So is this piece of shit finally dead and buried? It's been 2 expansions...

So is this piece of shit finally dead and buried? It's been 2 expansions, does anyone even give a fuck anymore outside of hardcore weebs?


You mean outside of the multiple daily threads that reach bump limit and queue coming up when I log in?

It's a very good MMO, hardly a dead game

>So is this piece of shit finally dead and buried?
Bitter WoW and XI fags utter that to themselves every time they see a daily XIV thread near the bump limit.

Khloe's sexy ass and 24man roulette are the only things keeping me going

What exactly do WoW fags have to be bitter about? Having endgame content? Having more classes than XIV? Getting a better levelling experience soon? Having almost more raid bosses in one patch than XIV does in 6 months? Having actual raids? Having customization on character specs?

WoW gets 30 daily threads now, no one cares about your single thread that takes 8 hours to reach 500 posts.

Also, WoW is far superior and will always be.

probably not, but the hardcore weeb market is pretty big and is willing to pay through the nose for stupid looking mogstation outfits and fantasias

What do XI fags have to be bitter about for that matter? Game is old as fuck, no one is expecting it to be higher than XIV at this point. At least it had content that lasted several expansions as opposed to weeks or months, and wasn't a faceroll piece of shit with identical job roles.

>dc 4 times in less than hour
Move the fucking severs to montreal

They really need to step up the content. Didn't this shit get a ton of money for the expansion? Did marketing really suck up all that? 4.1 is pretty much as bad as 3.1 at this point, and I'm sure Eureka is diadem 3.0: no one but DoL will even touch it after two days

All my wow friends unsubbed because the game sucks, the next expansion doesn't even have a selling point beyond 'for da horde'

t. someone who has more wow world firsts than you'll ever have and now plays ff14

>i don't like it, why do people like it? i don't like it

excellent contribution to the board

Considering they just confirmed they're doing an entire set of Relic gear instead of just the weapon this time that seems doubtful

>take hours to get a PF party for latest relevant content
>take hours to get a DF party for old content
>three days just to clear o4s
It's a dead game, jim. Anybody using "get a static" as an argument isn't helping their case because having to play with a tiny group just further highlights the fact that the game's dead.

3.5 Diadem made me so mad. They put in unique bosses under the most retarded fucking conditions to unlock ever. They really have no idea what they are doing with that content.

While the style isn't yet established, you'll upgrade relic armor and weapons in eureka, so it'll have some longevity if only with casuals

Yeah most of them are about classic or classic shitposting. Current WoW is trash.

> no one cares about your single thread
There's always that one autist who cries about XIVfags ""flooding the board"" with their one thread when you have shit like this at any given time.

squeenix puts very little of the money it makes from FFXIV back into the game (or at least it feels that way, considering how profitable the game is and how terrible the servers are)

>cleared o1s-o4s last night despite constant d/c and lag


Shit only /xivg/ autists care about. Races. Graphics. And some pretentious garbage about "soul".

I approve of this way of starting the general.

King's honor, friend.

Been a bit better this week. Was terrible on Monday. Said fuck it after the second neo pull, and just came back the next day and one shot everything

It's like janitors don't delete them on sight

1-3 keep leveling shit
4-6 learn Shin ex while contemplating suicide
7-9 learn o1s while contemplating suicide
0 kill myself

Shit was so boring I fucking quit 3 weeks after launch.

Square just follows the EXACT formula each expansion, nothing you do in this game will EVER be different than the thing you did last and the whole thing is linear and restrictive as fuck.

Fuck this retarded game and every autistic trannie that plays it.

My biggest complaint with the game so far is how they are just not proactive in changing the caps for gear. Ultimate is out and it requires 340 or close to it, so wouldn't 4.1 been a good time to double the tome cap and maybe half the page requirement for gear? Hell I think uncapping Savage would've been ideal, but fuck at least throw us a bone.

If they keep up with Ultimate I think its fine, or at the very least better than HW. Ultimate will keep most of the middling groups busy until 4.2 or beyond, which is good.

