Anyone else pick up DOOM on Switch today?
Would be nice to have a thread without shitposters whining how downgraded it is
Anyone else pick up DOOM on Switch today?
Would be nice to have a thread without shitposters whining how downgraded it is
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How the gameplay? I mean, does it use any of the "Switch" thingies?
And some video. Looks good desu
Picked it up today. Looks amazing. Truly the definitive experience.
Only waggle to perform melee kills. No gyro controls but hopefully they'll get patched in later as a lot of people are asking for them to be added.
I wish I could be as delusional as Nintendo fags. I want to enjoy shit and actually think it's good.
Yeah got it earlier, just waiting for the data to download
Are you seriously so stupid you can't spot a falseflagger?
Come on... This can't be real.
Yes :(
The video above looks slightly better, I think he's moving in the picture and that's the motion blur fucking things up.
Also, I do not own a Switch, would never want one, and play on PC, but still, the video looks a lot better than that.
Why the fuck would I buy a scaled down 420p 20fps version of a game that runs at 4k 60 on my PC?
Right there with you boss.
It's not. He's been posting this shit in every Switch thread all day, each time getting blurrier and blurrier.
>nintendo console
>3rd party game
for what purpose
>Would be nice to have a thread without shitposters whining how downgraded it is
Well you admit yourself that it's downgraded as fuck. Are you really that desperate for portability?
I'll buy it if they add gyro
>Only waggle to perform melee kills.
You wouldn't, but someone who doesn't have a decent PC might.
I say let them, the gameplay is still fun and it's great that Nintendo actually gets something gory and fun.
I play on PC too btw.
Haven't played a twin stick FPS in years so I'm not sure what to make of Doom. Hopefully Gyro is patched in
Downgrade =/= unplayable
Every single multiplat on PS4 is a downgrade. Are people who buy them on there "desperate" too?
It's ok user sometimes its hard to tell
more like the Switz is DOOMED because its selling less than the Xbox One X.
True. The Framerate is unfortunate, though. If it were 60fps I think I could deal with it more. The graphics are only a step below the other consoles versions after all.
> Are people who buy them on there "desperate" too?
I already have vanilla doom on my PS4, does the switch version add anything notable?
4k on Xbox One X
>only a step below
Where did I say it was unplayable? This version's over a year late, runs at half the framerate, looks like shit and is the most expensive version available out of every port but people don't care because it's portable.
This. That's just a cherrypicked screenshot.
Here, I took a screenshot of a moment where camera is't moving, and it looks absolutely stunning. These are truly next gen graphics.
Without taking resolution in to account, the Switch runs on low while the consoles run on medium. Nowhere near high or ultra.
>Anyone else pick up DOOM on Switch today?
35 minutes ago and its pretty comfy
I dont buy games that force you to download a huge file even if you bought it physically
>3 hours to download a patch
Christ it's not even a big one. Is this what Sonybros have to go through every time they buy a game?
Nintenbros will never cease to amaze me with their ability to lap up shit and be thankful for it.
>next gen graphics
You don't buy any games on your Ps4?
Then you buy barely anything these days
t. Empty game shelf
Worse. We generally have to wait for an install THEN the big day one patch.
I bought FFXV last month and couldn't play it until the following day.
It'd also be nice to have a PC, XBOX, or PS4 thread without Switch faggots ruining it. Enjoy your fucking 30fps 2 year old game faggot.
>next post by him will be "PC/PS4 has no gaems"
>proceeds to brag about ports
I want to get it by but I'm going for LA Noire instead.
My copy is arriving tomorrow. I already platinumed it on PS4 but the ability to play it on the go is enough incentive to double dip. It's my favorite game of last year and just extremely replayable. I do a lot of traveling though, so for most people it's probably not worth it.
I can't begin to describe what a fag you are for even owning a switch
>Switch faggots ruining it
Lol show some examples user.
that looks amazing bro
You're generally moving around so fast that the fuzzy textures aren't nearly as noticeable, though I still had to turn down the motion blur because goddamn it made everything look melted.
