TwitchGate is here

Twitch a livestreaming platform that favors women streamers over male streamers,
lets females females dress very obscenely or even naked when you are painting your body and calling it art depite it being against their own community guidelines.

The irl section is considered Safe for work by twitch and safe for minors to watch these degenerate camwhores do squats or bend over for subs and donations:

Many users are upset how twitch is being run,
Despite being bought by amazon run twitch with a hands off method which has made the twitch staff members power and ban hungry.

They are fast to ban male streamers like Trainwreckstv for joking about ''titty streamers''
or any male streamers taking shots at these camwhores

Hassan a twitch staff member is rumored to accept nudes from female streamers for favorable treatment.

There are whole subreddits dedicated to these so called twitch streamers like r/StreamersGoneWild/

Critical also made a video about said topic

Daily Twitch:

Other urls found in this thread:

>gamergate thread


nobody replied to me

>the religious right is trying to take over twitch and make women cover up because it's "shameful"/"sinful"

fuck off from gaming forever you pieces of shit
we were done with you 10 years ago
we're not going to allow you to damage gaming ever again

>imagine being this much of an incel loser

>MGTOWs getting salty because women are being sexy on twitch
are you just mad that none of these girls will ever touch your disgusting virgin dick?

>IRL section
nice try shlomo

IRL twitch is full of camwhores
not a nu-male cuck subbed to tittystreamers at all btw

how does that affect you in any way?
spoiler alert
it doesn't
unless twitch starts losing customers or traffic it's not going to change
get used to it

Post the best titty streamers, Sup Forums.

>white males are so oppressed on the internet waaaaaaaaaaah

yeah call me when you get 100 rape threats a week, losers.

I guess after the incels subreddit got nuked it would only be a matter of time til you faggots came here

just post more tittystreamer videos you worthless retard

>When you suck so bad that people would rather watch some ufgly fake tit soft core porn star than watch your stream so you make a 10 minute video about how salty you are about it.

did you even watch the video OP?
how can you not see how fucking CRINGY this is?
this guy is a legit MRA neckbeard

listen to this shit

god damn it, fuck off.
at least go to infinity with your reddit bullshit

In this one instance, I'm totally fine with females getting special treatment. Who cares if a bunch of guys can't strip the way girls can? Only faggots would give a shit. Let the Twitch girls be whores, who does this honestly hurt? I'm anti-SJW and anti-Feminist and like Sup Forums, but this doesn't seem like an issue at all. To begin with I'm sure Sup Forums thinks streamers are degenerate to begin with.

Kill yourself, jew.

only retards watch streamers anyway, more camwhores plz

Read I don't think this has anything to do with Sup Forums at all. If anything this sounds like something some faggot SJWs would be upset about. It's literally a bunch of Twitch whores being allowed to be whores and guys not being able to do the same, who gives a fuck?

Literally who does this special treatment hurt? It only further confirms that girl streamers are all whores that you only watch to fap to, so this actually shits all over Feminism, which is why an SJW would be the one making this thread. OP is literally a faggot, this has nothing to do with Sup Forums or anti-SJWs.

but males dominate twitch and make far FAR more money than sluts.
i dont see the problem here.

it triggeres me because it plays favorism towards female twitch streamers calling them tittystreamers and such is a no-no thus forcing male streamers to censor themselves over this topic,
they are breaking their own community guidelines while banning male twitch streamers for calling camwhores out on being camwhores

many virgin cucks are donating their live savings in hopes of gaining mod to follow them around in conventions,
some bitch they will never be with your desperate whiteknight cucks

the kids part i don't really care that much about but it's illegal to subject minors to lewd material and if i have to call them out that this site is not family friendly to get a change in moderation i will

>Not the first post from this IP.
>Sup Forums has literal twitch shills

You're a pathetic faggot who will accomplish absolutely nothing.

Are you gay?

Oh, you are a nazi from Sup Forums, that explains it. Piss off retard drumpfster

Why would Sup Forums care about streaming? What's degenerate about it? especially in the case where you use it for side income which most people on the site use it for.

