Start playing DQ7

>start playing DQ7
>your ultra chad father married this fat slob


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that's not how marriage works.

Don't talk shit about best dad.

Best Dad is in DQV.

he's died, but Pike survived being thrown into the ocean with a grin.

You don't get it, do you? He didn't marry her out of love or anything like that. I mean, look at her. He married her to save all the other men in his village from having to put up with the possibility of being married to that. He's a goddamn hero and takes one for the team with a big ass smile on his face.

B-but thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiccc

>Married an extra thicc whale
I don't see a problem with that.

>thicc bitch with a fat booty
>probably cooks a mean meatloaf
I'd marry her too.

Hes a high test male into thicc grills unlike you soyboy.

Isn't that pretty much how all fishermen marriages went back in the day? pussy is pussy and she makes a great fish sandwich so dude is happy.

>nobody ever found out who the hero's dad really was

He gets his fill of hard bodies while out at sea. When he arrives home he wants to plunge his dick in that marshmallow woman.

>implying a dead dad can't be the best dad
Fuck you man

>try to self insert as the protagonist
>but want to fuck the father
oh well

I'll never understand fags.

So she would give him many sons and not die in childbirth, ya nincompoop.


A real chad would marry the woman he truly loves, not some big titty thot

She isn't flat.
Chibi proportions just look unflattering most of the times.

I enjoyed DQ7 but it was by far the most boring DQ I played. It had a lot of moments where not a lot was happening and you just walked around. But then again I only played 8 and 5 before it.

Only Chad Dad can handle that amount of thick.

I thought 7 was a little boring too. I might have made the experience worse for myself by obsessively grinding out jobs though.

After experiencing VII's party chat all the others DQ seem dry and lifeless to me. Especially VIII.

>all the incels ITT

The game is too easy as it is, why grind jobs?

It's kinda hard to NOT grind out jobs, you want to see the best abilities.

I think the only thing DQ7 excels at is the "comfy" thing, because it was super nice to bundle up with it and a cup of coffee. But I had to force myself through it at parts. It was still good though. Also thank god I modded my 3DS so I could experience the good soundtrack

>chubby mamma
>best mamma
she cooks, she comforts, she does it all

It's not like you're going to run out of game before seeing them.
Honestly whoever grinded Slimes for vocation points, or other similiar bullshit I've seen people suggesting in the initial threads when it was released, ruined the game for himself.


He looks short.

God bless doujin bait.

Who else is ready way too soon for DQXI?

>112 hours in

Playing the 3ds version. The music is great, models are even nicer. Holy shit this is long

An ugly woman is a treasure in the home

I just hope they dont fuck up the switch version

Even taking it slow I finished it in like 80 hours. Where are you?

>Marry a healthy woman who takes care of the household+ your child and takes care of everything when you're away for weeks at a time.

You could do worse OP.

*her child

What is there to not understand? Men are superior in every way.

I just beat the area with the angels in the sky , got that flying rock.

Keep in mind , I like to linger in areas and get everything , side quests , items ect


So do I, and I even talk with everyone whenever possible. I don't think even the PS version would take that long.

nobody here is old enough to know where that's from you fegget

imported teh jap version on ps4 and i have been neglecting college because of it

i am

Also job grinding . Really taking my time fucking about

High T

Only low T peenlets like skinny stick girls.

How old are you?


Buy my game!

I'm gonna buy it two (maybe three ) times as soon as I can.

Thank you!

>woman's body goes to shit after having a kid
Sounds normal, what's the issue?

Shoulda seen her before she had kids.

This is my wife
Say something nice about her!

I already I said I would..

Buy it again!

You activated my trap card

Y-Yes user





nice, a DQ thread, what do you guys think about V pace?, its a good game and all but it all happens too quick IMO, one second I get married, and the next im the father of twins

It has a severe lack of character interactions, especially if you don't go around the world on your honeymoon.

It's pretty weird how an entire hear goes by going from the marriage to Pankratz's castle.
And from the hero stopping being a statue to finding the wife two years!

I guess it was a little too fast for it's own good. Still I didn't mind the the fast pace


Whats a good DQ to emulate? ive only ever played 9 when it came out and it was fun, thought about giving it another go

>So do I,
Third party here, no you didn't. I did the same thing with Persona 3 FES when I first got it. People were shocked when I told them I had 200 hours on my file when everyone else averaged about 100-120.

I ACTUALLY went around and talked to everyone. Not just once and then dropped it, I mean ANYTIME I got the hint that dialog changed, I went around to ANYONE I found any interest in and talked with them again for new dialog queues or even the hint of dialog. You didn't do shit, user.

>I ACTUALLY went around and talked to everyone. Not just once and then dropped it, I mean ANYTIME I got the hint that dialog changed, I went around to ANYONE I found any interest in and talked with them again for new dialog queues or even the hint of dialog.
That's exactly what I did. I even talked to EVERY SINGLE NPC in the world again (+party chat) before the final boss.
Maybe you're just slow.

So how does Sup Forums feel about Dragon Quest: The Anime?

I completely agree with you user. And I'm seeing more and more people agreeing with you as well. I'm starting to think that people saying V was the best in the series was a meme being pushed by some fat weeb fuck. Even Heroes has better writing than V.

>That's exactly what I did.
>in the world again (+party chat) before the final boss.
No, you dumb fuck, read it again.





>She's literally the perfect housewife
>Takes care of cleaning
>Cooks when shes supposed to to keep her man happy
>Takes care of the kid so her man can focus on his work

Would you rather have a fat perfect house wife or a toasted roasty that refuses to do anything and makes you deal with anything remotely difficult after you get home from work?

I don't know why you're acting so autistically but again, that's what I did.
Maybe you should learn to optimize going from one NPC to the other.

Oh, you're baiting me. Because you simply did not do any of what you said or your time would reflect that. 5/10 for keeping me going.

Well to be fair they would need to play for 700 hours to get to that point.


It shows in the game several times that he really really loves her cooking. Plus he is away from home like 90% of the time. So he only has the bang her once a month and then spends the rest of the time fucking his fellow sailors or whores in every port.

I just now reached the final act, after the resurrection of god.
I didn't expect the last act to be this interesting and really quite eventful.

>toasted roasty

Don't forget to take your pills.

>in every port
There are no other ports.

So fucking his fellow sailors it is then.

it was pretty nice seeing the hero growing up along the way. the pokemon shit was cool too.

>the pokemon shit was cool too.
It was, but the level limit on some of the monsters is fucking disappointing. And the lack of waifu monsters really sucks, desu.

The writing is fine but the gameplay is some of the most unpolished in the series.
From the dumb 3 men party to the retarded equipment options and spell distribution.
It's certainly below III, IV, VII and VIII.

Kids do this to women sometimes

Buff dudes domming fat chicks is my favorite.

Hahaha no its westerfags who love 5 and 8
Weebs like 3 and 9

I don't really like 5 and enjoy 9 and I hate weeaboos. Never played any of the others.

What does that make me?

3 and 5 are Japan's favorites.
8babbies are a western thing.
Nobody likes 9.

i would if i could bitch

doesn't the ds remake fix some of that?

Only the number of party members.

>there are people in this thread who didn't marry Debora

>not marrying childhood friend
You niggas have no soul.

Don't worry about it too much. They're not actually your parents.