>be an absolute retard when it comes to installing and getting mods to work >there will never be a steam workshop update for new vegas so I can finally experience all these great mods with the click of a button
Has anyone ever experienced as much pain as I have?
Use nexus mod manager if you're retarded, which it sounds like you are. It will solve all of your problems with just the click of a button.
Ryan Cooper
Two words: Nexus Mod Manager. LITERALLY the click of a button.
Matthew Ward
I've tried a couple times with FMM and NMM, never to success. Not even memeing, I've just accepted I lack some critical portion of my brain that lets me get this shit working.
Isaac Barnes
If you have the ability to read you have the ability to mod.
Actually you don't even need to be able to read since there's video tutorials on everything now.
Easton Cruz
>396410395 >be an absolute retard when it comes to installing and getting mods to work user , you just literally have to run some installers and drag some files
Austin Brown
There's a repack on darkrepacks that comes with a shitton of mods included. released just a few weeks ago i think
Kayden Cox
Mod Organizer you DOUBLE NIGGER.
Easton Parker
Lucas King
>using NMM when MO exists
Luke Campbell
>friend rushes through OWB >kills mobius >kills think thank >only grabbed the stealth suit and never put it on except once >thought it was boring
I swear to fuck.
Ayden Green
>download Nexus Mod Manager >click the big, shiny "Download with Manager" button on a mod >open Nexus Mod Manager >turn on the mod
Visit a doctor if this is too hard for you
Jason Jenkins
My first time in HH, I thought the entire DLC was a giant killspree. Turns out I learned from a friend I had killed someone called white leg in the intro segment by mistake and aggroed the entire DLC
Robert Rogers
I refuse to believe you exist
Hunter Kelly
Not him but I accidentally mistook Follows-Chalk for a White Leg in my first playthrough.
Of course, it helped I was RP'ing as an Enclave soldier so nothing of value was lost
Xavier Mitchell
you have three words
Colton Smith
And if he of all people can still manage to mod, then it should tell OP that no matter how questionable his intelligence is he should be able to as well.
That's a pretty common thing, as the White Leg starts shooting you a lot of people just run across the bridge without paying attention so don't notice Follows Chalk killing him and taking place, so they think he's hostile and kill him without thinking.
Kayden Robinson
Carter Reyes
Charles Reyes
>recommending Fear and Loathing to a complete retard Start smaller, user
Benjamin Smith
my new vegas mods folder is like 30 Gbs I never uninstalled it, just kept adding to it as I went along it's a pain in the ass to go through all my mods to see if any have been updated whenever I want to play through it again