
[ominous droning]

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literally the best games ever in the universe

Thief 2 is meh tho

>I'm never going to play this game as a kid for the first time getting spooked
I want that feel back

h-hey guys
don't forget about me


one of the best atmospheres in any games ever

How do I play these on Windows 7? I remember a few years ago I tried 1 with TFix and it still wouldn't launch.


you take that back taffer

post the waifu wars please

Dare you enter this magical realm?

>Thief gold > 2 > 1 vanilla > 3

Unironically loved this mission. Huge level, lots to explore, cool caves with spooky shit in it.

Thief 2 is objectively a huge downgrade in quality. It's an okay game, but I'll always rather replay Dark Project

This was my first one and I fucking loved it
I started thief 1 and I see what people mean the levels are just straight up better in 1

Scariest surprise horror level besides maybe Ravenholm.

Ah, Thief. That brings up memories from the childhood.
Like massive headaches and the urge to puke. Took me many years and getting shitfaced drunk to experience that feeling again.
Who else team /motionsickness/?

looks like the area right before capra demon in DS 1.

are you from any asian country?

No, why? Is that an asian thing?


just keep right

But I can't even tell you if this is an exaggerated meme

Actual fact and I only played them this year

>Haunted Cathedral

Beware, mortals.

I got motion sickness from Doom when I was a kid. Thief is just fine though.

Where are you, you taffer?

>yfw every level in Thief 1 is great
>yfw Thief 2 has no good levels except Angelwatch

I concur
Having buttloads of excellent custom levels certainly helps

I hope you just mean the rooftops, because the angelwatch tower is actually pretty shitty and will forever be a black mark on life of the party

*blocks your path*

Literally the best games ever.

*bores you to death*

not a bad game

it just has the misfortune of being a sequel to 2 vastly superior games

Escape is great. It's one of the hardest sneak challenges the game throws at you, and I love how it ends in an alerady-familiar mansion. Same with the secret passage at the hammerites. This is how you expand the level, instead of just making the player do the SAME EXACT MISSION twice. Seriously, fuck Casing the Joint

go ask /vr/

what the fuck is this?

>Thief 1/Gold = ultimate thief simulator
>Thief 2 = ultimate stealth game

Can Sup Forums agree on this?

No, but either way you should all fuck off with this 1 vs 2 debate. It's been done to death.

>hey kids wanna spend 5 hours backtracking enemy ridden fortress to craft shit?


Played it first before playing the original games so I love it for that. Also has a few fun levels.

You are just shitters
Soulforge is the best level in all vidya

Shamelessly stolen from the filename thread two blocks down.

Fuck this level...

Always tried to get the fuck out of there as fast as possible.

looks like the builder stopped building her halfway through


This level is where the game hooked me.

nothing will ever beat the thieves guild in that department

Seriously though, how could a single studio be so consistently good? Ultima, SS1 and 2, Thief TDP and 2 and Deus Ex too because fuck you they were carrying the same torch

deus ex was like a combination of all the games you mentioned but shittier. tries to be an immersive sim yet it keeps remdinding you that it's a video game.

jack of all trades and master of none

>played them for the first time in 2016
>fell head over heels in love with them
>gameplay, story, universe, art direction all kino-tier
>now there's a huge void in my heart that cannot be filled

The story is great tho.

that doesn't mean it's a good game

I don't think is a bad game, it has flaws but I would say that it's not good. What are your arguments?

how about the fact that it somehow has a worse AI and stealth than thief, a 1998 game

i'd give more arguments but its useless to do so on Sup Forums where deus ex is a sacred cow that people only seem to like because "prod with the prod xD"


Looking Glass Studios are the greatest western devs that ever were, and maybe even the greatest game developers ever.

this era of graphics is so god damn comfy for some reason

Just like Deus Ex, this game aged extremely poorly.
>the graphics are complete shit and it's extremely easy to get lost simply because everything looks exactly the same
>swordfighting is clunky and unresponsive
>stealth is actually rather basic
>the story is kinda boring unless you enjoy stopping your progress to read a huge wall of text
It's not a good game anymore. Some people might enjoy it for what it is, but those are few and far between. I wish the remake wasn't complete garbage, it might've revitalized the series.

>All is as it was written.
>And there's more?
>Tell me.
>kicks you to the main menu

How do I get over this? It still bugs me. Watching the credits didn't even help because it didn't have sweet ass tunes like in 1.

Return to the Haunted Cathedral is garbage.

>swordfighting is clunky and unresponsive
Maybe because he isn't supposed to fight?

I have this unpopular opinion: I think the Adam Jensen DX are better than the original. I like the original mostly for it's story, the stealth was shit and you have no real reason to really play like that, it's just painful. I remember when I dropped stealth and when full guns blazing, that was when I started having a shred of fun in that game. I still love the story but I wouldn't play that game again like I replayed and can easily replay again DX HR and MD

Not really. It's just conspiracy after conspiracy bullshit.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.


