What are Sup Forums's favorite flash games ?
What are Sup Forums's favorite flash games ?
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underpaid overworked indian factory workers
do not research the backstory to this
Save yourself
>girlgames.com for ants
How long has it been since the original threads happened?
i still can't find the full version with save features.
i see
thanks user
1 month i think. 4 months since the last one that hit bump limit
Monster's Den: Chronicles
is Godfall worth it?
my eyes , too much pink shit
Don't be dumb, I mean the ones where a mod posted that another mod was so disgusted that he had to take a time out.
oh you mean that. shit i dunno i lost track of time
>the baby is not black
i want to believe that these are some complicated psy-op because the idea that there's actually demand for this shit is horrifying
Sonny, Snailiad, isaac are the shit.
Also did Sonny 3 come out?
Well, the baby is bound to be black somewhere
delet this
So what's the gist? The games are so bad they are scary? Or there's some sort of actual fucked up shit?
>doesnt allow adblocks
I'm saved I guess
>Or there's some sort of actual fucked up shit?
what's the backstory?
All the ones that arent based on getting an anime girl pregnant
A-user, t-there's something I must t-tell you...
You don't wanna know.
Injustice 2, the flash is good in that.
There was a time not long ago, for a few days, we had a thread that was just this bullshit.
I'm legitimately scared from it, and will not forget some of the images I saw in those threads.
Sweet fuck please not again.
Swords & Souls is one of the best I've ever played
I know the games are weird. wasn't aware there was some dark backstory.
>baby hazel funtime
I dont even want to click to see what it is
Been browsing some of the games. Haven't found anything at all outside of very basic boring stuff. Going to be a slow thread unless someone can post the actually scarring shit, because there's some serious metric ton of nothing at all.