3x3 Thread

post em, rate em

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>6thgen babbie

I appreciate the criticism

3/9 Play some more games, dude.


Not our fault the best video games ever made came out during that period

>Not our fault the best video games ever made came out during that period
>retards actually believe this

+Ace Combat

What the fuck are these?

44.4% comfy and kino

they are games. good ones at that.


4/4 nice taste


5/5 excellent taste

>like 25 different games in thread
>has only played 3
how does this happen

Nice white transparent letters, faggot.

extremely shitty weeb games except for smt 2

why are you acting like there isnt thousands upon thousands of games to play you little fag?

1/1 SMT2
3/2+HotD games

0/2 I'm not that into shmups
0/0 or shooting games in general really

Garou and V On are cool.

2/3 NV is a meme
3/4 pic related is for you
1/1 grandpa

2000's were good man

i need to play more games



4/5, +Soul Reaver, DOOM, Thief. Deus Ex
-Gothic 2

3/4, +MGS3, DMC3, RE4
-Dark Souls

0/0, step you're game up

0/0, Go hang out with the previous guy

5/5, +SR2, DMC, MediEvil, Thief, Quake

1/1, +DarkStalkers

planeescape torment and vtmb needs to be on there

That's the first 3*3 I rate 10/10


5 games from the 7th generation, 2 from the 6th, 1 from the 8th, and 1 from the 3rd.

How the fuck do you think that guy is old?

6/6 (BB, RE, MGS3, P3, SM, 999)
4/4 (WCIII, WW, Oblivion, Prey)
3/3 (DOOM, CT, NV)

7/9 fantastic taste

4/4 nice taste

5/5 best in the thread

Why isn't Morrowind on there?

Because nu/v/ can't play morrowind.

I played Morrowind for the first this July and really enjoyed it for the most part, it's definitely aged but stuff like the world building and not being designed around quest markers puts most modern open world games to shame ironically including those also developed by Bethesda. My biggest issue wasn't with the combat like I thought it would be after seeing how many people disliked it but rather the journal system, what a fucking mess.

there aren't 9 good video games


Nor do they exist in a vacuum.






>Mary Skelter

All ok except for TF2. MOBAs are autism

4/5 -Gothic 2
6/7 -Castlevania
0/1 -Doom


Game beneath REmake?


Alien vs Predator (Capcom)

Thanks, just looked it up and it looks like it's a beat 'em up game. Not sure how I've never heard of it before, I'll definitely have to try it out.

Never played WoW, probably never will.
>Lands of Lore
Are the sequels any good? I never got around to playing them.
It's not a 3x3 thread without MGS3, DaS, RE4 or DMC in every other fucking post.
Heard of SMT and Langrisser... Never played 'em though.
The Wii had some excellent light gun games.
Tron 2.0 is excellent
I honestly like SR2 better than any GTA game. Shame how badly the series has declined.
You're back! The new titles are a nice addition.
That Alien vs Predator game looks really fun.

is this supposed to be favourite games, or games you have been playing recently?

Favorite games.

Lurk more

someone gib me a template please

what the fuck do you have against one of the best console generations?


>it's definitely aged
opinion discarded

>Are the sequels any good?
no, but play them anyway


Auto Modellista is an interesting choice, I'd totally forgotten about it


the handling is ass but god damn if i don't keep coming back for those beautiful graphics.

I've only played on Xbox but I've been thinking about emulating the PS2 version so I can get the graphics looking super pretty.

>what the fuck do you have against one of the best console generations?

>The Wii had some excellent light gun games.

damn straight

5/7 but +1 for a matching game

1/5 Is this an elaborate b8?

3/5 3/5

6/8 +1 for dark souls

0/0 fuck off with obscure screenshots I might have actually known one of these

7/7 +1 for matching

>dark souls fan
>calls my 3x3 bait

this faggot posts in every thread. he gets off on "come on faggot post the names, we cant tell what they are"
hes such a cool fucking hipster that we plebians cant understand his obscure refined tastes.
I know I'm feeding this faggot troll, fuck you man

I simply have a hard time believing those are actually your 9 favourite games and you're not just trying to get a reaction buy hey, here you go.
>you can't possibly like dark souls without b8ing
(You) now you have three so you can fuck off.

how much do you weigh

middle left is ogre battle 64, top middle and top right are yomawari
no idea about the rest

Center right is Mark Skelter.

i'm genuinely not baiting. my favorites change pretty often though. this board just likes to decide if you like things outside of the hivemind then you're retarded/baiting/underage.

i don't even understand what is so egregious about my 3x3 anyway, like what the fuck do you object to there?

>arcade racers
>the whole halo trilogy (gave you 1/3 of a point between the 3 just btw)
Idk maybe just get some taste?

Bottom three are Underwater Ray Romano.

these arent the only games i like.

what is wrong with arcade racers? racing is my favorite genre. i've played the more Sup Forums-approved arcade racers so much that i'm bored of them.

the halo trilogy is fantastic. Sup Forums just hates it because it's the cool thing to do and Sup Forums is full of autistic hipsters

MGS:V, fair enough. not for everyone. I think it's fun.

user what are you doing man

Why does Sup Forums only like basic bitch Japanese games and mainstream western games? Would it hurt you to play more than this?

If you want to diversify things post your own, faggot. I bet you haven't even played most of the games you are criticising.

7/8 best in the thread


None of the games are bad they're just incredibly average to actually pretty good but there's better

I can see what you're saying but at the same time, I can find a lot to love in pretty much any game, even ones that are considered "bad".

Auto Modellista is considered bad because of the handling and how difficult it is but I still love it, because of that art style and the general aesthetics of the game.

So yeah, fair that some of them are "average" but that doesn't mean I'm baiting. tbf, my submissions in these thread are usually a "recently played" grid more than an "all-time favorites" because of how many games I own and play. I quit playing CSGO last year and promised myself I was never going to throw a ridiculous amount of time at a single game ever again and i'm much better for it.

Seems you've got a pretty good understanding of your own tastes and what you like, stop getting so triggered by what some random person thinks of it and just keep doing you.

I've been feeling curios for metroid, is it any good?

Didn't rate anyone else/go fuck yourself



>(i'm forgot to rate)
Sorry mate, i got distracted and forgot.
Solid 9/9
(negative)-9/9 fucking weebo
Solid 9/9
Thanks for the pic! I didn't even knew from which game start, I just downloaded zero mission, i will give it a shot.

3/3, interesting 3x3, going to check those others.
+ for House of the Dead
5/6, you still play Diablo & Warcraft, right?
6/6, ++ for Spyro & BG2
7/7, most solid list here.
Btw, I'd recommend trying those classic servers when they come up.
5/6, interesting that you rate the first Torchlight above the sequel, any specific reason for it?

No problem hope you like it, ZM is an amazing game with tons of replayability and plays just as good now as it did back in 2004.

this is actually great taste, i havent played the mall, but I did love spyro as a kid, also new vegas and civ 5 I have about 900 hours on combined, and saints row 2 was bretty good