Teehee lets go back when everything was tank and spank

>teehee lets go back when everything was tank and spank

Why the hell do people want this?

>tfw no chromie gf (bf)

Rose tinted goggles

Why the hell do you care when its a seperate team and doesn't affect you at all?


Different people like different things. Plus, its not just about the raiding.

Chronormu is cute! CUTE!

pvp and griefing. i dont care about the pve content

apply this logic to every post on Sup Forums and you'd stop browsing all together

>Why the hell do people want this?
Because their lives was good back then, they weren't 20 years old still living in their parents basement

They think they want it but when it drops they will stop playing

because I want an actually MMO

not a game that could be 100% lobby based and have the exact same experience aka raid simulator

This basically

I do feel super bad for people who raided in vanilla / TBC. Skill was ancillary, all you needed to be a prestigious raider was time investment, even if you were a keyboard turning loser. Just showing up and having a good attitude was enough. These are the guy you see in every thread trying to argue that Naxx 40 was the pinnacle of raiding.

Everyones rose-tinted goggles combined with the droves of people that have never played Vanilla, but keep hearing how awesome it is.

I love this hot projection that's always plastered on these threads. Not everybody's life is as miserable and pathetic as your own

Because hurr muh camunitee
Nostalgiafags somehow think that internetculture hasnt changed in the last ten years.
MMOs arent the new cool thing anymore, the "vanilla" community wont ever come back.

>they're just pretending

agreed, i had a life back then and i continue to a life now. The game was more fun back then, it just was.

>getting this triggered
struck a nerve, bitchboi?


This, 40 man raids are not something to look forward to.

>Y-YOU WON'T EVEN LIKE IT! *whimpers*

look at all those people afk in town instead of adventuring

Anyone who thinks Vanilla was tank & spank didn't play Vanilla

Molten Core was mostly tank & spank because it was made in a week
Once BWL came out, there was a lot of mechanics going on & it destroyed guilds who couldn't git gud

Internet culture doesn't matter when all these servers filled with millions of people are linked together.

No one tries to build a meaningful community, when you're locked in a server filled with only so many people it's just going to happen.

The systems weren't forced or directed. You just went. Achievements didn't remind you it was just a game. There is no raid finder, dungeon finder or flying. It's the form of the game that did not cater to casuals. You had to talk to people and cooperate to get things done. The game world feels big and alive, even if there were bugs. Every single item and monster in the game was important. There is no dead content, no empty zones. It's the most underrated version of the game.

That's the IF riots because the private server was getting shut down.

>no empty zones

I never even raided

boy I can't wait for the fun that was classic "balance"

You must have played a low pop server. Fucking clowns lol

Implying blizzard isn't going to rebalance trash specs no one played.

There hasn't been a WoW raid with a single memorable boss fight since Wrath of the Lich King; and it sure as fuck wasn't the Lich King

Communities are perfectly fine in Heroic/Mythic raiding guilds, even flex guilds have some nice friends as part of the permanent roster.

but I thought you wanted WoW Classic

>having the save Chromie without the Strathome key

>game is just fields of mobs wandering about aimlessly, with 33% drop "collect 10 bear ass" quests
>add-ons just pasted in new continents whilst the entire rest of the game fell stale and out of date

wow such reverence, what a world (of Warcraft).

How rose tinted are the goggles if they were playing it 8 months ago?

This was very pathetic since that was at most 300 people.

This. I'm looking forward to the excuses as to why it isn't the real vanilla experience anyway and how it's not what they wanted.

Sounds like bullseye on you

No one cares about your guild filled with 40 people when there are millions of people playing the game.

Communities outside of your guild and in your server carry more weight and are more recognizable then your guild that will die when classic comes out.

>Reasons to raid in Classic
>Reasons to raid in Retail
Toaster can't run XIV

Can't really compare it to Nostalrius since.. you know.. it was free.

