Why aren't there any DnD games anymore?
Why aren't there any DnD games anymore?
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Old RPGs wanted to be like DnD
New RPGs want to be like films, or old RPGs.
Because Hasbro bought out WOTC and the two together make the omega jew.
Can you imagine the royalties?
Though even DnD is falling victim to the casualization meme. The new edition is basically "video games: tabletop edition"
Board > PC
>The new edition is basically "video games: tabletop edition"
I'm noy familiar with the pen and paper version.
>it's not trash so 5e is casual!
Please someone make Dark Alliance III. That's all I fucking want in this industry now
Because DnD rules transfer poorly to video games.
5e is easy to get into and pretty lenient or theatre of the mind
It's significantly dumbed down from previous editions, user.
>icewind dale
>baldurs gate
Shadow over Mystara would disagree.
5e is pretty fun, but you're retarded if you think it isn't streamlined.
>roll up character without knowing shit about how stats work
>what do you mean I need more then 8 INT
>why are my stats so low
>why can't I persuade this guy even though I never put anything into CHA
>why would people next door care that I killed their neighbors because they wouldn't pay me extra
Am I talking about PnP or vidya RPGs?
Trick question, it's both and most people are retarded who think they should be able to do everything with little to no repercussions.
goldbox reboot when
more than* Jesus Christ, please fuck my face.
That's not exactly a bad thing with tabletop games, though. single encounters in 3.5e could last the entire night because of how much needless bloat there was.
5e cut out BAB and skill ranks (i.e. how accurate your attacks are, which increases depending on level, and how many points you can invest in your skills) to replace them with just 1 stat that barely ever moves. Perks (read: feats) are optional content, you can only naturally get up to 20 in a stat (This is considered incredibly low for most mid-high level PC work) and armor class no longer has dodge, deflection, etc. It's just flat AC that adds your applicable dexterity bonus.
I'm not a big fan of a lot of the changes, I prefer pathfinder.
Like I said, 5e is pretty fun. I was just sayin' that it is in fact streamlined, and to pretend otherwise is just wrong.
4e played a lot like a paper MMO
5E plays more like advanced, its more simple and combat rules are streamlined, some don't like it cause they prefer the deep customization of 3.5 or pathfinder.
Just saying, 5e has significantly more in common with video game RPG structures than tabletop RPG structure.
AD&D is more streamlined than 3.5.
Doesn't stop it being ten times better than 3.5 in every form.
Can this be a D&D thread?
>want to roll a wizard
>don't want to prepare spells
>want to roll a warlock
>turns out they are busted OP in 5e
Fuck off. 5e rules are the best they've ever been. The stuff that got removed was tedious and frustrating, and the stuff that was added almost universally improves the game.
This coming from someone who remembers the shittiness of the earlier editions, and wouldn't even list D&D in their top 3 Tabletop RPGS
The only thing I regret as a south american is never understanding nor being able to get into DnD, I just wanted to play a monk
It's pretty easy to understand for the most part. Coming from a relative newbie, Pathfinder seems more like an advanced, more "realistic" game system
What the fuck is more Video gamey about 5e than 3.5?
Nigga what?
I'm playing a Half-Elf EK (16/12/14/14/10/10) at level 3, and I'm thinking of multiclassing to War Wizard when XgtE comes out. Should I do it at 5 or 7?
>5e tomb of annihilation
>party ranger pusses out at the last minute
>we're in the jungle to do 1 short sidequest
>Didn't have room in our boats to take a guide
>Its been two weeks in the jungle
>Only loot we've gotten is 200 gold and a gem
>Fending off velociraptors and armies of goblins with starting equipment and getting smashed each time
I don't know if it's just Tomb being difficult to keep up the namesake or the DM being cheap with loot.
DM is being a bitch, he wants you to do something specific or hasn't planned anything
i had a DM do the same thing in highschool, put us in a shitty situation and we spent 2 hours getting past it because they hadn't planned anything for the day
I'm an interested loner.
How are you playing this game of yours? With friends?
All I want is full plate for my paladin. Is that so much to ask for? He'd be dead five times over if I hadn't decided to sword and board.
>5e paladins' LoH is just 'an action'
>Assume it means full action instead of attack
>No more pathfinder levels of swiftly healing 4d6 each round 20 times a day
Roll20. I applied to a group with a bunch of strangers because the DM was excited to host a Tomb game. There's a shitload of other open campaigns on there if you don't have any friends who are into D&D, and a bunch of them are open to new players specifically.
Go find a local shop and see if they've got people playing. Ask if they'll show you the ropes
Roll20's an easier option
Roll20's also filled with ignorant fuckwits though
Roll threads are the best part of /tg/
>that story about a guy rolling 20s all over the place until he was face to face with a bandit leader
>rolled a 1
>decapitated the leader and himself
>critical miss = kill yourself or a team mate
I fucking hate people like you and 90% of /tg/ does too.
Kill yourself, you and people like you ruin the game for everyone else.
I know, kitsune and shit, I mean in terms of 5e flanking causing advantage versus Pathfinder flanking causing +2
You're thinking of the 4th edition doing that.
Cause most of DnD games aim at Murderhobos
Flanking doesn't cause advantage in 5e, that would be overpowered and stupid.
What about Divinity Original Sin 2 im enjoying it now and its a bit of a throwback to DnD days. Also why is it never mentioned here?
