Are there people that actually like True Midna more than Imp?
Are there people that actually like True Midna more than Imp?
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lord have mercy and forgive me for i am about to sin
Yo. I'm not much for shortstacks, though. Like the thicc but the imp size is just not cutting it for me.
That would be me.
I just can't do the midget thing. Feels wrong.
i wanna smell imp midna
I fucking love Imp but I also like true form, but they both have one problem
not fat enough
They both equally good but imp midna ain't got no vagoo
of course there are. they're referred to as 'Men of taste'
I'm not attracted to cartoon characters and don't constantly feel the need to fuck everything I see, so I don't really have a preference.
If you can call them people, I guess.
>Midna's personality but on a thick amazon mommy
They're called people with better taste.
This but the other way sound is the true patrician taste.
Only plebeians prefer true midna
This. True is good too because she keeps her personality.
What if there were several huge Midnas?
If you don't love Midna in all her forms, then you've no right to say you love her in any form or fashion.
True Midna is a queen, better than some shitty princess.
Imp Midna ain't got no pussy.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Then you flip her around and use her mouth as a fleshlight instead.
People like imp midna because it's sinful
Her model in-game.
>No tiles
shit archive.
Does imp Midna have genitalia?
same, especially if she acts smug about it
Or because you spend the most time with her.
>you'll never have either
Her small hands and feet are cute.
Midna is a horrible person!
I like both
She wouldn't need to threaten me to get me to do stuff for her
Doesn't her species wear shadows to not be naked?
there's not enough Wolf Link x Midna porn imo
Bet you'd do this in an instant you sicko
That's called "heaven", and its apparently where you go to when you die if you praise god hard enough.
Didn’t know about this until today and I’m into it.
Then again, I’m sill mad at her for leaving Link behind, broke his heart and left him standing there with the lame Zelda.
what a fag.
Post the rest, faget.
go on
keep going
of course
Nigga there's lots more and I gotta sleep. Look it up on mangahere or something, it's breddy gud and unfinished
If you had to choose one, would you rather be able to fug Midna for 1 day, or have her be with you for a month with no fugging? Can be either imp or true Midna.
True form a best
Month. There's a lot you can do with a person before your dick enters their puss.
True midna for one month. I'll quit my job and take her on dates every single day and teach her about earth and show her Sup Forums and she'll teach me about her world.
You spend the whole game with imp form, and true form only shows up literally at the very end of the game, even besides waifu shit, I'm pretty sure anyone that likes Midna as a character would have grown attached to the one you were with for almost all of the game.
shortstack hung trap midna is best
being her seat cushion for a month would be amazing
Midna is like a shortstack tomboy with all the features needed to make her likable.
and a personality to boot.
true form midna loses the tomboy characteristics and personality
do you ever feel like you masturbate too much?
What do you mean I shouldn't image search myself, user?
Yes. I edged for two hours after waking up today. Didn't even plan on it, just saw something that got me hard and that was it. My record is five hours.
Midna's personality worked better with the imp body.
I enjoy both but Imp Midna had the best mouth
Imp for a month.
This is true. From that perspective I don't mind people who prefer Imp. That said, I haven't played TP (or any Zelda other than Minish Cap if I'm being honest). I'm willing to admit I just like True Form's design more, both as an actual design and in terms of being attractive.
I like both. But you spend more time with Imp so naturally people with like one over the other.
She still has her personality though. You're thinking of Tetra pham.
midna has a dominant playful tomboy personality as well as being a shortstack
tetra is just tomboy
Cease and desist.
I like it when Imp Midna has a huge futa cock and shows Link what a sissy bitch he is by cucking him with Zelda and all the other girls
Proceed and persist
I would inhale Midna's braps like oxygen
Every time you fuckers find a new brap reaction image and it never fails to make me laugh.
good taste
I want to fuck her cock urethra.
That's not REAL fat!
Keep going
Those are the only two in the set my man, I don't even know the artist.
I have a callus on my penis
I like her because she's barefoot
Do you think Midna got horny while she was in Imp form?
oh lordy
Post the next page.
>Midna will never give your a handy
Didn't even know there was another page.
You midnafags are a blessing to the boards, never stop. That said, I like true, but hybrid is also great.
>hybrid is also great
I like the hybrids too
sauce since user is such a faggot.
>the sadness in his eyes in the last pic
I feel for this good boy
"True" Midna looks like a Poo-in-the-loo.
Imp Midna is best.