I have a feeling you jokers are responsible for this, hence why I made this thread.
Speaking of, Kirby thread.
maybe people wanted sleep to have attack or something.
kinda dumb to do that it's better suited as a joke abilty.
Japan did, it was their number 1. Japan has shit taste sometimes
Now who the FUCK didn't vote for Paint or Suplex, and who the FUCK didn't vote for Yo-yo enough for it to win?
Japs voted for sleep like the perpetual retards they are.
>shit taste
you should have probably never dropped those nukes
just saying
kirby thread
post kirbs
Paint is amazing, and Suplex is my second most favorite ability ever.
Followed by Mirror. Mirror being number 1 makes me really happy.
>When Beetle exists
I was gonna do that anyway.
dont blame me, i voted for the equally stupid option, ghost
ghost isn't a stupid option but they'd have to rework it to be more viable.
Nope, all sleep votes come from japan.
At least Japan and US didn't have EU's shit taste. Seriously, fucking Sword?
Yo-Yo being second was pretty great.
Isn't it kinda creepy when Kirby looks at you in Kirby Avalanche?
>virgin beetle: small little dash that weakly pierces into enemies, move slow af with them on your head, maybe do a flip, maybe glide around a bit with your frail ass wings
>chad suplex: fucking LAUNCH yourself towards your foes, chuck them into the fucking stratosphere, ,rapidly kick their fucking faces until they're nothing but dirt on the ground, while the most satisfying punching and kicking noises of all time play
So hard to pick just one.
I feel like the latest Kirby games have been really fucking on point with their soundtracks. Hope this trend continues.
careful there user, Kirby is a total jerk with mad banter in that game.
It's fucking cute.
Where my Cutter bros at?
The new 3ds game is fucking disappointing, doesn't have crazy bosses like team crash
These were the top five by region (Japan, NA, EU)
>Ironically voting for the worst skill
I'm not talking about Sleep, either.
it feels like a low budget Mario party, it's not really a traditional Kirby game it does feel a little disappointing, hell even squeak squad had a better final boss.
>Mirror in all three
why? is it actually OP? i just remember it being a bit slow in KSS and I'd use heavier weapons like Hammer often.
Was japan (and for a little extend, EU) being irony? why the fuck is such useless ability so high?
Don't forget to post the top 10 across all regions.
>unironically picking sword
what the fuck is wrong with people? it's such a dull abilty.
At least Kirby's thrice as active than pic related, who just kinda stares at you going :D in the older games
>Suplex in fucking 6th
So..is it over? is the saying "Kirby has no bad game" no longer true?
Reminder there's another voting period coming up starting on the 14th
What will you be voting for Sup Forums? Should we organize to all go for the same one?
If you ask me, we should try for Plasma: It was in the top 5 for the first round, and there's no spark in the game to begin with either, wheras whip is already in so yo-yo would be sort of superfluous and sleep would be a waste of a slot
is not bad, is disappointing
EU always has the most vanilla tastes. If you filled an entire continent with normalfags, it'd be the EU.
What the fuck, I'm so surprised to see it that low. Then again Air Ride has a 61 & that game is fun as hell to me so I don't know how to take that.
>they really did vote for Sleep
The moveset is a bit limited in KSS, but people love it thematically, the whole reflecting enemy attacks back at them, mixing offense and defense. Also, the running attack is pretty great.
Yeah but the general consensus in the Kirby fanbase is that Air Ride is actually good
Not too many players played Battle Royal, so it's still early to call a "fanbase consensus" on it
Japan has meme voting down pat. Back when Pokken was still in development, Bamco ran a twitter vote and Japs flooded it with Magnemite. Oddly enough, I'm surprised they didn't band together to get Wrys in top 10 for Fire Emblem Heros' Choose your legends.
It has the absolute most broken block followed by an insanely good dodge.
judge for yourself, nobody takes what a reviewer says seriously and kirby fans are usually chill towards low scores as to almost not give a shit.
I want to bully a borb.
is this in reference to KSS or later games? because I remember blocking in general was broken, and the game itself wasn't that hard to evade anyway. it was a pretty easy game dispite the high number of enemies.
speaking of, how's air ride user doing?
WHere is Plasma?!
