What does Sup Forums think of achievement/trophy chasing?

What does Sup Forums think of achievement/trophy chasing?

Do you care about achievements/trophies at all?

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Depends if it requires skill or if it's just plain bullshit.
Kill 500 :insert enemy name:
No, thank you

It's just another way of playing games. To each of his own.
I don't care too much about them. I will usually check whatever achievements I have left after I finished a game and if it's only a few left or if the achievements seem particularly fun I might go for them.

Sony lets you make cash back on trophies you earn.

Trophies are good.
Every other type of achievement scoring isn't. Everything should be in terms of trophies.

>To each of his own.

To each his own

i like the sound of when an achievement unlocks. also when you unlock a gamerpic instead of an achievement is fucking cool

Not really but I like to get every ounce of enjoyment I can get from a game, so I'll often end up with most trophies besides the ones that just involve grinding levels or that sort of stuff.
I think they're pretty useless but harmless so whatever.

Meh. If the content of the trophy is something interesting, I'll do it. That's about the extent of my interest in it.

Halo vidmaster achievements

I like them when they're used as challenges.
>Only use this gun
>Do it within this time limit
>Don't get hit
... and so on.

I like the idea, but i feel like it could be implemented better

Like imagine something like miiverse but you have your own house and shit and completing mario odyssey at 100% gave you a golden mario statue or something, it would be cool as fuck and much better than just some random points to show off to random strangers

By the way did you guys know there is a site that gives achievements to retro games? They do that through using specialy modified emulator

Extrinsic vs intrinsic motivations

Only if they are actually fun and challenging and not just the devs ticking off boxes like they usually are.

>Do you care about achievements/trophies at all?
Zero fucks

I like this idea. It could even be combined with VR to let players explore houses with a different perspective, optionally of course.

If they require some really good prep-time from you and skills, then they can be acceptable.

Unless it's something unlockable from the actual game I don't give a shit.

I love going for trophies

For me it’s not a e-peen thing at all, i started achievementhunting because i went through games too fast and back then i didn’t have the money to buy everything i wanted to play.
Achievements and later trophies were a great way to extend gametime for me.

I was born in 89 so I don't give a shit by default.

wow your so cool

Only games I have done it for are Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne. Every other game, I couldn't care less. I just feel like their achievements are just do everything in the game, not collect 500 of this besides the shitty rings chasing on DS3.


made for faggots

I really like the ones that reward subtle choices, like that CoD game where you unlock one if you act quickly to save one of your squadmates from an optional death.

I'm a sucker for them
Trophies, at least, seem to be measured up against 100% game completion which is what I aim for anyway.
With steam achievements for many games, they require you doing some tedious, unecessary and unrelated bullshit which you do not benefit from. Those I really hate and can't be assed to complete them.
>Online / Co-Op only achievements
Fuck those.

>What does Sup Forums think of achievement/trophy chasing?
Can be an extra thing to go for in a game you enjoy playing.
>Do you care about achievements/trophies at all?
Besides the other point, not really.

I used to not care at all, I didn't connect my PS3 to the Internet for the first 5/6ths of its run and then ended up doing so at the end. Now I can be a bit of an achievement whore on my PS4 but it's always secondary to the game and my enjoyment. If I love the game I'll try to get at least 80% of trophies. If it's mediocre but I still want to see the ending I'll settle for just the story related trophies because I refuse to waste my time playing a shit game.

Most achievements are just time wasters, there are some interesting badges of a real achievements, but those are rare. The people who first thinks they are done with a game once they plat it are disgusting, as they have forced all achievements to be winable if you just have patience, not skill.

its for people who can't make goals ingame for themselves or for games that aren't interesting or fun enough to provoke anyone to do anything other than play through the story and shelve it forever.

t. nintenigger

achievements are great. Sup Forums only shits on them because microsoft created it

Most of the time, they're terrible and low-effort due to only being there out of the obligation that every game needs to have achievements. Occasionally you'll have a game that actually does something interesting with them.

I was excited when the sony rewards thing added those trophies for cash challenges, but it turns out their one time only and I had all of them done right off the bat.

I find trophies/cheevos more enjoyable in games i've played before. So like, kingdom hearts remix collection as an example. It's been a blast going through and getting some of the trophies in the games that I played back in the day.

I came back to titanfall 2 recently, and got the platinum in it, because I wanted to play the story again.

I think trophies or achievement hunting the first go roun is cancer, as is speedrun trophies or ridiculous garbage like in KH remix where you have to beat the entire game without changing equipment. Fucking stupid.

But for the most part, they give a lot of spice to a second/third/nth playthrough of a game.