Other urls found in this thread:
One has a completely immersive real world. The other has cartoon grass you can chop.
Go hit a tree with a sword and let me know what happens
>immersive real world
oh yea like those boxes that don't even move when you walk into them. Very realistic.
sorry was this before or after green grass caught on fire?
>fire in green grass doesn't spread very far and dies out, a whole field of dry grass will go up very quickly
seems pretty realistic to me desu and you know what's even more important? it's fun. Not that I'd expect a sonyfag to understand that though
You realise you can start a campfire on green grass and it won't spread at all right? Have you ever been outside?
It's attention to graphics vs attention to detail.
Detail never wows in stills, but wows when you're actually playing
>green grass is inflamable
no it's not
and again it's fun running around burning shit, the point isn't that BoTW is 100% OMG SO REALISTIC its that its fun and highly interactive while in sony games environments are settings for you to fight enemies/talk to NPC's in.
I'm so glad BOTW broke from the trend of "larger more graphically rich but less intractable and more static worlds" that industry as a whole has been on a death spiral with.
It's a spectrum and on one end you have something like Minecraft or Dwarf Fortress where basically the entire world can be manipulated and on the other you have The Chinese Room's game like Dear Esther and Everyone's Gone to the Rapture where the entire world is static and you barely get to interact with it at all and most games have been focusing on that end of the spectrum rather than allowing the player to interact with them.
Even though I hate BOTW, it's still MILES better than Horizon: Zero White Males. At least BOTW isn't a soulless snoozefest with pretty graphics, it's just very very dissapointing. But still better than HZD.
desu BoTW has a lot of issues but it's ridiculous when sonyfags wanna pretend it did nothing well and it's a "skyrim clone". It BTFO everything on interaction and sonyfags just can't admit it.
Shitendo should have used the time and work they put into those gimmicks to make a good game instead of a empty walking simulator.
how would you improve it sonybro? More scripted sequences?
Of course, if Nintendo improves on the vital points that BOTW lacked, we WILL have the true 10/10 everyone claims BOTW is. But for now, it's just a 6-7/10 to me. Except for the very beggining of the game, which is a 9/10 by itself.
>neither game can maintain a stable 60 FPS
>both games are piss easy
>both games pander to SJWs
>both fall to the open world meme
Explain to me why I should like either of these games.
Kill yourself, ACfag
>More scripted sequences?
They already have more than enough of those. Maybe make an actual good combat system instead? But who I am kidding, Zelda always had shit combat made for toddlers.
Zelda is so boring and stiff, nothing in zelda looks as exciting as this
>if you don't lap up every game from sony, you're ACfag
>both pander to sjws
where in botw does it do this?
Anyways BOTW does open world right because it's actually enjoyable to run around without a horse and without fast traveling. However it really lacks any form of good dungeon adventuring.
HZD just looks like garbage.
>where in botw does it do this?
>BOTW panders to SJWs
No it doesn't? How does it panders to SJW at all?
>makes fun of trannies
>main character is white aryan male
>save the princess trope, she's also essentially useless unlike TP stronk womyn Zelda
>literal gay stereotype character (funnily enough he's one of the most memorable and likeable characters in the game)
>main villain is a black jew's (ganondorf) pure evil soul
How does this pander to SJWs again? How many games do you play where you play a girl instead of a guy.
True pandering will be when they ruin the series by giving you gender options for link
Can we just stop with these threads already?
>makes fun of trannies
Stopped reading there. It's degeneracy no matter the context, and should never be in the game. Crossdressing is disgusting and taints this game.
>Zelda is so boring and stiff, nothing in zelda looks as exciting as this
You are aware that is an animation made for advertising, right?
can you admit BoTW is good and pretty but static environments are bad?
>>main character is white aryan male
Link is small twink faggot who shivers like a girl and dresses in drag while a giantness brown lady teaches him, PATHETIC!
It's in the game as a joke you dumb nigger. go back to pol already.
except it actually has a point in the game, and it's a pretty funny section. you don't even have to wear the gerudo clothes if you don't want to you fucking crybaby. you sound like a christian mom complaining about blood in video games
No its not, its fan made
I own and enjoyed both games, but these threads just shit up this board more.
>i-it's just a joke
Is that so? So can I bypass it entirely and kill the entire gerudo tribe to access the content within? Or are they protected by the plot because link hurting strong womyn is considered politically incorrect?
>are they protected by the plot because link hurting strong womyn is considered politically incorrect
no you fucking retard, you can't kill ANYONE in this game because you're supposed to protect these people, not just the Gerudo
if you want to kill women so bad just play Skyrim or something
>enjoyed both
unacceptable user, the threads must continue
>can play Horizon safely on my PS4 without worries
>can't play Zelda without getting anal vored by a Sony Nigger
Yeah I'll take Horizon, sorry OP
Even with the pretty graphics, HZD overworld feels so dull, boring and even depressing.
>no you fucking retard, you can't kill ANYONE in this game because you're supposed to protect these people, not just the Gerudo
So much for "open world" and "freedom", eh? Guess Nintendo isn't talented enough to program a good game where my choices matter.
Missing the singing flowers from mario, nintennigger?
Can't argue with that logic, PS4 wins solely because it's safer to play than any Nintendo system
Pls user sonyfags get too butthurt to do this any time they get near BoTW. The perfect reviews sting their asshole
You do only use those reviews for shitposting, right? please don't tell me you actually listen to those clowns.
Sony Niggers have assholes of steel after years of practicing their anal vore techniques
how come my game doesn't look anything like this? is it because i got screwed as an early adopted and didn't get a pro as well as a 4K tv with HDR?
i thought they said console gaming was cheaper!