Only significant issue I have so far is aiming feels like ass with the joycons/handheld mode, hopefully they add separate sensitivity settings for the pro controller and the system itself. Aside from that it's pretty fun.
is that unbelievable? while i dont have arbitrary requirements like no patches such as that guy i still haven't bought any games made in the past 6 years (apparently dark souls was the last game, i didn't even enjoy it). i wanted to buy doom 4 if that counts, doesn't run on my toaster though. why would people actually buy games when there are at least 10000 games over the past 3 decades you could play instead, that likely play the same, as likely anything released in the past 10 years has just been a game released before that with better graphics, barely anything new or exciting. even singleplayer content is novelty, more than likely you haven't played every game in the series before it or those game's mods or addons and so on. are you actually proud to be a mindless consumer
When people talk about Zelda and Mario I always have the unshakable fear that they might be right; that it is the best game ever and I simply couldn't know since I didn't get memed into buying a Switch to try them myself. But when they now start praising D44m I know you're full of shit and that you probably were all along. Because that game is a fucking snoozefest.
Man I love that box art
it absolutely is real, source is gamespot
Where's the footage?
Because, unlike the pc version, the mp on the switch is an entirely obtional download.
lmao the video 100% looks worse, probably low bit rate, I'd hope
Literally the second post post.
lmfao at your life
They fucked up by not including 64 as a bonus.
Is there input lag? I played it on the ps4 and had absolutely no issue being gud at shooting shit
>youtube compression
A still from a youtube video doesn't look as good as the video itself, and the video itself does never look as good as the game.
But still, it's not great looking, but I'm glad they got the game.
yeah but PS4 runs it at 60fps making it more responsive
goddamn aiming on PC at 30fps makes me puke
So I can take the game to the birds house and play it there
why do people enjoy playing games on the switch over anything? all the shit is the same
Haven't played Doom yet but 30 fps isn't always a major issue. Forza 6 is 60 fps and Forza Horizon 3 is 30 fps (on Xbone), but Horizon feels every bit as responsive. And racing games definitely require quick reflexes.
They can do it in public to show everyone how pathetic they are.
Doomguy will never be in Smash
Have you people never owned a handheld before? No, your phone doesn't count. Playing actual games while traveling or anywhere away from your PC/consoles is a pretty big draw.
I have a Switch, but if you honestly buy Doom for the Switch you're a fucking retard.
It's currently #4 on the eShop
Why are you playing your game in a birdhouse?
With only 3 games on the Switch total.
Of course it is. There's barely anything to play on this thing.
That's 3 more than PS4 lol
Thanks. looks really blurry. Like as soon as he turns around every texture looks terrible.
Fuck off frogposter
Yes and yes. All online Switch games can be played with a hotspot, and DOOM also features bots in multiplayer.
I have the game on my laptop that runs perfectly. How does it compare to the switch version?
I haven't played it a whole lot yet but I definitely didn't notice any input lag, aside from Sonic Mania + menu button the system has always felt great.
More importantly I haven't had any screen tearing yet, which was really fucking annoying on the PS4 and I dunno if they ever fixed it.
Fuck off Todd
I meant more specifically on battery drain and if the multiplayer community will stick around as it's the only true fps on the switch currently and if it plays good.
Just bought the game but need to work. Is there any way to play the bots mode offline? Even Killzone Mercenary on the Playstation Vita could do that, and that was one of the best things about that game. It'd get so much more playtime with an offline bots mode.
No one on Sup Forums actually owns the game.
It's just Nintendo hivemind patting each other on the back for "getting another multiplat".
>if it plays good.
Stop being illiterate
You could start by talking about things you like instead of shitting up threads you don't have an interest in.
As someone who plays it at 110fps ultra 1080p on PC, it's playable, and it looks good as a game, but compared to the other versions it looks like ass. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless they're either a handheld enthusiast, really fucking like DOOM, or have absolutely no other options. I could definitely see myself playing it when I'm out of town, but at home after my initial 100% completion run I doubt I'll touch it, maybe comfy arcade mode in bed at most.
How's that being illiterate, was I supposed to substitute good for well.
Fuck off.
suck my ass OP
>seven and a half million pixels
>still boring af
i love the centered view models, is this new or something? a mod?
It was an option added a couple of months after launch.
double suck my ass OP
I want to get it but I already own the PC and PS4 versions. Might get the Switch version when it has a price drop.
what card?
DOOM looks amazing on Switch considering it's a fraction of the size of a PS4 and portable
gtx 1070
Cause me and her spend weekends together but she works? Why wouldn't I go to the birds house?
nice, i've got a 1080Ti but am still running at 1440p but have been considering an upgrade. My concern though is how well I'll be able to run more demanding games at 4K like Dishonored 2.
I don't want to be a dick, but I am struggling to play this on my 4K TV, and I bought it wanting to enjoy it, tips?
why buy it 2 times?
What are you talking about? Why is your bird working?
What work could a bird even do.