Not playing warframe on a friday night

>not playing warframe on a friday night
you gay? lmao

Other urls found in this thread:

>playing warframe

can someone please gift me nova prime

playing the superior single player mmo dot hack

Literally fart waifu

>paying Warframe

What's your obsession with shilling Warframe so much?

six cents per post adds up in the long run.

buy plat

I want to play but Raptor is bugged and I cant progress to Saturn. Guess ill just farm relics then.

>le one guy

the character design looks like the powerfantasy of 12 year old.

what's up with him? need any help?

Nah its just a rampant bug thats hasnt been fixed in almost a week. If you try to drop the explosives in the holes it wont do anything. A lot of people on the forums and in sector chat have been complaining about it.

I downloaded this game but cant get into it, i need help user-kun.

So what?

Nezha is my wife(male)!

>f2p game
I can't do that to myself.

Cephalon Simaris quest is bugged and the shit I need to scan for him won't spawn.

damn that sucks, hope they fix it soon

I can't help getting into it if you don't like it user

I'm thinking about giving Warframe another try, didn't play in ages

You just have to search every fucking place. That shit quest has a special place in hell

I have over 800 hours in WF.I am a little burned up on it right now.

>Implying I'm not playing Warframe right now
on PS4 like a pleb

i'll play if you can answer these 3 questions

-what are the best lua maps to get the orokin principles (to get the war within quest)
-what should i be grinding for in order to get to endgame
-who's the best male frame?

Can't wait to grind 3 days for one part, then wait 4 days for it to "build" user!

Truly exciting gameplay.

waiting on the infested event & the bounty/focus economy changes.

-I don't remember where did I get that but holy fuck it's a big pain in the ass, good luck user
-just get soma prime and obliterate everything with a few crit and damage mods
-frost prime of course

it takes a lot more time in other mmos to get shit
get fucked in the ass kid

i want to like it but its so complicated to know all of the mechanics and stuff.

what's the best way to level a frame to 30? I want to get rid of nyx already and build ivara holy fuck

what mechanics user?
anything you would like to know?

you have a "mastery level"
this level raises with EXP you gain with frames, weapons, etc, so people usually levels a weapon to max level before selling it so they can level up
you need mastery level to unlock certain weapons

there are different types of damage, see pic related (it's not 100% accurate though I think)

want to know how to craft shit? maybe how does something mean?


spam a lot of abilities

only equip one weapon

run defense on Lua

if you've got a warframe that can't directly kill things then lol you're fucked

Warbros #1

It's ugly as fuck. There is nothing aesthetically pleasing about it. They even failed at tits and hips.

Basically everything, i think i just got to defeating the first "boss" but then i dont know what to do or how to get the cool looking armor and weapons :(

talking about the game not ur mom lmao

tell me, what is the most easy prime to farm(weapon, frame) and i gonna play

it's pure cringe desu

I started playing a few days ago, but only played for one night through a couple missions. Rescued a guy and rebuilt by workstation or something. How long until I can make the frame in the OP?

I want her to sit on my face

If I login and I get a 75% discount ill play. Otherwise you can hecc off DE.

you gotta keep completing missions to unlock planets

for weapons, see if you like one on this list, then it's worth getting it

for frames, look what frame you like, then search in the wiki where it drops.

for modding, you put cards on your weapons/frames. Those cards can be leveled up with "endo". Those cards use points in your weapon (30 points at lvl 30 I think). If you level a card, it will cost one more point in your wep.
If you match the card's symbol with a slot in the weapon, it costs half.
You can later put a special item on the weapon that doubles the amount of points you can have, or a special item that puts symbols on your weapon.

>buying plat


whats your steam ID user?

Are all the Warframes women?
Also, care to elaborate?

>Raptor still bugged

Will they ever fix this?

can't help you besides answering questions since I'm a shitter myself and don't have that much time to play nowadays

There's like 10 Heberekes, which one are you?

Boy that's Saryn an "endgame" frame, endgame as in she's locked behind the LAST boss in the starchart where you need to collect points to face the boss in a gladiator arena, she farts all over the map to create massive AoE toxin procs and kill everything in sigh

>Takes 4 days to get materials
You need to cooridinate your grinding sessions

>get saryn prime
problem solved

That's still behind axi and neo relics iirc but yeah it's easier, he can probably get carried on random pubs assuming he has the corresponding relics

Oh so thats what game that alien is from in that porn fmv

I find it better because if he has to grind at least grind for the prime version

Better link it.

>axi and neo

how do i get plat for more slots

i have like 5 warframes and 10 weapons that i cant claim

farm shit and sell it

It actually is mostly one guy. I didn't make this thread but I've made 1 Warframe thread a day for the past 3 weeks, most of them get 100+ replies

open dem relics

Because it has not enough content. I play it once a year or so to check out the new content but after 40 hours can drop it again as I'm running out of things to do. Most weapons are total garbage and most frames are shit as well - besides the fact that there's no reason to grind them as the upgraded ones I got already work well enough. The game doesn't reward you for doing difficult content like high wave survival and trials and their rewards are boring and as such there's no reason to min-max gear as there's no challenge that requires it. Sorties are trivial and do not require maxing anything.
You can play this game once for up to 100 hours but past that it's never rewarding you for coming back.

You guys gave 0 fucks about this game few months ago. Then every streamer played it, plus twitch prime loot, and everyone is shilling it now. FFS

You must be new here

holy shit calm down lmao

No this was the state of warframes for years mate.

Mate all you say is pretty much bullshit, but i'll bite.

It has thousand of hours of content, almost all weapons are viable given the right mods and the ones that arent are getting slowly reworked one batch at a time (see stuff like pyranna, or sicarus).

There's plenty of reason to rank them all if you want to increase your MR.

The game rewards you with a 25% affinity, resource, and credit booster everytime you complete a waves on fissure missions.

I have no idea what you mean by minmaxing, care to specify? Do you mean adding arcanes to your gear ? Do you mean maxing your mods?

Also what do you mean by rewards are boring? This sounds like your personal subjective opinion mate

Warframe isn't a game that's challenging the whole idea is that you're a demigod agaisnt all these factions, did you miss that out by any chance? If you want a challenge how about doing long survivals and becoming an endurance player.

Sorties are trivial? Then try challenging yourself, how about doing it solo, with different frames, different weapons than what you're used to, or not choosing the most cheeseable combination to do certain sorties.

And finally yes you can play for for WAY more than 100 hours and the game will still have a shitton of rewarding and fun stuff to do, i got over 720 hours before i stopped using steam 2 years ago, and still having a lot of fun friend.