Pic unrelated its some slugfuggin
Whats the point? It's designed for dice. You don't need dice in a videogame, computer allows for far more sophisticated systems.
I bet you shits haven't even played Warhammer fantasy rp 2nd edition.
Now that's sum gud pen & paper.
So much fucking risks involved in everything, and don't even get me started on the "you've fucked up" roll tables on mutations and magic punishment.
You're retarded and just don't see that the dice your computer game is rolling all the time.
>Also why is it never mentioned here?
Lurk more.
Because modern Video Game RPG's have completely forgotten about their pengar and paper roots.
There's no roleplaying in modern roleplaying games. They're vapid threadmills where you're supposed to watch the numbers go up and feel good about all that hella epic loot.
Don't worry bro I got you covered. This here is an officially licensed DND game for the year 2017! Enjoy!
What's wrong with loot?
That's casual, bro
Your group hasn't known peril until they've had to face a mob of bandit kittens as a magical unicorn princess, and you've run out of friendship tokens.
I think the public was over DnD in general after the movie happened:
Yes, that's Academy Award winner Jeremy Irons.
Except DnD is all about specific encounters and stat/loot distribution.
I've never played DnD and I'm afraid of joining a group because I'm a bit chad looking.
thats just a game with a dnd theme though. it doesnt use any of the actual dnd rulesets.
The day may come when I understand the appeal of D&D, but it is not this day. Bunch of normies, sitting around the table, exercising their """""""wit""""""" at pretending what their imaginary elf archer does upon rolling some numbers. I couldn't come up with a gayer activity if I tried.
the companies that owned the rights over the years don't really give a shit
4E was the one called WoW pen and paper
It's pretty simple but definitely not in a
>The new edition is basically "video games: tabletop edition"
That's pretty fallacious, considering 4e was the one that made everything an at-will, encounter, or daily, and basically hamfisted in a holy trinity into the system. 5e is just simplistic, not a video game plug.
>want to roll a warlock
>turns out they are busted OP in 5e
they have the best cantrip in the game, but other than that they are boring as fuck mechanics wise.
go be a sorcerer
you sound like a fun guy to be around with.
>Bunch of normies
You fucking what?
DnD is the CoD of tabletops, you'll fit in fine
Flanking doesn't exist in RAW, it's an optional rule in the DMG that works exactly as that user described.
>Flanking on Squares. When a creature and at least one of its allies are adjacent to an enemy and on opposite sides or corners of the enemy's space, they flank that enemy, and each of them has advantage on melee attack rolls against that enemy.
>$63 for "starter" packs
>riddled with garbage f2p shit
>awful graphics
>lazy, cliched character designs
>tumblr noses
Jesus, I can't keep looking.
I feel like this isn't official.
It has to be some kind of chinkshit ripoff.
I don't know user, why not play actual dnd on tabletop sim or roll20 if you can't or don't want to find an irl group?
why are you such a pussy, this is the game dude, don't play it if you can't handle it.
If satanists are "normies" okay. Go to play some american handball
>game that is built upon active social interaction
>anything but normie galore
I'm sure you don't need to try to be gay
Go Doomsinger
>get best DPR cantrip & full Eldritch blast support
>get best caster class features
>take best spells from all classes based on what your party needs
>get to sing songs prophecising the downfall of mankind
Be a doomsinger.
Just have to go bladelock and multiclass into some melee class instead. Eldritch Blast spam is the gayest fucking shit
>I'm a huge baby that doesn't know addition, please put less numbers and nerf all classes so that no one is cool.
I've taken people through plenty of pathfinder (the real next addition of 3.5) and encounters only last as long as they would in 5e unless you don't know how to plan them
I just can't seem to stay interested whenever my group runs 4th or 5e dnd.
We just end up going back to Hackmaster, ADnD or Rifts.
calm down man it's just a game
the game that masturbates to its own crunch
DND rules are the basis of modern RPG videogames though?
If we're talking about a decade ago, yeah.
Yeah 2bh. I like when shit gets all fucked up on 1s, but there's a fine line between instant death and oh shit nigger that fucked up bad enough that I'll really have to be careful these next couple turns
Well not with "Action" rpg shit, turn based.
Also thread auto-saging, thanks mods, could have moved it to /tg/.
>Well not with "Action" rpg shit, turn based.
The yes, you're correct.
>Also thread auto-saging, thanks mods, could have moved it to /tg/.
Check again, fuckwit.
Sup Forums X sometimes takes a minute or two to accurately show what page the thread's on.
>Playing pathfinder
>Playing a level 9 hunter
>My raptor charge-pounces the enemy
>My raptor gets 5 attacks
>I also charge the enemy
>I get 2 attacks
>Teamwork feats and what not need to be added on a per-turn basis based on where I am in relation to my pet
>Have to now roll 7- D20's on a single round
>Calculate each die seperately against AC
>Reroll to confirm my crit
>THEN roll damage for all 7 attacks
>Be reminded of DR
Pathfinder and older editions that had many more attacks slowed the game down. That's just common sense.
Don't even get me started on my Summoner with a fucking eidolon with 6+ attacks due to arms then bonus damage die if certain ones hit.
Not the user you're replying to, but I know how that feels. Reminds me of my days playing Exalted or VtM. I'm glad Perfect Defense is gone, but I might just be too burned out to try the new(ish) edition.