Why was Atelier Sophie so much worse than the Arland trilogy?

Why was Atelier Sophie so much worse than the Arland trilogy?

Is it really so much worse?
I'm currently 10 ours into sophie and it's ok aside from the cheesy characters and plot.
First atelier I play tho

They dumbed down and casualized it trying to reach an audience that will never buy these games

This, pretty much. Loved the Arland trilogy, up to Ayesha/Eschatology. It had gone to complete shit by Sophie.

Should I even bother with Ayesha? I've seen they changed the alchemy system and I was a huge fan of the cost system. Also ayesha looks like a thot.

here's something i've noticed about the atelier series, the smaller the hats, the worse the game

But meruru has only a tiny crown and her game was mechanically the best arland game. The characters fell a bit short though.

How is the PC port?

It's bretty good. EschatoLogy is gud, too, but Ayesha was more interesting to me.

Ayesha is the last good Atelier game.

i didn't say it was a rock solid theory

Wilbell confirmed best girl

I don't know. I played on PS4 and the game itself was shit.

Post Dusk Merchantfus

Works fine.
GUI looks like ass tho, seemingly ported from the Vita version, not the PS4 one.

Was she in Shallie? I never bothered after the boring first few hours that I've experienced in that game.

>worse than the Arland trilogy
It's only worse than Rorona and Meruru.

Ayesha is the best Atelier game so yes.

That is your opinion and I disagree.

No, but there's another merchantfu, besides Katla

Boobs too big.

No sense of urgency, nothing at stake until it got ham fisted at the end. Characters that have zero purpose in the world or in the story. No driving motivation for the main character. Spent all their money on porn artist. Shit music because they had to make day and night songs for the same areas. Day and night being an element of the game, but not time.

The worst offence is how worthless most characters are to the story. Does anyone give a shit about any characters other than Sophie and Prafta?

what are you? gay?

>Ayesha is the best Atelier game

No. This is the perfect body.

When I was trying to remember the game I completely forgot that knight guy even existed. I remembered the singer girl, fat guy and the loli. Had to think really hard to remember the guy from the clock shop, but knight left so little impression on me he disappeared until someone posted a screenshot with him in it.

Yes. Rorona Plus is second best.

No time limit. Not having any pressure to get shit done made things a lot less interesting.

I even forgot about the loli, don't even remember the name of the puppet maker who disappears from the story after you craft prafta's body and the armour making girl that has no sense of fashion but is apparently a fashion expert. I always just used Monica, Oskar, Sophie and prafta because at least Oskar and Monica are Sophie's childhood friend. Did Sophie even have a rival? Also bookworm girl should have been playable.

>. Not having any pressure to get shit done

There was nothing to get done, 95% of the story was all about cute girl does cute thing with her book that becomes a doll.

The PC port is great and frustrating all at once. Technically speaking, the only problem it has is that the 2D art is all low res for some reason. It technically runs great and you can play it at 4k on even something like a 970, but the gorgeous 2D art is ruined in it.

It's a great port of a shit game.

How has Rorona remained best girl for so long?

But Meruru is best girl.

>Rorona's student

By having two shit girls follow her.

loli rorona was unironically better than rorona from atelier totori. I don't know what happened between rorona and totori but apparently she suffered from severe braindamage. She was always an airhead but it almost felt like she was clinically retarded in her early 20s.

Please explain how Meruru is shit.

They are pretty good girls.

Bad opinion

Worst opinion I've ever read in my entire life but somehow still makes sense.

She doesn't love her great daddy.

>loli rorona was unironically better than rorona from atelier totori.

Fucking THANK YOU, Totori's Rorona was a caricature of the main character from Atelier Rorona. Loli Rorona was good though.

I also love loli Rorona. The fact that I'm a lolicon is unrelated.

The hate for loli Rorona was seriously unjust.

People who hate loli Rorona were the ironic weaboos who only use these games for fapping.

ohh, you're a pedophile , got it

Rorona should've behaved like totori did in meruru. Totori went from brat to top milf in a few years.

Totori just calmed the fuck down because she isn't searching for her mom anymore.

>Totori went from brat to top milf in a few years

Milf fags are so delusional, they used the exact same model with a different outfit.

>Used to have rorona, totori, and meruru figures on my desk at work.

Luckily I don't have a desk job anymore but people thought they were cute. Probably talked shit behind my back though.

Totori was a fucking savage and bullied everyone.

Yes, because I was talking about her body and not the way she behaved.

Also a size queen.

