Which was the best puyopuyo game? And why it was Sun?

Which was the best puyopuyo game? And why it was Sun?

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imo Sun really shows how cheesy and dumb the series usually is: stuff like Dracos whole excuse of a "campaign", Incubus, Schezo´s dialogue, hell, even Satan himself, bad guy at first glance when in reality its just a really childish warlock who makes stupid plans with stupid purposes

>Draco will never wear a swimsuit for you
Why even bother popping Puyos?

Then yon happened and tries to be full serious all of sudden.

Schezo is best boy


Draco was hot as hell in that game.

Schezo has one of his worst outfits in Sun but Sun gave us this scene so I guess it's pretty good.

Friendly reminder that Schezo prefers his women THICC.

Which is hilarious considering Madou Monogatari was dark as hell, making me wonder if Sega consider it canon at this point?