8 tanks, and a whole lot of spank.

these shit posters are marvelous.
You can boil down every mmo like that, you fucking moron.

ah, the pinnacle of 'skill'. grinding for 4 months to get enough warrior tanks with 5p t3 so that taunt couldn't miss so you had a realistic chance of winning

My point is, people are less interactive online now, compared to ten years ago, this is obvious in every major online game. Chats are less active, voicecoms are less active and theres generally less playerinteraction going on in multiplayer games. There might be millions in Classic during the first few months, but the playercount will most likely plummet after three months. Alot of people who played vanilla have jobs now, and vanilla's biggest, and arguably only requirement, was time investment.
Dont get me wrong, it could be great, I might even try it myself, but its still widely overrated and overhyped.

I honestly prefer simple combat and playing for the comfyness of the world. I hope ill be able to play ret paladin, using seal and autoattacking for 30sec. Raiding as holy paladin also seems nice enough. And the nice thing is that there will be an "end" to the gearing, you can reach a point where you have the best of the best gear and you can rest easy knowing that there wont come a new expac along, making your gear useless. I would miss transmog though

Maybe they like the 25 man format? All the full raid stuff in XIV tends to be casual oriented stuff.

>bring me 10 bear asses
>bring me 35 troll ears
>bring me 100 crystals

>no empty zones
That's some really, REALLY, cherry picked memory there bub. Darkshore and Loch Modan come to mind. Everyone left their starting zones to level in Elwynn, Westfall, Redridge, Darkshire, STV (for ganking), Tanaris, Un'goro, Blasted Lands. There were a few outliers due to preference but there were zones avoided like the plague like Desolace, Silithus, and then there was Azshara which had like a class quest and that was it.

>Projects his own life onto millions of other people

It's the community, not the game.

Wanna know how I know you never played vanilla?

You fail to recall AQ quests in silithus that people were constantly working on. Also, people were constantly there doing hunter bow quest and other various quests.

You are an idiot. Desolace is perfectly viable, people didn't go there because it was so far away and because STV was a much easier option.
On private servers with high pop Desolace gets much more popular due to people escaping vietnam.

Lol STV being called Vietnam. That's rich.


God damn that zone was pointless on launch. Such a disappointment going there hoping for a few quests to get me to 60 only to find nothing but those couple of npcs near the entrance.

Vanilla wow at least forces part of the community back.

>desolace and azshara
>empty zones

maybe empty of alliance, but they are critical zones for leveling horde.

I realize now that the joke would've been much better if i called those players draft-dodgers but hey, i'm not perfect.

Not for vanilla.

Because I want to run up the orgrimmar flight master tower one more time and travel 10 years a back in time. Just for a single moment.

Because the world in it is fun, the world they created later on wasn't. Also the humor wasn't so shitty in vanilla.

why does classic servers being released trigger so many people?

Go ahead enlighten me then. Cause you're wrong but I want to see how you get yourself out of this shitpost.

you are an idiot, azshara gives horde their 52-53 in like an hour.

Alliance would kill for a 50 leveling zone that fast

I can see Desolace but Azshara was a bunch of nothing until they added Azuregos

>When people try to talk shit about the MMO that netted 3.75 million more subscribers per year than your MMO even though it only gained 3.0 million subscribers per year

I'd give her the tank and spank

what's with the sudden influx of normies on Sup Forums? fuck off

I forget the levels but it I think was Searing Gorge that did the same for alliance. Also I'm pretty sure Swamp of Sorrows wasn't that bad either.

Azshara has that one quest where you fetch a bunch of stone tablets from the naga ruins and then get 4 delivery quests in all the capital cities that gives you almost a full level of experience in total.

Dont you have Artifact Power to be grinding OP? You should probably hurry up and get back to it before you miss your lfr que.

Why are vanillafags so rabid?

because it signals the death knell of retail, and retailcucks know the only way to save their panda fucking simulator is to stop classic from being a success anyway they can.

As opposed to the whole raid being solved before it even comes out?
The entire point of raids is that the biggest, baddest motherfuckers in the setting have come together and that only you and 24 friends working like a well oiled machine can even have a hope of stopping them. Why in god's name should they be easy or pandering to conventional comps and builds?