Shit tastes
get out
see 5th place
Kirby airride is at 61.
>yoyo 2nd
close enough
>EU voted for Sword
You guys must be fun at parties.
We're getting another poll on the 15th so lets make sure it gets #1 this time.
I say we all vote for Plasma (i'd vote for hammer, but that's already in the game)
Speaking of, how popular is Kirby with children nowadays? I ask this because I realized things like the Planet Robobot final boss would have gone right over a child's head, since even the remake of Super Star came out nine years ago.
Well I like mirror so I'm fine I suppose. Really wanted to see another old ability reworked though.
EU here. Favorite abilities are Mirror, Suplex and Ninja.
Most of the sleep votes probably came from people who played Kirby Squeak Squad and found the Sleep upgrade scroll.
>voting for worse Whip
>Animal in the top five at all
sometimes things are nice
>Mirror won
Thank god, I forgot about the poll and stopped voting for it after the first week or so
That's a good question. It has to be doing well for itself since my Nephew adores the little guy, but hot damn it's hard to believe HAL is continually making so many nods to games older than their target audience.
I'm even more surprised by ghost. Super underrated ability, though I don't think it'd work for this kind of game.
Ghost was actually one of the six abilities HAL said they wouldn't be putting into the game, even if it won, along with Light, Freeze, Mini, Metal, and Copy. In that case, they probably would have gone with the second-place ability.
I'm so glad that yo-yo is making a return in star allies.
Sleep is OP.
it's only as good as the player who uses it.
I don't understand what these people are thinking, it's like they don't use other abilities or play Kirby at all. My favourites are Ice, Suplex and Yo-Yo.
>mfw the Freeze Hoodis headgear for Ice
ninja also has the hair from the samurai mini game as a costume which is pretty neat.
All of Ninja's headpieces look great, and Meta Knight's Party Outfit is tight stuff.
How is this pink faggot not a pac man ripoff?! Oh yeah, very orginal of you Nintendo!
It's lackluster, might be fun to play a few rounds, but doesn't have that mode that makes you stick around for more. In other words, don't just look at the score number and read what multiple reviewers say, be wary of any biases they may have, question yourself if the type of game appeal to you, and make your own decision on whether to get it or not. This is what most anons will agree on in every Kirby thread.
>Animal #4
Fuck yeah. I hope to see it back next game.
>a reasonable opinion about video games on Sup Forums
the nurse outfit is pretty great I can't wait to see art of that.
Who cares? Battle Royale is fucking boring.
I got bored & made an English version.
I've only played Kirby & the Amazing Mirror and Kirby Air Ride, is there any other good ones I should try?
I secretly hope that if Paint wins, it'll get a unique moveset and increases the chance of Adeleine coming back as a playable character.
Here, have this flowchart. Personally I always recommend Super Star and I think Adventure is also a great one to try.
I got bored & made an English version.
give Super star ultra a try, you might also be interested in triple deluxe, robobot and Kirby returns to dreamland.
Kirby's Adventure/Nightmare in Dreamland is a good game to continue. Also try out either the original or the remake of Super Star and Return to Dreamland on the Dolphin.
>tfw Plasma is only third
>Only in Japan
Why people hate shacking Left and Right direction on a SNES gamepad?
Don't worry, user, a lot still voted for it since it got 5th overall
thanks guys, gonna try super star ultra, gonna see if i can get it on my modded 3ds FOR FREE
Have fun user.
have fun user
Blocking was nerfed in Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot to work more like Smash Bros. If you hold on to it for more than a second or two, it breaks. Mirror's block lasts much longer and prevents chip damage. Plus, if you block a projectile, it reflects back a homing shot.
Post your favorite Kirby ability.
plus if you reflect something while an enemy is in the background like say clanky woods missiles it hits them still.
Yo-Yo, I'm so hyped to finally use it again soon. Also I can't wait to see the new official art of it.
>People like Bird
Why? It was one of the worst abilities in KSS, just barely beating out Jet, and I don't remember it coming back in other games (though I didn't play Triple Deluxe and just sped through Return to Dreamland).
I fucking love Kirby's cheek bandage.
user, it was in both of those games
I've never played a game with Animal in it. What's the gist of it?