ITT: Party members no one used
ITT: Party members no one used
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Speak for yourself faggot, I made her a jedi and she kicked ass.
This is the real answer for that game.
The Suikoden II squirrels
inb4 what squirrels
Gravity's one mean mother
That's because nobody plays for the light side.
She's weak compared to jedis, but best girl nonetheless.
Make sure nobody tells Setzer that he's only around because of the airship
That's because casually it's hard to figure out which rages are useful. Once you know what ones do what, Gau is broken as fuck, especially in 1.0 where he can equip the merit badge. He can fuck up most of the game himself, or turn into a super tank/support character.
I used him because he looked cool. I don't think I actually looked too deeply into different characters' stats and stuff, so I used him as my summoner, which may not have been an effective choice.
Edgy kids, and there's a lot of them, loved Vincent. Cait Sith was the eternal bench warmer.
Mira makes a phenomenal blaster jedi.
Seriously has anybody ever used this guy?
>Very last to join your party
>Less damage than Lloyd
>Less tanky than Persea
>No magic
I played that game coop with a friend and he switched from Genis to Regal. Needless to say, the game got much harder past that point.
I seriously thought he was Kanye West until I actually played it.
I used him on my first time through. Big mistake.
That's not the Disciple or G0-t0
>T3 but worse in every way
Dirge of Cerberus was fun.
Used her and Reyn throughout the whole game. Always worked so never saw a need to change despite other party members (riki and dunban) being better apparently.
surprised nobody mentioned kimahri yet.
>rogue in a campaign full of undead
>rogue in a game with no repercussions for breaking open doors and chests unless you're in the expansions and don't want to get closer to chaotic, but Tomi picking locks still adds to that, so it's irrelevant
>rogue in a game where you can take slutty Bard Sharwyn around for her sick buffs
>rogue in a game where you can sweetheart autistic qt Linu for good heals
>rogue in a game where you can take an edgelord Monk with you
Fuck Tomi.
He's got a roguish charm about him, I can see use
Aside from RP reasons or pure preference, the only legitimate use I can see is if you're playing a wizard in the OC and you're using a bow/crossbow and don't want to waste spells on opening shit.
Even then, you'd be better off with any melee companion and just trying to open the door/chest so that they'll bash it open.
>no one took the jailbait alien with them
Get fucking real.
Or you could just pick the pixie to open lock if you can stand the shitty noise she makes
any fire emblem character you don't like, or has terrible stats
I forgot she even existed until you posted this picture. Can you kill her, or never pick her up? I must've done one of those when I played through as ak id.
In regard to gameplay, there's two objectively better choices or four five? I forget exactly how many henchmen there are if we're counting them separately.
Again, fuck Tomi.
Used him all the way after getting him
Had a thing for gun users in JRPGs when I was a kid. Always rolled with characters like Irvine and Billy
Barret didn't count
I put him in the party as soon as i got him then benched him when he healed the next boss we fought
>when her dumb ass gets dropped after being oblivious to the bear nigger honor code
This manipulative, annoying, fat fuck. His only advantage is that he can't trigger mines.
He got what was coming to him in the TSLRCM ending.
His massive pointy shoes only get more distracting in Dirge of Cerberus
>Not training Star Wars Breivik into a Jedi
Shaking my head to be honest
I gathered them all and the dogs in 3 I belive it was. Keep messing up the turtle in 5 though.
Into the vents you go Jacob
He didn't add anything to the story either. Nor did Presea, but at least she was useful in combat.
Forget all the other dark side options in that game, this one was the most satisfying.
Kongol and Shana/Miranda for me, unless forced to use them
Me Kimhari. Me useless retard.
>has anybody ever used this guy?
It's been awhile since I touched Symphonia but I think I used him for awhile when I first got him. Traded him for PANCAKE TIME.
Speaking of Tales. Is there any reason ever to use Leia? Aside from a free item, everyone is better than her in both Xillias. In fact she's canon the weakest and admits to dragging everyone down.
>Seriously has anybody ever used this guy?
>>Very last to join your party
>>Less damage than Lloyd
>>Less tanky than Persea
>>No magic
I used him more than I used this piece of shit
But Zelos and Kratos were the strongest characters in the game behind Lloyd and Colette
>turn into a super tank/support character
Seriously. I forget which monster you ride to learn how to catch that automatic rerez ability, but once I got it, it's all I did with him. Fuck healing... Gau will make it so you never die.
>Worse healing than Yukiko
>Worse debuffs than Yosuke
>Ice damage is bad late game
Spar too
>but with their shaman fusions-
they're still not as good as the others
Plus, utterly and completely obnoxious in every way. The Japanese dub is unplayable because of him.
Say what you will about P5, but Morgana is an infinitely better mascot character than Teddie. At the very least he doesn't make me want to plug my ears. Shame he never turned into a cute, human girl though.
fuck you slots all day erry day.
>people think you have to level him up for that one particular boss fight
>you don't, it scales to your level
I couldn't even remember his name so I had to look up his meme names to find him
>I'm sorry Jacob but I'd rather fuck a fish or a bird before I fuck a black guy
regel is very good if you can master him and combo canceling. the AI cant play him worth shit though.
Slab McBeefcake wasn't bad as far as human squad members in ME go.
But when you consider the competition that's really not saying much.
only reason you use leia is for free items and money. she pretty much admit it herself.
>tfw giving all AP boosts to Sora
>donald and goofy serve as draw/lucky lucky/jackpot mules
James was definitely put there for the sake of people who started with 3 (for some reason) but he's not really that bad of a character. It's hard to dislike him.
her cuck husband as well.
You take that back, Goto is the best organic in the universe.
drop him the moment i got the loil.
the dog is useless as well.
He had pretty decent magic stats, even if his limits were all shit
started out strong but got outclassed fast.
you forgot
>made out of glass
>Tee Hee I hope you leveled me up. Remember that goop that leaked out of Skeith in the first game and turned into a horror all its own? Well I HAVE to go with you.
>Oh we're done? Bye I'm pregnant
Dog has best sidequest.
>have 2 games full of companions
>introduce a new one
>its fucking boring character
That said, you can tell him to fix some comm system and he will ask if youre sure, then will just bang on the machine to try and make it work
most of the Chrono Cross roster
He's a blast with Canderous on Onderon if you side against the queen
She was a cute healslut, it was enough for me.
90% of the cast of Chrono Cross
Wait, are you saying there are people that didn't take the cutest mom ever to dungeons whenever they had the chance? I refuse to believe such people exist.
careful, he's gay.
>best girl is worst party member
You can get the wookie to kill her
i can agree with that
>mfw seeing the final boss of his side quest
Am I being rused? Him, Crono and Marle were my main party once I had him
He's got bad techs, you should have been using Ayla or Robo
I always use him as soon as I get him and then dump him somewhere along the end
Exclusively for rape.
you get way better triple techs with frog and lucca or really whoever other than magus
Jesus this guy has more legs on him than banjo legend Stringbean
I'm getting conflicting statements here