You sound like someone who would enjoy the new Thief so it's strange you say it's not good. You have a map and a compass so use it. Not going to defend the combat but if you make the combat too good you end up with Dishonored where unless you make the enemies damage sponges and your character die in one hit it makes the game extremely easy.

The stealth was made with what they had. I'm sure you could improve it in some ways but I kind of want you to name some stealth games you think have better stealth since I can't think of any. Splinter Cell's is more or less the same and Hitman is different and not really any better.

It's hard to strike a balance with stealth between being realistic and being fun and even if you have problems with Thief's stealth I don't think any game has done it better.

>the stealth was shit and you have no real reason to really play like that, it's just painful.
and that's a problem when the gunplay is incredibly shitty and guards just run into circles and become very hard to hit

It's like we didn't even play the same game.

Thief 3 has the best stealth, mostly thanks to the improved AI.

That's why I like the newer ones more.
Actual rewards to stealth and consequences to killing everyone.
Better gunplay and A.I too.

Shame it has the worst everything else.

Not saying it's not realistic, it's just kind of boring with it throwing conspiracy after conspiracy at you. I'd prefer the same gameplay with more of a sci-fi story. Stuff like the Illuminati just doesn't really appeal to me.

I can't play this game.

I played the first level. I loved it. It's so detailed, it's so interconnected, there's so much character, there's so much LIVINGness.

I'm a pussy. I get scared easily. I met that first zombie in the second level, and I quit, and I can't play any further.

ill take the bait but if this derails the thread it would be your own fault for making such an abhorrent post designed to bait people. thief is the best of it's genre but its still a stealth game which is near the worst genre you play for fun. its a nice immersive atmospheric game, while games like quake and team fortress 2 are plain better in every way at far as entertainment go

In terms of quality per game, only a few devs can even be compared with them.

>games like quake and team fortress 2 are plain better in every way at far as entertainment go
Shoo shoo arena shooter fag

I dislike this trend or prefacing bait with some variation of the phrase "I know this is bait but...".

i bet you think strategy games are not fun too, you fucking pleb.


>team fortress 2
>arena shooter

how was it not bait if it incites discussion of games other than the topic the thread was for

i said stealth wasn't, i love strategy games like civilizations revolution. most anything else though is convoluted and boring though

First post best post

>civilizations revolution

what about 4x simultaneous play-by-email god-games with four in their names like dominions 4

is that good

do you like it

The Bank is Thief 2, right? That's a well crafted level

I don't even blame you, it only gets scarier.

Cragscleft is a bad second mission, though. At that point, you're still trying to convince people to play the game and stay interested. You don't do that by giving people seven vertical levels, coop them up in shitty rock tunnels and shitty metal boxes, have NO WAY TO TURN THE ALARMS OFF so you're listening to that the entire time you're bumbling your ass around, and then have no exit out of the top, forcing you to backtrack to the very beginning. They also revealed zombies too early.

I remember I took a month long break from trying Thief just because I was stuck in the dumb prison for hours walking every square inch four times over, listening to the alarm. It wasn't challenging, I had knocked everybody out, the design was just awful. Then I beat it one day and promptly fell in love hard with the rest of the game.

Find the hidden loot in this webm.


>but its still a stealth game which is near the worst genre you play for fun. its a nice immersive atmospheric game, while games like quake and team fortress 2 are plain better in every way at far as entertainment go
If that's true, why did I have so much fun playing Thief? Furthermore how could I possible have fun for over 1000 hours (according to steam) in these single-player games.

Why don't they make incomplete/imaginable maps anymore?

I swear to god my Thieves Guild playtime was doubled just because I had no idea you could do that. I only found out by spamming Use on every wall until I heard a click when I aimed over a banner

>Try Deadly Shadows several times
>always get bored by the second mission
>Try TDP
>Finish it in like 3 sittings
>Try the metal age
>Bored halfway through

>mfw finding the completely optional tiny village + giant bedroom area.

>tfw fucking everyone forgets terra nova
it's system shock but you're a mecha

>Stealting my way through forest inhabited by supernatural creatures
>Following a trail of blood
>Stop for a moment to take a breather and get my bearings
>2nd time playing Thief 2, there seemed to be no enemies or anything dangerous in this area when I first played it
>No enemies just surrounded by trees on all sides
>Look away from monitor for one second catch something out of corner of my eye
>Did that tree just move?
>Walk closer to tree
>Tree is still and silent
>Get closer
>Hear weird clicking noise
>Suddenly the tree screams, uprooots itself and starts charging at me
>Run like fuck
>Pass multiple other trees while running which all spontaneously uproot themselves
>Get head caved in by giant, sentient, pissed-off tree

i have over 10000 hours in dota 2 i guess that means it is 10 times as good huh