There's nothing wrong with this user sony makes some fine movies that deserve good reviews just like nintendos games
You're a closet faggot.
if your choices are stupid then yeah they don't matter
Absolutely BTFO.
>it's Fun! (buzz buzz)
>just if you play it in an SJW socially acceptable way
>games should only allow you freedom when they agree with my ideaology
Oh no. I better stop playing a fun game like Horizon and instead go play an empty vast world with only 4 characters to talk to and fuckall to do. Cannot wait for years to go by when BreathFags finally realize how fucking overrated their favorite Link to masturbate to actually was.
> dare you speak of my Zelda GOTY like that!!!
It's an open-world fantasy-themed action game with RPG elements. I've literally played over a hundred of those games. Get your fucking heads out of your Nintentoddler asses and realize that BOTW is not revolutionizing the gaming scene like you think it is.
>sony makes movies
>when the top rated critic review score for TLOU states that it has brilliant gameplay and AI as one of the very first things in the review
I literally enjoyed Horizon more
BotW has neat mechanics (I guess....) but the game is just so fucking BORING, those small little details dont matter if the game is just boring as fuck
Why can't sonybros appreciate game design?
Its a revolution in interactive movie making user I'm very happy for sony
>"game design"
>Toddler tier puzzles and retardedly easy combat hampered by a durability system best left where it died, the early 2000s.
Really gets that noggin joggin
Which is retarded and blatantly untrue. It's like they made a review of that one scripted demo instead of the actual game, where enemies skitter around like headless chickens and your braindead teammates are constantly running out into the open and rubbing up against clickers with no consequence.
Are you saying game journalists lied in their review, possibly due to being paid off and/or encouraging clickbait?
It's almost like this is exactly what I said 20 posts ago. Yet you guys called me a "stupid sonybro" because I had the audacity to say that sites like polygon and kotaku aren't reliable journalists.
No its totally legit when they admire Nintendo games
>sonybros are so used to direct combat being the only way to interact with the game world they can't even fathom doing anything else
>this guy is known for lying every 5 seconds, takes bribes, and will publish clickbait for no reason other than to make money
>but he said something I liked one time, so he's 100% trustworthy :DDD
The absolute state of console kids.
There is more to game design than just neat interactions you can post as webms to show off
>you can start a campfire on green grass and it won't spread at all right
This is the stupidest post in this thread
>tlou got good reviews
>botw got better reviews
I don't see the problem here
>playing a fun game like Horizon
>fun game
>two cinematic experiences getting good reviews
Found the problem.
Because you're are a retarded Sony soyboy and you can't into logic.
Let p be the statement
>journalists are trustworthy
Let q be the statement
>TLOU is a good game
Let r be the statement
>BotW is a good game
The conclusion you've drawn here is
p -> (q ^ r)
which is to say,
>If journalists are trustworthy, then TLOU and BotW are good games.
Now let's add in another statement.
which means
>journalists are not trustworthy
Now p -> (q ^ r) is a true statement regardless of if q and r are true by principle of explosion because p is false. Therefore there is no contradiction in me saying that journalists are untrustworhy, TLOU is a bad game, and BotW is a good game.
Q.E.D. you're a faggot.
People who are shitting on BotW: post a screencap with a copy of the game. Otherwise we don't believe you have actually played it, and are just mad at how good it is.
>Toddlers so upset at Frozen Wild and the H: Complete Edition dominating the news
>Linking those spic videos again
>cinematic experience
confirmed for never playing the game
>6-7/10 to me
I love the Sony tears
>Horizon DLC comes out
>suddenly the Horizon hate threads come back
Probably just a coincidence am I right lads
>implying anyone was even aware Horizon:Zero Interest has DLC
Oh, Horizon just burns nintenbros
Horizon has DLC? For who? The two guys who bought the game?
No for the 4 million who did
Why buy the Horizon DLC when Aloy is getting a sequel in under 3 months?
>the retailers of 4 million that were shipped
I guess Gamestop might appreciate it?
>Therefore there is no contradiction in me saying that journalists are untrustworhy, TLOU is a bad game, and BotW is a good game.
You've forgotten a key component in your little equation. q and r cannot be disproven as long as p is existent, according to you. TLOU cannot be a bad game if so many people like it, same with Zelda. For you to say that TLOU is a bad game means that game journalists are wrong, and so you using these wrong people as evidence of BOTW being a good game is therefore wrong as well. You've attempted to shove your opinion into the equation and try and push it as fact.
get your pre-school math out of here.
wow I can be a stronk wymn in MH now too!? ... the power... of sony
Remind me what framerate BOTW runs at again.
Nope, not shipped, actually sold. 3.4m all the way back in june
you fucking imbecile
Oh yes, that time as number one on the digital storefront for 2 months really helped out gamestop
Horizons looks like plastic with no depth
Heh... I suggest you delete this thread before the true masters of hell are unleashed upon you. In these circles we dont criticize Sony and their media experiences. Pssh, you are way out of your league, kid.
>not sold through
Yep, shipped
Horizons looks cartoony as fuck.
I thought even Aladdin crossdresses as a joke. So does Genie. In the same kind of arabic garb, too.
HZD shits all over Botw in everything except physics.
Zelda legitimately looks like plastic with no depth.
and gameplay
and music
and level design
and story
and artstyle
and everything but graphics
>the worst cinematic movie out of the entire final fantasy series also features crossdressing
>worst cinematic movie out of the entire final fantasy series
It's definitely not a game, since that requires there to be gameplay, and not just walking down hallways and watching cutscenes.