joke" is that he uses various persuasion methods to try to get everyone to buy (sometimes multiple with different platforms/editions) copies of fallout 4 and skyrim which he also portrays as the greatest games ever. You can find these images frequently posted on Sup Forums's videogame board.
i feel bad for todd, he's game producer first and foremost and yet he gets a bad wrap because of other shitty business functions at thesda
he hires his friends even though they arent qualified for the positions they get. todd is the main reason why bethesda games are still so shitty.
m8 his games are overrated shit regardless of any other business practices going on
its so cringey after a quick glance at the comments, the way they analyze it and recognize it as a meme and, just cringe. they just cant do it casually without begin like OH ITS A MEME HAHA I LOVE THOSE THATS PRETTY GOOD LETS USE IT
Exactly, my fellow Sup Forums-people! I personally think it's time that we bury this old and dated joke for good. After all, why make fun of the visionary behind game-changing titles such as The Elder Scrolls™ Sup Forums: Skyrim™, which - by the way - is coming out for Nintendo Switch on November 17th and Fallout™ Sup Forums whch gets a VR version out December 12th! It really is just mean-spirited at this point
Reddit had always stolen our memes, since inception. See: troll/rage faces and reaction images in general.
Rebbit is where memes go to die
If you weren't a newfag you'd know
give it a rest Todd
He fired Kirkbride so he's alright for me
people are really tame and playful with todd's likeness though
people aren't as vicious to todd as they are to pete hines, or other "gaming celebrities" like pump jockey romery or cliffyb
Why would reddit even bother stealing Toddposting when Sup Forums literally perfected and ended it permanently with Pure Exaggeration?
>Go to the reddit thread
>They don't get the joke
Toddposting is still fine guys, Reddit has no sense of humor.
Holy shit I think he's going to believe this meme is unironic.
how can you hate on someone that's looking out for their bros?
>reddit STILL uses rage faces
>rage faces are what got reddit popular in the first place
They're a strange people
Looks like we have to go back further than we ever have before, call upon the gods of rumination and exaggerations to find the true source of this wicked evil... And that evil has a name and it isn't "Todd Howard" this prime evils name has been unspoken for eons.
Peter Molyneux
I don't use reddit
>all that text on the image
I just want to experience a good bethesda game for once. but as we learned from the previous art director, you have to LITERALLY DIE in order to get better and more qualified people on the job.
Todd posting was reddit the moment it started.
I will defend him for fable 1 and black and white, till the end of times. He was too good for us and we ruined him.
buddy, the lies for fable 1 were even bigger than the lies for fable 2 and 3
>tfw no game will ever do what black and white did
No game was like it, not counting the sequel. Steam's "God game" category is bullshit. Black and White is the only game I've ever played where you're actually God and feel like it.
user, want to click on thus cube?
>1:1 scale
Manlet Todd confirmed
>Ages 14+
Just the right age for the fedora kids to chime in.
Oh yes, the infamous Todd right here in our presence. Many people jokingly say "who is this guy?" and I say "why is Todd of course!". We always have great laughs.
>There's a POP figure Todd
Fuck, I actually kind of want it for shitposting purposes.
true a lot of it is very light roasting.
hahaha is this fucking for real
The bubble has got to burst on these fucking things sooner or later. Who would even buy that?
you have to go back
That's right sweetie, and while you're at it why not buy my games and all my creation club assets... oh sorry I mean the great bethesda studio run by the greatest innovator of open world games there has ever been, Todd Howard.
Good goy.
>1:1 scale
What did they mean by this
it's not real my fellow redditors
They're not strange, they just don't have any imagination. They're also afraid of public image and would rather just wait for anonymous crazy people to make something funny than have themselves try and then get "cringed" at by their peers.
Damn, I guess ill fish for upvotes some other method.
That's how it's always been.
>Sup Forums creates meme
>anons laugh
>anons add to meme
>reddit steals the meme
>Sup Forums drops the meme and moves on
There are a couple exceptions due to some boards being infested with redditors.
At least we still have Jeffposting.
thicc was a mistake
Todd posting is universal
Funko pop is trash
imagine black and white in vr
boom i just made molyneux millions
Because they haven't ruined it yet.
They are addicted to us.
This its been the cycle forever even before reddit was the boogeyman.
>Meme starts on Sup Forums
>Eventually makes its way to another site
>Meme stops being used
Just find a way to link toddposting with right wing politics and problem solved.
They're basically the "little brother".
Wait, who is it? Peter or Petee?
>CNN: Is this video game developer a symbol of the alt-right and white supremacy?
Fucking hell, this needs to happen.
Blame Sup Forums. They ruined this website forever
the fact that people here actually post on reddit fucking disgusts me
whats wrong with you?
They're redditors. Everything is wrong with them.
Reddit steals memes by nature. Only way to prevent it is lewd\racist memes but theyd probably just change the meaning of the meme.
It's called nepotism and it's morally wrong
The worst part is the people who have intimate knowledge of what goes on at Reddit, yet screech at others to go back, don't realize the irony of their actions.
My knowledge of reddit comes from threads on Sup Forums.
Holy shit just reading the thread. They have no idea that they are poking funbat themselves. Half of them talk about buying skyrim vr and shit. This is the exact demographic toddposting is caused by.
I joined a discord chat that was on reddit, and Jesus Christ there are some sensitive fucking faggots in there.
Went to a music reddit discord too and they just spam lazy town memes and how louis ck is evil, ducking faggots there couldn't handle any criticism.
Also fuck reddit, so much shilling and dick sucking.
Because it is difficult to be original on reddit. They are too cowardly to rock the boat so they come here to see which memes are "in" and then run back with them to farm karma like the pathetic, unoriginal asslickers that they are.
Did you know there are anons who thought Todd posting was meant to be derisive towards Mr Howard?
Newfriends can be cute sometimes.
Fucking hate reddit
make memes that are not politically correct
Reddit makes me cringe
HAHAHA!!! Ahhh. ah hah. Thats good user. Tell us another.
>reddit steals memes!
I don't even go to reddit, but the entire idea of memes is that they are ideas that infiltrate, propagate, and evolve like genes.
ofc its gonna reach there eventually. theres people who browse both websites
There's literally nothing wrong with using Reddit