The number one variety streamer on Twitch is a male who doesn't even show his fucking face. This is such a non-fucking-issue to anybody that isn't some fucking landwhale or nu-male faggot SJW. Fucking kill yourself OP.

its a free market companies are allowed to do as they please

>I'm sick of all the bullshit happening to this community, this used to be a goddamn community of GAMERS, NERDS, kids who got BULLIED, kids who got fucked with, kids that resorted to the GAMING WORLD because the real world was too fuckin hard too hard too shitty too lonely too sad and depressing now it's ran by the fucking goddamn same SLUTS that rejected us! The same SLUTS that chose the goddamn fuckin' cool kids over us! The same SLUTS that come into our community, taking the money, taking the subs! FUCK THAT! I AM THE GODDAMN FUCKIN' REALITY CHECK!

This has nothing to do with Sup Forums at all, Sup Forums wouldn't complain about whores being allowed to be whores on Twitch and mad that guys can't do the same. This is something an ugly Roastie or literal faggot would complain about.

Twitch was always a mistake but how did they allow the IRL section to be made?

Stupid, twitch build around cam girls, will fuck company massive, porn is dirty on tech, attract a lot undeseable people and business.

In few time a lot ukranian,Russian,Hungary girls will saturate streams, these women sell nudes for couple dollars, simple American,Korean camgirls couldn't match and ... are fit,hot,young,blonde,white and pretty eyes.

it hurts male streamers
favoritism towards women is everywhere this day and age

you see it in schools, colleges pretty much anywhere

forcing male streamers to censor themselves in fear of getting banned for ''bashing of the female community'' is the problem and i just don't like that

Nice try ice fag, but no one gives a fuck about your shitty irl section , twitch is a game streaming site after all. You are in the minority and probably browse reddit, so please do us a favor and go back

>it hurts male streamers
somebody PLEASE think of the poor oppressed males on the internet ;_____;

Fuck off faggot, an SJW or Roastie Tumblrina would be the ones to cry about this, not anti-SJWs or Sup Forums. The fact you had this image nicely prepared proves this is actually a false-flag, and a shitty one at that.

they tried banning any displays of cleavage or camwhoring and their income plummeted overnight, so they made the "IRL" category to filter the whores out from the other streams
the guy literally has tears in his eyes when screaming about "sluts on twitch"

>TwitchGate is here
no, fuck off with your bullshit no one cares

ofcourse they wouldn't ban their top money makers thinking that is retarded

fine with that NEET till the fourth reich

Of course there are twitch shills. How do you think scourge like this and discord grew so large and so quickly?

>SJWs want to control virtual women's bodies
>Sup Forums literally wants to control real women's bodies

how does it feel to be worse than Anita Sarkeesian, Sup Forums?

Go back to ResetEra you faggot false-flagging shill. Sup Forums and anti-SJWs wouldn't give a shit about this at all. Sup Forums would claim watching people play games at all is degenerate to begin with, and anti-SJWs wouldn't mind females wanting to be whores on stream.

He's some beta faggot that has nothing to do with Sup Forums at all.

What's wrong with young boys enjoying the female body and learning about the fact that women are sellouts? Win win

> women can get into nightclubs easy and get free drinks just for being women

> talking about reddit

kys underage OP

Europeans east girls domine porn because are hot and cheap, camgirls for USA, will get fucked.

Just look indexxx summary dozens thousand women will jump to twitch.

>He's some beta faggot that has nothing to do with Sup Forums at all.
you're right
he's just your typical MRA neckbeard loser who can't get laid

>Muh hobbies

>Womyn are evil

Same old tune.

t.Friend to women haHAA

as absolutely fedora as that was, he isn't wrong.

>favoritism towards women is everywhere this day and age

Favoritism towards women is healthy and natural. Equality is for feminists and SJW gays


I do it with a lot free naked photo women, now this guy will pay for it.

Tired of this

How fucking gay do you have to be to complain about girls showing their titties????

>as absolutely fedora as that was, he isn't wrong.

