What does Pot of Greed do?
What does Pot of Greed do?
Draw 2 cards.
It let's you draw 2 cards, it says so right there in the image you uploaded
allows me to shitpost on Sup Forums
Gets your thread 404'd because it's not videogames
It’s two Upstart Goblins in one but it doesn’t give your opponent any life points. Also it sucks ur cock
Put 2 body parts from your partner in your butthole.
It allows you to post an overused annoying joke.
And make yugioh threads on Sup Forums full of nostalgiafags.
this is the worst yugioh meme by far
But there are Yu-gi-oh video games
Unleashes kike magic
I've never played Yugioh but is there a way to make a "troll" deck? It might tempt me to do it.
why did they make such a broken card?
Lets you take any 2 cards of your choosing from your deck, and add them to your hand. (2 Topdecks)
It allows me to activate this card!
make a self-destruct button deck
It's a +2
Pot of greeds complex function is why they had to start a duel academy in order to make sure people fully understand the card, and msts ability to negate it.
Yes, there's ways to do it but they're not really meta, it depends on what you mean by troll though. Personally I like packing 9+ Mirror Force variants.