Can someone who knows anything about this franchise care to explain? Questions:

can someone who knows anything about this franchise care to explain? Questions:

are solid snake and punished snake not the same?

what happened in that hospital?

all opinions are fair opinions.


Solid Snake, Venom Snake, and Big Boss (previously known as Naked Snake) are not the same person.

and why was it then when I finished the game, all that happened was quiet deciding to fuck off and the credits started rolling. However, when I google mgsv ending, everything is so mind-fucking different?

how come this isn't apparent in the story? Was that venom snake in the hospital at the beginning? Are the other snakes dead?

bumping cause confusion

>what happened in that hospital?
Nothing, just a coma dream.

Snake is just a code name, each of their games takes place during a different time period.
Solid Snake's missions primarily take place in the 90s, Naked Snake operates primarily between '64-'74, goes comatose between '74 to '84' and then Venom Snake wakes up and operates from '84 until Solid Snake beats him in the first two games (Metal Gear 1/2, no Solid yet)

ahh, I see. Thanks user

most of the hospital wasnt real

>how come this isn't apparent in the story?
Did you only play the one game?

What happens in the hospital is all real, posts above are trolling you OP.
Big Boss was one of the world's most wanted man, and the soldiers there are trying to kill him, that's why they keep checking the pacient's faces. I honestly don't remember who the flying boy (he's Psycho Mantis, a future metal gear solid enemy for Solid) is with, but he is working against the infiltrating soldiers, and he is the creator of the fire man.

>Big Boss was one of the world's most wanted man
then why do they see him crawling on the floor and not kill him? here? its obvious

/thread lol

why do you think this?

but they don't see him? He plays dead and goes face-down.

homeboy just play the earlier games, they're a blast even today.
Even just MGS3 and Peace Walker if you exclusively want to know about what's going on in 5.

I understand why you think it's weird, but it's really just a directing choice. The soldier was maybe a bit surprised by actually finding him and took a few seconds to actually identify him, right when the fire man appears. It's nothing plot related, just maybe a weird/bad directing choice

>are solid snake and punished snake not the same?
No, they were never intended to be. Solid Snake is a clone of Naked Snake aka Big Boss. Punished Snake was the pilot of the helicopter Big Boss was in, and was given plastic surgery and brainwashed to believe he was Big Boss. Punished Snake is supposed to metaphorically be the player, we are pretending to be Snake in all the MG games just as Punished is a "pretend" Big Boss (also punished snake was the guy who you fight at the end of the original Metal Gear).
>what happened in that hospital?
Don't really know what you mean by this question? Punished Snake and Big Boss (the bandaged guy you're with) are escaping the hospital. Pretty straight forward

>nu-Sup Forums actually believes OP is genuinely asking these questions and will continually answer them despite threads just like this one happening every other day

Well that is the ending of the game. But it was revealed that there was an act 3 that was not put into the game and you can see that in storyboards.

so who's V?

tits too big

>Punished Snake was the pilot of the helicopter Big Boss was in
He was the medic.

Punished "Venom" Snake.

The other Snakes have not been cloned from Big Boss yet

but MGS V I think Big Boss is the only snake you see the entire time

Yes, and the fire man is a dead Vulcan brought back to life due to fury and rage

Venom/Punished Snake

V has cum too

Oops sorry, been a while. Trying to remember all this off the top of my head

Shadow Moses was in 2005 you tard

>trying to make sense out of MGSV when it was deliberately made to be impossible to understand

Punished snake is not solid snake, he is the fake big boss


It's actually extremely easy to understand. If you've played all the other metal gear games and are a fan of the series it wasn't confusing at all.

>there are people ITT retarded enough to be confused by anything about MGSV or the MGS series in general even though its as straightforward and pretentious as they come
You people are the reason why Hideo Kojima is called a genius.

well thats really bad directing then
they shoot almost every dead body, yet dont shoot the guy who stands out and looks like snake. and you can clearly see snake moving

What? MGSV is possibly the most linear and explicitly obvious game in the series, like basically jack shit happens in the entire story.
The only confusing part is why the script ended 3/4 of the way through.


It's nothing compared to the mindfuck that was MGS2 back in the day when shit first starts hitting the fan

MGSV is not canon

>he's not moving in the webm
Fuck are you on about?
Also they don't shoot him because psycho mantis goes in and wrecks shit.

>impossible to understand
>the plot twist """"""""""""ending""""""""" you saw coming since the hospital sequence

Sure thing

8 seconds in, Ishmael (snake) clearly moves

get your eyes checked

Its been stated thousands of times that nothing specificly is canon or not in MGS