Sup Forums and faggot SJWs are awfully similar in a lot of issues.

The call was coming from inside the house honestly.

Sup Forums are SJWs
why even try to deny it at this point?

Sup Forums and anti-SJWs both share a common hatred for SJWs, but disagree on things like having a white ethno-state and whatnot. Regardless, I can't stress enough that OP is a fucking false-flagging faggot SJW who has nothing to do with Sup Forums or anti-SJWs.

Go back to your r/Ice_Poseidon echo chamber faggot, some of us actually like big ass titties

Look at Twitch's Glassdoor reviews and you'll understand why a platform that used to be semi-acceptable as a video gaming platform eventually went to shit:

SJWs are sadly listened to much more in media and entertainment as a whole, and their views are not as prone to censorship or attack. The day Sup Forums and anti-SJWs voices become more mainstream is the day media and entertainment will stop being so fucking shit, along with gaming.

well half wrong, streaming started to showcase the best gaming talents, who often are those who were social outcasts. that's all changed now,
i dont really care either way because i'm not some frustrated incel and have gf.
twitch is garbage anyways.

>sex sells
>no stop doing that
feel free to make this into an ms paint comic

you probably think this is a false flag too

how does this affect your life in any way? who cares if girls want to show their cleavage to make easy money it does not change your life in any way unless all you do is go on twitch 24/7 because the only socialization with other people is through twitch chat

>its the degragation of a community but on a much larger scale

hey op, how about... erm... don't watch them?


Not at all, it's just an overly dramatic autist. I have no issue with what he's saying. OP however is a fucking faggot.


they seem identical to me
both are austistic cringelords
you just don't want to admit it

>scanning through to see if i can recognise mike ross's writing


I don't think that the people who go on twitch to watch gamer gurls would ferry over to legit gaming if you took them away. They'd probably go back to chaturbate.

Trump supporter

why would he fucking apologize to twitch

they came from this guy, not me

Yes, the pic you posted was austic and cringe, but not an SJW faggot like OP.

>anything that makes me look bad is a false flag

Fuck off faggot, that's probably a Hillary shill false-flagging because their queen got fucking slayed.

reported for Sup Forumsposting

fuck off, you goddamn elliot rogers

clips twitch tv/PoorAliveOryxHotPokket

You're right 'girls' are taking this too far. This was after shouting out "YOU ARE ALL BENEATH ME" to the chat.

Not entirely, it's what OP is specifically crying about that makes it obvious it's a false-flag. Like I said, Sup Forums thinks watching people play games is fucking degenerate regardless of the gender, and anti-SJWs wouldn't give a shit about girls being whores on cam. This is some other kind of faggot entirely.

>not video games
>who fucking cares
>borderline unreadable grammar
>reddit spacing
This board gets worse every day.

TwitchGate will be when the Twitch pedo ring gets properly uncovered.

>A scandal happens somewhere
>"gate" is immediately slapped in front of the name or a term associated with that thing because of that one scandal that happened that one time
I don't know who does this, but you fuckers need some originality.

Where did all the heroes go?

mods are not deleting this thread. They deleted other shitpost threads earlier but not this one

Read and fuck off. You false-flaggers trying to pin this on Sup Forums are pathetic.

I don't care that they exist, what I do care about is why there isn't a fucking porncam tab already on twitch.

>Twitch is a gaming site
>people watch it because it has some nip slips and unprofessional whores that can't be real whores and can't even play games
>they just don't watch porn or literal professional camwhores

Hassan's Angels

Probably because he relies on Twitch for his livelihood

Because seeing Lewdness on platforms that don't allow it is more exhilarating than going to a place where that's all there is.

That said I'm totally down for

same reason watching the neighbor's daughter in yoga pants is more arousing than hardcore porn

Anyone in the IRL section or Just Dance section of twitch need a lifetime ban.

insecure white male much?

A white SJW soyboy maybe.

if Sup Forums had their way they'd put all women in burqas or just ban them from twitch entirely
you're all pathetic permavirgins