And then she became all nice. She reminded me more of cecie than old totori.

Even Totori agrees Meruru is best girl.

Just passing by. Is that the dude from Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate?

Yes, it's Sterkenburg.

the dude from wo3 is from atelier*

why does she wear the mask

It's her fetish wear for when she has a gangbang party with all the other nobles.

I don't get this series. I bought Atelier Sophie because of the shitposting and I don't think I'm enjoying it much. The game's combat is simple and uninspiring, the game is trying to push me in a thousand directions and focusing on a few tasks a day doesn't really help, character design is all over the place and I feel like I'm missing content.

Playing with ingredients on the grid to maximize potency is fun and the MC is cute but that ain't enough ti keep me playing.

What the fuck am I missing? Am a brainlet or something?

Sophie in general felt very bland for me. Everything from the progression system to the alchemy system are lacking. For example in atelier rorona you get assignments and you have 3 months to finish them, in atelier sophie you're given a book that has some fairly generic missions like gather specific things or craft something. The alchemy for the mainstory is usually fairly easy aswell but when you reach postgame shit gets real. Sophie has the tetris minigame, the arland games had the cost system where traits had a certain cost and there were traits to increase the maximum capacity of each item. If you wanted to craft gear that was necessary to beat the last post game bosses you basically had to craft 1-2 months for a single item to squeeze your traits on the ingredients and make the right ingredients so you get the itemlevel requirement to unlock the natural traits on an item. That could easily take you 30-50 steps for a single item which was only good on a specific character.

The game is shit. Emulate/pirate the arland games.

Welcome to post Ayesha Atelier games. Enjoy your stay.

They stepped away too far from the basic formula and reduced character interactions to nothing. There's no sense of pacing nor any build-up so the impact is reduced to near-zero, and the alchemy isn't as fun anymore.

Wait, it used to be better? Sophie is literally my first and only experience of this franchise.

Unironically should've started with Rorona+ or Ayesha+

The Mysterious series is the worst one and also the trilogy where they were "trying to reach a bigger audience".

Nah they started trying to reach a bigger audience with Ayesha.


Why did they get rid of merurus progression system? It was a brilliant idea to develope regions to harvest better materials. Even without time limits it was such a great inclusion that it should've become the standard.

That's the Iris games and MK. Post Ayesha games are mix of MK combat and arland alchemy.

It wouldn't fit Ayesha, but EschaLogy and Shallie would've been great for it, I'll probably never play Sophie and the rest of this tripe. Meruru was a really great game, too bad KT/Gust is too stupid to realize that.

The small chibi ones that came in a set? I have those. They are pretty cute.

I thought Mysterious Journey was the best Atelier game and I platinumed all 8 of them.

>23 hours, 51 minutes
Cheating makes your opinion useless.

I force skipped most of the conversations. I hated her

I have both Rorona+ on PS3 and Ayesha on my Vita. With which one should I start with?


>fanTL never ever

Oh nice. I have the Totori fig as well as this one.
I should really get the Meruru and Rorona figs at some point.


You don't have to buy figs of unattractive characters.

I want that one but after buying about 50 figures and having no where to put them I cut that addiction

It's wierd because even the fastest people on PSN profiles have at least 2 days for that game.

Literally THE BEST Atelier game, hands down, no contest.

Start with Shin Rorona Plus on the ps3.

Is it true you can romance cute boys in these games?

i have no interest in the game but Sophie's the cutest atelier, that is all.

You don't romance anything in this game, some character endings look a bit more like shipping than others.

Man fuck this...

Males have ending but the romance is only vaguely implied.


There's nothing new to discuss. Nu-gust and nu-ateliers are shit.

The games are medicore in general but when you compare them to other games with anime visuals they're pretty good suddenly. It's basically some of the best weebtrash on the market but the games aren't great in themselves, merely a 6/10 experience.

You can't romance shit. Literally nothing happens in the series to keep the characters "pure" so they can sell the waifu idea harder to lonely japs and weebs

Sounds accurate. A solid 6 from what I've experienced. Hopefully I'll give it an other shot and it'll get better over time.

you can romance me if you want

I might be autistic but crafting gear good enough to beat the machina domain in atelier meruru was some of the most fun I had in video games. It took me like a week or so of reloading and trying new trait combinations to finally beat the machina goddess.

Is having fun autistic these days?

Considering the type of game it is it might aswell be. It's menubased crafting, traits come on random items so finding items that you can actually use for your gear and that have an high enough level to give enough cost is actually quite difficult.