>doing event quests this morning
>get to the 4th fate with the dragon
>he's just standing there, no one can target him, fate progress bar is stuck at 50%
>wait 15 minutes for the fate to despawn and start again
>keeps dying instantly from people spamming attacks the instant he spawns, no one is getting credit
>takes another 15 minutes to convince people to stop attacking the instant he appears and to let the fate script run for a but
>people start getting their clears after that
Anyone else run into this?

They'll uncap savage like two weeks before 4.2 drops at the earliest, gotta keep that treadmill going

>learn o1s while contemplating suicide
You can't be fucking serious

>have beyond death
>color lasers come out
>stand at the center
>take 3 damage instances and die
I could've sworn one of the guide faggots said it's ok to die to the center laser.

This game shows so much fucking contempt for current players, once you're in the door SE doesn't give a FUCK about you, they want the next new batch of players. They put all the extra budget in SB towards advertising instead of making the game itself fucking better. New players can catch up to veterans gear levels in seconds, especially with the Jump Potion now, newbies have all the content to do whilst the players sitting at endgame have absolute fuck all to do.

code posting

don't think anyone used it yet, and never will

Yeah I know, gotta keep the sub money rolling. Sucks though, made an alt to play with some more casual friends, and while most of them have their o4 clear it doesn't matter because nobody has any gear.


thanks, I will

>WoW fags this upset that the best thing they have to look forward to is decade old content

Good, stay in your containment game you fucking loser faggot

>xiv gets ddos non stop for a week
>suddenly 30 wow threads on Sup Forums an hour

I've never attempted a savage fight before

This. For SE leveling campaign is the only thing that matters. They don't give a shit about the retention and are perfectly fine with having a revolving door of literal whos. They don't care about any MMO aspects of their own MMO. Stuff like Ultimate are blind shot in the darkness bandaids, nothing more.

>mfw the tank respects the content, no one asks me to dps, and the fairy can handle all the healing so I can watch more netflix

here's another (you) my man, happy veterans day

Its the easiest savage fight they've made.

Didn't this happen when a WoW expansion was about to drop? I could've sworn it did.

nigga o1s is easy as fuck. If a group of 6 smn and 2 sch can clear I'm sure you can.

Don't forget, in a game devoid of content, SE made the Odin and Mog mounts buyable instead of drops from the fucking fights themselves, made the Edda glams buyable instead of making it a drop worth getting in POTD, they released a fucking weeb expansion and then had the Kugane vendors sell palette swaps of HW gear then horrendously overcharged for the japanese glam gear on the Mogstation.


this so much

My brand new static filled with players that hadn't played end game ff14 before face rolled through it in an hour or two. I still wasn't entirely sure how to play bard. It's that easy

Stop playing useless jobs kudasai

Friendly reminder :^)

>tfw Stormblood made me go back to WoW
>tfw Battle for Azeroth is making me excited for WoW

I don't have any confidence in myself. The furthest I've gotten to shinryu ex is adds.

>tfw we're probably paying for FFXV's development costs + remaking FFXIV

I didn't piece the two events together till you mentioned it, is it really assmad WoWfags behind all this server fuckery? I mean it would make sense considering how much the Stormblood launch triggred them.

A new expansion is decade old content? We already got more content as of the current Legion patch then SB will in it's entire lifetime...

Oh yeah and Blizz fix the level scaling, meanwhile XIV fags can enjoy their guttted levelling process for fucking ever.

nice, do you have a link to your blog where I can hear more about every detail of your life? love it, super interested

Nah pretty sure the DDoS is hitting the ISPs, not the game itself.

How do I make the most out of Sleeve Draw?

Use it as soon as draw and shuffle are on cooldown?

>being this mad people hate your shit expansion
What's up Yoshi, up for an AMA?

>Square just follows the EXACT formula each expansion

This. As much as I love XIV, there will literally never be anything new to look forward to that isn't some new hair cut or outfit. When they make an expansion, they introduce little to no new features, they play everything as safe and boring as possible, and they just try to get away with the bare minimum for it to be considered and expansion.

