Planes > No Planes
GTA 4 vs 5
Unenjoyable gameplay < Enjoyable gameplay
GTA V is better in every way and the reason the changed the ragdoll shit was because it made everything move like a fucking cartoon in GTA IV
>Something lightly pats you
>Spend the next ten seconds uncontrollably wobbling around like a drunk
>thinking left picture is how most cares behave
Better than
>Something lightly pats you
>Everybody do the flop
I loved the physics that GTA IV had. It's a shame GTA as a series will soon be dead in my eyes, they're going to pump the next one full of micro transactions.
I tried to replay IV and I quit the story missions like 2 hours in. I don't remember being THAT much of a never-ending tutorial.
>everything move like a fucking cartoon in GTA IV
whereas V was the pinnacle of realistic physics, right?
>not realizing that when you're making those little turns you were going 70 - 90 mph.
Try swerving quick on a real car at 60 - 80 mph and watch was going to happen.
4s story was so boring. Why the fuck would anyone want to play a slav?
I hated the driving physics in IV. The cars handled like boats.
shut up 56% mongrel
>Was in high school when GTA 4 came out
>Friends would lightly tap each other
>Throw ourselves into lockers and spin around the hallways like jew tops
Fun times
Everyone in IV was drunk but the physics and handling in V are far more cartoony.
Both games suck and pale in comparison to the III trilogy.
Cars felt like fucking boats in V.
Maybe the slow cars, jumping into a banshee and actually drifting was statisfying as fuck
Barely any slide in GTAV due to everything being motorsport spec supercars
Keep gobbling up our media like the obsessed little cucks you are. :^)
hang yourself
amen, gta 4 had this down to a fine art.
Stop bullying Americans!
t. newfag
gta is made by rockstar north, amd guess where that is?
you guessed it, the UK
its not an american game.
im pretty sure if you replaced every car model to be the taxi in gta 5 maybe 80% of the players wouldnt be able to tell the difference car to car.
its so fucking samey. i missed the garage and modding in san andreas and wanted it in 4, but then 5 revealed why its shit.
Only shitboxes have that much body roll even at quick evasive maneuvers, a decent car will keep itself centered and not body roll
Hmm, do I want to play a game with fun controls, great multiplayer in an impeccably designed, densely detailed city?
Or do I want to play a game with shit controls, cancerous monetized multiplayer that takes place in the colossal featureless wasteland?
>andy six logposting took off, but this barely gets any recognition
i dont get it. what determines a memes popularity or obscurity.
We're talking about nuGTAs here, none of them fit your description.
you mean 90% of the games cars. believe it or not, most of the cars on the road are NOT track cars
GTA V fits though. After finishing all of the single player and strangers missions theres not really much do do at all, it's literally a wasteland
What in my post said GTA?
Well I was talking about the first description, both IV and V are bad in their own ways.
IV feels like a chore, V feels like a waste of time.
Most cars will do that. Unless you have a strut bar which only sports cars generally have, or you buy one aftermarket.
Again, most cars have that natural roll, seems out of place in gta because you're always going fast. When you're driving in most gta games, you're going at 70 - 90 mph most of the times, even 100's in the sports cars through out zones where the speed limit should be 30 - 40 mph.
You are taking curbs at 80 mph when in reality, in real world conditions, you should be taking them at 40 mph. Real speed is sometimes not displayed accurately in video games, you think you're going pretty slow, but in fact, you're going pretty fucking fast on that 2 way street.
>theres a macdonalds in england
>so its a british company
Yet it was irrelevant shite when it was based in the UK and the franchise has become bigger than ever when it deals with American settings and culture. Stay OBSESSED, I know it's a bitter pill to swallow going from the parent to junior partner in world affairs.
gta4 wasn't actually more realistic but it was definitely mechanically more fun
This is a high end car with top of the line suspension at 41 mph
Don't get me wrong, a lot of roll is not supposed to be happening, manufacturers try to reduce that however, it happens in a lot of cars, and that is a fact. Rockstar tried to be realistic and it may have backfired with the casuals that don't know to properly brake and take corners. But a fact is a fact, and so many cars behave like this in real world conditions.
