Tiny worlds

>Tiny worlds
>8 hour main story
>half the moons are literally just infront of you
So, why is this considered good again?

Made by Nintendo.....thats basically it.

>3 lies
So, why are you shitposting again?

It says both Mario AND Nintendo on the tittle
What else would you need to consider this a masterpiece that single handedly saved video games?

It's literally just a fetch quest simulator, if it didn't have the Mario brand over it people would just shrug it off.

Because even Skyward Sword was considered good for a little while after launch

>Skyward Sword was considered good

not with motion controls it wasn't

>gets cucked in the end

Skyward Sword is the best Zelda game ever made. I'm sorry if you contrarians and nostalgalfags cant accept this.

>people are saying it is good because it has mario in the title

where the fuck have you been? general consensus says that Odyssey is the first game to grace past the "Above Average" threshold since Galaxy 2.


So you DIDN'T play any Mario with "New" or "3D" in the title? those game were forgettable as fuck.

>tiny levels
>a lie

t. Demise

>Criticize Odyssey
Every fucking time.

3D World and Sunshine are better games than Odyssey. New Super Mario Games are 2D, there's no comparison to be made.

who knows

yeah because Good Egg Galaxy and Tick Tock Clock were SO BIG!

No one considers those games 3D Mario games.
And 3D World was pretty much just Odyssey Lite.

theyre all true

>3D World
flat out fucking lie. Level design was lazy until the end, the zoomed out camera was a mistake, and contrarians need to stop pretending the last or so years were good mario.

>I want bigger worlds instead of tightly designed, dense worlds
go play a AAA game then. God, this shitposting is stupid. Quit bumping this shit

>there are people out there who consider 3D world as a good mario game

You're right it could be a 4 hour cinematic experience about walking down a corridor and sometimes mashing QTEs or a bloated open world game with tacked on stealth, tower climbing, tie in phone app junk, and a metaplot that pulls you out of playing the game every few minutes

I want bigger worlds in the way the Galaxy games did them.

Just have one big world that is split into various segments that you can only access if you're doing certain missions.
Makes them appear much larger and allows the levels to much more variety because they usually change ever so slightly between the missions.

What does it feel like to have nothing meaningful happen in your life, so you go on an anonymous board to try and stir up some Nintendo shit so that you can sit back and cross your arms in hopes that someone in the universe will notice you?

Nintentoddlers are suckers for a game that holds your hand

>8 hour main story
Why the fuck would you EVER cry about this in a mario game? Especially a sandbox mario, where the whole fun is seeing how fast you can do things and what you can actually pull off with a variety of moves?

t. pleb

I'm sorry if this game wasn't cinematic enough, sonygro.

>cherrypicking this hard

8 hour main story for 45€ is solid, what do you want lul

Seems like you haven’t played it

>big world's
LOL this map sucks, there is nothing to do is all empty

>small world's
LOL this map sucks, is soo tiny that you can't even do any shit

I don't understand

>>small world's
>LOL this map sucks, is soo tiny that you can't even do any shit

Said no one fucking ever.

It's good relative to the archaic platform it was designed for. If Nintendo were third party, no one would buy their Fisher-Price hardware and instead play on an adult console.

I hate a game so everyone else needs to aswell: The Thread

Stop working for Nintendo

Its a solid 8/10 platformer. Only manchildren that mostly play nothing but nintendo games and hardcore drink the koolaid rate it higher than that. So many reviewers are so blinded by nostalgia they dismiss the bad camera, awful controls, and barley any challenging moments.

Even if it were thee best game ever made it still wouldn't be the best Zelda game ever made because it doesn't have the trappings of a Zelda game.

>Some worlds are kinda tiny, but they all have some pipes that leads to great plataforming sections.
>8 hour main story, a lot of hours post game
>Most of the great moons are post game content

t. contrarian