A lot of my friends quit for that reason. I'm still trucking along, but with every job capped and a burning hatred for professions, I'm giving less and less of a shit.

ff kojima has horrible taste what else is new

Really bakes the popotos


o1s and o2s are probably both easier than the first phase of shinryu

Heard there was a DDOS going on in Japan directly on Squeenix, but the DDOS in the United States is occurring at ISPs that happen to host FFXIV stuff amongst other things.

It's preventing players doing Uneding Coil and erm...erm...

Yeah, also whenever they get a patch
Then the wowfags flood in talking about how much they have to do, which is why the post in another games thread instead of playing wow

It's not dead, but it certainly does its best to try and dissuade me from playing for an extended period. Such is life during catch up patches where half the content was delayed until halfway through or until the next patch itself.

Have you decorated your house yet, Sup Forums?

Tis nearly the season!

>People liking things i don't like

It happens whenever WoW gets a spike in players and on most FFXIV patch days

First phase of Shinryu is harder than O3S too

>get two more DPS to 60
>lose all motivation to level because now I have to queue up for >15m for one dungeon run
>Oh maybe I'll do Shinryu EX
>tanks are somewhat undergeared, and too far behind on creation caps to even bother
Yeah, I'm pretty much out of shit to do at this point.

>>take hours to get a PF party for latest relevant content
>>take hours to get a DF party for old content
Sounds like you're playing a DPS class just like the vast majority of players. Healer and tank queues pop fairly quickly. It's just a numbers game.

Just started a free trial of XIV recently and have been doing a few quests. How do I join a guild or something? I haven't seen a player utter a word ingame yet, I just see people in the city silently running around.

>posting in another MMO topic means your own game is dead

wew, didn't realise WoW had no raids because I posted here, who knew.

>A new expansion
>all the wowfags talk about is classic wow
>this is a new expansion to them

>get bored of FFXIV
>try other MMO's
>decide to try SWTOR
>jesus fucking christ it's so bad it's giving me whiplash
>right on back to FFXIV

>DDOSing is so bad I had to take up crafting

i just filled a pf in under 5 minutes
maybe you smell bad or something

There's no benefit to Free Companies in this game that aren't also your static

>Sylvanas has been around since vanilla
>now suddenly she's "YAS QUEEN" even though she's just doing what she's always been doing
>stormbloodfags this mad

I guess I was mad too when I found out endgame dungeon rotations only had three.

Even crafting isn't safe. I lost out on one of those new chair mounts mid craft.

Liked and subbed!! (y)

Did you fill a o4s party in 5 minutes?
And I'm not alone. Even tanks have to wait for hours on a healers


I'm not looking for benefits, I was just hoping for a little bit of conversation.

it's a crime to start decorating before december

What the fuck, Yoshida?

>wowfags so upset he has a stroke mid sentence
So guys, how big is the time gate going to be in wows next expansion and how fast will wowfags try and use that to prove their game is difficult when dbm show them everything to do


Por que no los dos?

>free trial
You can't.People are usually talking in linkshells and guildchat or their discord if they are. /say chat isn't used very often because it's pretty easy to miss.

You're retarded.

>not using more words than necessary means you had a stroke
>instead of timegate we get classic Horde vs Alliance
>level scaling for world and dungeons
>wowfags are getting a shitton more to do day one of their expansion
>had to wait months before a raid came out for stormblood

A-at least I'm not a wowfag a-amirite?

>Unsub from XIV cause Stormblood launch is boring
>4.1 launch is abysmal too so I don't come back for it
>Resub to WoW since expansion stuff is announced soon and Legion has lots of content built up to last me awhile
>Everything is soulless, methodical and gamey
>Its even more anti-social and streamlined than XIV to the point where you don't have to talk at all short of maybe Mythic+15
>Yoshi sweating bullets over BFA is now all of a sudden trying to make tons of promises about future content in 4.2

Either way you lose.


I wish there were houses open anywhere to buy. Heard that the Ul'dah housing division used to have relatively few owners on all servers, but even apartments are hard to find anywhere on my server.

Not convinced that buying apartments / FC rooms is a good substitute, and I'm also not convinced that buying houses is a good investment when they'll get demolished if you don't log in every so often.