15th Anniversary Return Home Campaign currently ongoing.


Check it out, it's cool.

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How do I level turbofast? I'm at 86 right now and just beating up on mobs around my level with trusts. I always hear people say you can get 99 in a day but it's not going that quick for me. I have a lot of exp buffs from rhapsodies that i've done so far and exp rings so it's not terrible but it would be nice to go faster.

You get the EXP buffs, you get trusts, and just find places where you can kill fast. There's really not much to it.

The 75-99 stretch is the worst, imo, so just hang in there.

Alright, yeah just trying to grind to 99 before I continue any story just so I can be more prepared for whatever I come across. I'm playing paladin, do you happen to have any recommendations for gear I should go for that isn't super painful to get? All I really have is artifact armor and weapons Ive been buying with sparks, a lot of my equip slots have been totally empty. thanks for the response

I think if you stick to sparks gear and stuff you get from caskets or any NMs you encounter along the way to 99 you'll be fine.

At 99, just drop by the Sparks NPC and pick up the 117 ilevel armor set for PLD, they also have a few accessories and weapon/shield for you.

From that point on, it's all about working with other people to do all the events to help you gear up. If you're sticking with PLD, you'll want to pick up Dynamis and start working on an Aegis.

If you're just trying out jobs, though, you'll be fine with the shield gained from Alluvion Skirmish, I think.

BG Wiki will be your best friend for new content, FFXIclopedia for older content.

Alright, thanks. I think I mostly just want to play through all the expansion stories so I probably don't need super awesome gear, but maybe I'll get sucked in by the end of it and try hard current stuff.

Then you'll be fine.

When you get to 90ish, I think you can try the camps highlighted in red in Escha-Zi'Tah.

I remember exping there being reasonably better and faster than anywhere else.

Also check out the Adoulin areas, there's some kind of weird EXP bonus going on there that's great to make use of.

Forgot my image.


This guy on pixiv draws tons of fanart for this one Mithra and Elvaan player characters.

I really wonder what's the backstory behind them.



>grinding BLU spells
It's so frustrating, but so comfy at the same time.

It can be a little annoying at times, but the tour around the world as you gather different spells is honestly worth it.

>current year
>XI still has a monthly subscription

Oh definitely. Roaming around Cirdas Caverns for the first time at the moment. The Reives are an interesting idea.

I really love the Adoulin zones. I sorta wish Adoulin would have come out earlier, instead of Abyssea.

It really captures the joys of exploring and adventure.



Leveling up isn't fast the retards forgot to mention that you need a ring that gives like +200% exp rate with unlimited charges but it's an event ring that barely comes on (fuck you SE release it I've been waiting a year practically). It's pretty slowish still otherwise with just emperor band you get from Conquest points doing books while fighting Toughs/Very Toughs. Those guys also might have been doing Escha or something which is the latest expansion that returners probably don't have. Make sure you sign up for Apururu Trust since he'll be the only RDM you have access to while starting (need that convert + haste).

Also for gear you should get that Perle set, but idk if it's a Sparks item or only Auction House. But yeah you can basically start buying your Lv99 gear with Sparks from the Sparks NPC.

Was this really the original concept art? In what year did they change it? Dodged a bullet right there. Only one that's good are the proto-tarus, but even then having to miss out on taru in exchange isn't a great deal either. And it looks like that concept art for the Elvaan got used in XIV rip haha.

someone post download link of game please. i want to log back in

Just go to the website. I think their method is the only way to download it since they make you only install the base game and then dl the rest through playonline. I'd like to hear someone say they could just dl and install them all directly though, that'd be nice.

how big is this game? Might as well play it until the campaign for ff14 pops up.

installation wise i mean

10gb maybe, including the expansions.

Download the game at the official website.

Download the updates from a pack torrent/ddl

let the game check verify it's files and you should be good to go.



Where would you like to EXP today?

Did the ERP community play or did they all move to XIV


dude this is old as fuck, try this one instead


I'm aware.

I'm posting it for nostalgia's sake.

>you can actually see the airships arriving at/leaving the cities from the surrounding zones
I forgot about little shit like this. So fucking good.

Posting this one too

Old footage of XI in GT's Retrospective.

Well lucky you, the ring is part of the event.

What server should I go on? And where is the Sup Forums linkshell?

Linkshells live and die quickly in XI

wow nice desu

Anyone want to do Ambuscade on asura? i'm GEO with decent gear

>this hype as fuck play online music
man i love these early 2000 tunes from japanese vidya, dude was killing it in the studio

There's even a quest in Port Bastok involving it.

You have to kill an NM that only spawns when a ship flies over Rolanberry Fields.

Quest giver is in Port Bastok.

Oh wonderful now to find out these details. SE was smarter this time around it looks like. The exp gain without that ring really puts a hamper on coming back hype when the leveling is still kind of drags.

Just log in on the 12th and get the ring delivered to you.

XI should have been my first and last mmo. Sucks Tanaka wasn’t given proper time with XIV

In the Adventurer Gratitude Campaign, we're showing our deepest gratitude to everyone enjoying the world of Vana'diel by giving away up to four special items to players just for logging in.

These rewards include items to support recent returnees and vouchers that people who have been playing for a while will surely appreciate.

Players will be able to receive all the goodies just by logging in for four of the seven weeks the campaign is running, so even the most casual of players has ample time to reap the rewards!

First Login:
Second Login:
Third Login:
Fourth Login:


That clock looks nifty, though. I don't think I ever got it.

Based e-Chad