Just use sport car. Shit car is shit in older game too.
gta 5`s car handling is like any first person shooter with auto-aim in comparison to gta 4.
the only people who dont prefer it, are casuals
You know what's wrong with GTA V? It feels numb as fuck. All the vehicles handle the same, the damage is disappointing (and only got worse with the next gen), the ragdolls are stiff and predictable, and the AI is absolutely fucking retarded. They dumbed down most gameplay aspects compared to GTA IV, and the larger map and a few more vehicles and scripted activities absolutely do not make up for it. I've spent dozens of hours in GTA IV just driving around causing crashes or not even causing crashes on top of all the actual content, and I've played GTA V at a friend's place for an hour or two and haven't even picked it up myself, that's how boring it was. I simply can't begin to care.
Every mission in vanilla GTA 4 is this:
>Niko, drive to ___.
>Oh shit it's going bad!
>Kill everyone
>Drive away from ___.
Every. Single. Mission.
To be fair, that's a fair amount of quests in every GTA.
>the suspension work in gta4
>many cars behave like this in real world conditions
you are kidding, right?
IV is also bland as fuck, the physics are fun but that's it.
Can anons provide me with objective examples of IV > V instead of just arguing about driving mechanics?
Main thing I can think of is the NPC routines being more complex in IV
>t drives moms car to the grocery store and back and thats the breadth and depth of his car experience in real life
That's not true, a lot of cars handle differently however, it is extremely casualized driving compared to IV. At the beginning I hated it just as you but I got used to it and now have close to 400 hours logged. Main reason is that the map is just SO much better for driving. I loved IV but liberity city was just fucking squares after squares. I love going to the rural areas in V and just cruising around for hours.
>Grand Theft Auto
>"geee I wish this game had planes"
GTAV is shit. Planes control like shit. Game graphically is a step down. Lighting and effects are a step up.
Music is mostly garbage except some good hits. Cars all control like you've turned on the quick turn cheat code on GTAIII. Gunfights online consist of try hards just invincibility rolling. All the guns are basically the same, all the pistols are nearly useless. Shark cards.
well for starters, driving mechanics. i know, i know, drivings a small and minor part of the game, i mean, its not called grand theft auto for any reason
It's formeer dma which is british.
New owner came, change the name and that's it.
>automatically assumes he's American
Fair point, I guess for a video game an aspect in one game being more realistic =/= being objectively better than other games
I meant more specific and demonstrable things that were removed from IV most likely to accomodate the scale of V
Do you have 17 minutes?
I agree, but in gta 4 cars roll that 5-10 degree too much and opposite of it in gta 5.
I probably have driven a lot more cars than you so no, I'm not fucking kidding. Get on your grandmas car now and do a quick turn at 70 mph and see what happens. Again, when you slow down the cars in gta iv and turn, that roll on the OP's pic does not happen.
This is a CIVIC at 40 mph. You faggots need to realize, that when you're in your basement holding down RT, by the time you get to the end of the black you're already going 70 mph in gta, dumbfucks.
Are you ignoring Rockstar Games in New York on purpose?
I can't expect them to have the physics be a 100% match, but they were aiming for it that's for sure and of course it backfired. Yes, the difference between IV and V is night and day.
>i-it used to be b-british
haha, you got shit on in this thread
You know what else *used* to be British?
The United States of America.
oh of course how could we forget the branch that didnt make the game and had nothing to do with it
>Jew tops
I appreciate this joke.
Memetic energy.
physics were quality, just guys responsible for handling were lazy. Realistic Driving and Flying mod doesn't touch physics, only tunes vehicle configs, and difference is massive
true on that. Thanks god for Episodes, that brought back fun to story mode
But he's right.
Its a british made game, setting or not.