Sry buddy but it's going to happen., if you think it isn't you don't know blizzard.

We just don't know to what extent.
player interaction is going to happen.

Old school ganking and dungeons required it on some level, being on your own and not having a guild makes the game substantially worse for yourself.

People can be as anti-social as they want but that's incompatible with what classic wow is, you're going to need the help of level 60s when you're running around dying in stranglethorn, You're going to kill other players when you hit 60 and run around in a low level zone, etc.

Also modern games breed less interaction. everything about FF14, or overwatch or current wow can be done without talking to anyone on any level.

Leveling up with Moodude and being nice to him in your WC run means he's going to invite you to the RFK run then the ZF run and holy shit you hit level 60 and accidentally made a friend on the way.

They realize all the players worth their salt are going to play classic and leave normal wow, leaving their guilds carryless.

Was it really that much? All I remember was the first part of that where you'd run through the ruins for the tablets

>everything was tank and spank
confirmed for never playing vanilla.

It's a bit like being a fan of the 2D Sonic games when you have people constantly making excuses for Sonic Legion being shit, just like the last 3 Sonic expansions

Retail streamers are scared that classic will ruin their little circlejerk on twitch

it was great fun back then and one of the best times in video game history for me but that doesnt mean i want to do it all over again.

It was a total of 9 quests: you first collect the 4 tablets, then after turning in that quest you get 4 delivery quests to Thunder Bluff, Orgrimmar, and Undercity, and then each of those quests gives you a return quest back to the original quest giver.

The problem is that it was literally the only quest in Azshara.

I raided TBC and you are wrong. Fights had fewer mechanics, that doesn't mean they weren't complex. There just wasn't 50 different obtuse things you had to pay attention to at all times.
Until you got to BT and then there were.


You'll find me in Hyjal on Classic.

I don't see why. It's not like they couldn't just play Classic themselves.

>he got all of his warrior tanks 5piece tier-anything in only 4 months
are you a fucking wizard

Because the appeal is not raiding. The appeal is pvp, meaningful social interactions, server community, and a divorce from the mistakes of retail.

>He's forgetting high end guilds had constant constant streams of Alts getting geared.

>xD its so much better being tank and spank + dont stand in the neon-glowing spots

Why are nu-wow fags so triggered by people liking classic?

>The Appeal is PvP
>Only 5 classes viable in constant PvP outside of memevideos.

>back when everything was tank and spank
What do you mean back, you dumb MMO rat?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to enjoy vanilla WoW. The gameplay is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of game theory most of the features will go over a typical gamer’s head. There’s also Kaplan’s autistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his baby- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Lord British videogames, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this lack of QoL improvements, to realise that they’re not just fun- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike vanilla WoW truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the conviction in Kaplan’s existential catchphrase “Whoever came up with this sheer fisting of an encounter can go fuck themselves.” which itself is a cryptic reference to Carmack’s American epic Doom. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as J. Allen’s genius unfolds itself on their outdated computers. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a FOR THE ALLIANCE tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladyboys’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Because fundamentally, people who like "Classic" do it out of Nostalgia.

Nostalrius proved this, because it was a fucking joke of a game.

"Getting geared" and getting 5 piece set bonuses are two entirely different things. My guild could almost go a month without seeing any wrath drop.

This is actually a really good analogy. Picture WoW Classic as Sanic Mania and WoW Legion as Sanic Forces.
Sanic Mania is a well-crafted game made by fans of the original 2D games, with lovingly remade stages and a few originals. It keeps the spirit of the 2D series well in mind and attempts to pay tribute to it.
Meanwhile Forces is a shallow attempt to churn out another game loosely based on thigns people originally liked about the series. It's sloppily made and has a stupid fucking gimmick nobody actually asked for.

There were no empty zones because the sub numbers continued to go up throughout the entire life of the game so new players were always leveling you fucking moron. It had nothing to do with any systems or content the game implemented. WoW classic will definitely have empty zones because it's peak popularity will be at release.