Not surprising considering the state of current American video games
realism just makes a game shittier 9 times out of 10
good point. everything american is british culture and made, since it was originally british. you wanna blame anyone for morbid obesity and trump, its the brits
Content and gameplay aside, one of the two games is already superior simply because it doesn't shove a monetized, shoehorned, empty online mode into the players's faces.
>being this assblasted over an extremely popular game in america not being developed in america
>post shitting on america
>"you must be upset its not american"
Define every way, in generalized gameplay mechanics.
Rockstar North is Scottish I think
how come when gta4 released it was almost unanimously shat on by Sup Forums but now it has a strong core base that defends it to hell while simultaneously shitting on gta5 (which is the superior game in every regard including driving)
all I can think of is that there are a lot of contrarians on here
also I definitely enjoyed gta4 more because I was younger back then, but objectively gta5 is superior in every regard, and the physics in gta4 were annoying so fuck your crowbcat video shilling
IV npc
>get shot in the gut
>stumble around trying not to collapse
>get shot again
>lose balance, topple over holding stomach
V npc
>get shot in the gut
>barely react
>get shot again
>flop over, instantly limp
God gta 4 was so boring
there are many cases of people being shot and not realizing. explain to me how IV version is better than V, and why you hold this autistic shit in such high regard?
>many cases
>so lets make its 100% of the time
I defended it from the beginning, and the GTA IV driving is the most enjoyable in the entire series coming from racing games and being utterly bored by the handholding driving in the other titles but especially in GTA V where it's actually a step BACKWARDS.
so why should we make the gta4 version 100% all the time
I enjoyed the handling a lot in gta4, but 5 is just the superior game, and yes, the arcadey driving IS better
Bull fucking shit, it's absolutely impossible to drive at a reasonably fast speed in GTAIV. Are you gonna call every car sim out there casual now? Because there is no game out there with handling as retardedly garbage as GTA "What even is a turning circle?" IV.
there are like 2 cars that don't have comedic body rolls, but they understeer like hell
>it's impossible to go around corners at full speed no brakes therefore it's bullshit
Go back to your Saints Row garbage, you dipshit kid.
I shouldn't have to come to a near complete stop to turn a massive intersection corner. Try harder you idiot.
IV was so realistic, I couldn't play for a while because the sound reproduction in-game so accurately represented the crunching of plastic and glass I had experienced in a bad accident irl. When I got in a car for the first time in V I was halfway in between anger and bewilderment at the arcade driving physics, a huge step backwards from IV.
>saints row garbage
>saints row 1 and 2 are infinitely better than gta4
yup gta4 kid mad
Why don't you try harder if you're too stupid to drive in GTA IV?
Shit ypi gpt jo hom
you know I actually typed up a couple of reponses to this but I've now decided you're such a fucking retard that there isn't a point. you're literally too stupid to understand the principles of animation, physics and player feedback.
>its okay that the entire game has garbage physics because you can stand on trucks and walk into walls
>mocking them because you cant think of a comeback
>it's absolutely impossible to drive at a reasonably fast speed in GTAIV
>millions of people did it
>even literal children
no, im mocking them FOR that weak comeback
no you didn't stay btfo
>falling off a moving truck like a ragdoll even though that's literally not how physics work
>calling out the other game for crap physics
nvm the gameplay elements like no planes, no jumping around on trains, no hitching up a trailer to a cab! gta4 is slow crap!
I have Euro Truck Simulator 2 installed for when I'm in the mood to hitch up some trailers.
>its literally okay for the rest of the game to be shit because the truck standing physics are correct
> Adapt to the shit so it won't be shit
Fuck this noise, the driving is garbage, I've played through GTAIV three times and each time the driving feels progressively worse, arcadey noise is objectively superior. The only merit to GTAIV's driving is how fun it is to fuck around with, and GTAV's still manages to top it because at least when you're done fucking around you can drive comfortably without feeling like "GTA on Ice!"